

Where have all the bane threads been lately? First one I've seen all week.

you've been watching but you haven't been looking, user

w-what the-


>Y'think this boy CIA... Has any notion of the sorts that are huntin' 'im?
>I don't know, he ought to. He's seen the same flightplans I've seen and it's certainly made an impression on me.


Dead meme general?

dubs = BIGGUYS
singlets = smolmen


But if you want a dead meme

>You know, Ray, my wife bitched at me today how the milk's been spoiled for over 2 weeks.
>You know what I told her? My milk's been fuckin spoiled for over 40 years

rayposting was ahead of its time

>Some people, Raymond, they never touch a drop of water, still get hung out to dry. Caspere knew this, and they strung him up on a fucking clothesline... Tell you one thing, Ray, I may be soaking wet, but I ain't got no intention of ending up at the fucking dry-cleaner.

You fight like a younger man, with nothing held back. Admirable but mistaken.




you're a pretty big guy

Well congratulations!

for (you)

Calm down, Doctor! Now's not the time for fear. That comes later.



show me its body

what about trips?





>The Chechen's Rottweilers were a pack of vicious attack-dogs, owned by The Chechen.

>A Rottweiler attacked Batman, resulting in a hideous scar and more protective gear.

>Towards the end, the Joker had The Chechen taken away, threatening to have him cut up into pieces and fed to his dogs to see how "loyal" they are.

>In their final battle at the Prewitt Building, the Joker used the dogs to attack Batman, injuring him further and allowing Joker to gain the upper hand. However, Batman managed to knock them off a ledge and killing the Rottweilers instantly.

What the fuck was Batman's problem?

They're not my sheep

four ewe

very underrated image



I wanna play

Big guys in the house tonight

very big guy. Many such cases.

All the shots of CIA in motion literally look like paintings

Bravo Nolan


I think my guy is the biggest.

What about these quads

If you fight a giant lizard, will you die?

dead meme

Will someone notice the dubs ?

Single Bane threads aren't prohibited in the KinoArena sir I'm going to have to ask you to leave





The are not my dubs.

Rolling for big guy

I meant the OP

The mods delete it after a few replies

Well congratulations, you got yourself dubs. What's the next step in your master plan?