>tfw no Brigitte gf in high school
Wasted years...
>tfw no Brigitte gf in high school
Wasted years...
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>yfw you find out she's older than Ginger irl
Go outside.
b-but there's people out there
Yeah she was what, like 22-23 years old when the first film came out? Pretty neat.
Just rewatched the second one.
these movies are comfy as fuck to watch during autumn and winter
best one in the series IMO
Yeah I really love the creepy atmosphere of the second one. I have a hard time picking a favorite between the first two though.
I still think this series has franchise potential. The sequels really did flesh out a big universe for the lore.
Brigitte was one of my first (3D) waifus. bless her
young margot verger was unsurprisingly still a qt 3.14
Maybe they could do a follow up with Ghost.
she is hot stuff
Fuck off, OP. You're really starting to piss me off with these threads you keep making, as if you were the first person to recognize the potential for Ginger Snaps to be a Sup Forums thing. You're not special for working out that Brigitte is the superior waifu, either. I came to that conclusion long before you did, I've watched Ginger Snaps more times than you have, and I even beat you to the whole "the first sequel is surprisingly good, but forget the prequel" meme, as well. Ginger Snaps is my thing – not yours. Where are you in your journey right now? Did you notice that The Breakfast Club is knitted from the same fabric, already? The Wikipedia articles on gothic rock and post-punk – hit them up yet? Have you started justifying SPECIFIC nu-metal songs, such as Korn's "Hollow Life", as the purest forms of artistic expression based on the philosophical stance that the human condition is defined by angst? inb4 you convince yourself that you should have been born female. Been there, done that. Cunt.
it's "Ginger Snaps" not autist snaps.
Well, maybe I like my edge.
>sad that bridget never did more films
>but glad she didn't get jewed like her co-star in some degenerate content like orphan black
Hahaha, you're a funny guy user. I wanna party with you.
>The Wikipedia articles on gothic rock and post-punk – hit them up yet?
Been there while you were still listening to Smash Mouth desu.
cute nose
you're one sick puppy, you know that?
Shut up, fag. Listening to The Cure discredits your entire music taste. I would link you to some better stuff, but you would probably just end up making threads on Sup Forums every night, acting like you owned them.
Ginger is objectively more attractive but Bridget is cuddlier.