Suicide Texter Charged with Manslaughter
Who will play her in the inevitable biopic and why is it Cara Delevinge?
Suicide Texter Charged with Manslaughter
Who will play her in the inevitable biopic and why is it Cara Delevinge?
Convicting her is ridiculous. You can't be held accountable for other people's mental weakness.
>When Do it Faggot goes wrong
literally kill yourself and do not reply to me or my posts again.
I think you mean "do not reply to me or my wife's son's posts again".
>tell op kys
>get convicted of manslaughter
say goodbye to you freedom anonymous 83978226, the cops are on the way once i kill myself
when did cara become such a bully?
welcome to trumps america
>text myself to kill myself
>cops arrest me for involuntary manslaughter
>trial of the century
rude posters btfo
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Give me a quick rundown.
He sounds like a beta piece of shit in the texts. Probably would have killed himself anyway.
wish i could do the same to all you rudies who do it on this website
just because youre anonymous doesnt make it okay. you have no idea who is on the receiving end
>arresting a corpse
thanks trump
She told her beta boyfriend to kys and the absolute madman actually did it.
That's the funny thing, he got scared halfway during the whole car in the garage carbon monoxide poisoning and called her and she was like "get the fuck back in there pussy!"
>No aryan forehead qt to bully me
why live
>text myself to kill myself
>get a text back: "No, don't!"
>girl you think you love pushes you to end your life because she is an attention hungry cunt
and i suppose when you buy a product if it doesnt work, you hold yourself responsible and not the manufacturer. after all it was your mental weakness that purchased the malfunctioned product.
>why is it Cara Delevinge?
The eyebrows
kek, she sounds like /ourgirl/ to me
>why is it Cara Delevinge?
What will they call it? Suicide Squad?
This is retarded. She didn't "push him" into anything, he's not an inanimate object. He made a choice, he didn't have to listen to her.
Honestly, she did society a favor by convincing a beta to remove himself from the gene pool.
mind=blown i hate white people now
should've hired Tyler the Creator as her defense attorney
You gotta sand those edges, kid.
Her texts were literally persuasive in discussing his potential suicide. Would he have done it without her texting, potentially, but we know that she didn't just explain that suicide was the way for him to be happy, she told him to get back in the car when he was having doubts.
And? So what? She didn't FORCE him into anything. Is being persuasive a fucking crime now? If I convince some dumbass to show his dick in the women's bathroom does that mean I have to go to jail for indecent exposure? No, because everyone is responsible for their own actions.
Her bf wasn't retarded or drugged up. He was just a pussy.
Not about force retard its about incitement like incitement of violence which is a felony under the law
>She didn't FORCE him into anything.
She aided & abetted. Presented with the knowledge he was trying to kill himself, she encouraged him to do so rather than sending help.
>If I convince some dumbass to show his dick in the women's bathroom does that mean I have to go to jail for indecent exposure?
For indecent exposure? No. For related charges, perhaps. Ironically, you hit the nail on the head when you mentioned being "responsible for their own actions" - encouraging criminal action can itself be criminal. Incitement to riot is a crime even if you yourself do not partake in the rioting. Conspiracy is a crime even if the crime is not carried out.
she just wanted dr. kevorkian to notice her
lol nah it isn't ridiculous. the heartless whore knew her boyfriend was weak minded and suicidal, and she assisted in him doing it. she knew what she was doing. she said to delete texts, to go through with it, that she's proud of him etc.
let the whore rot.
she just wanted to get sympathy from her facebook friends.
that's all
and she's cute
y do dis
This is the same as convincing a retard he can fly and telling him to jump off a building.
He was vulnerable, and she did what it took to get him killed. It`s manslaughter
On top of that she spent like several months telling him to kill himself and encouraging him to do it, even though he kept having hesitations.
I agree though I haven't seen research proving retards can't fly.
>mfw she did for the facebook likes
The absolute madwoman
glad im not the only one who sees Cara Deleveveigiengne or whatever when I see her...
wtf is with her eyebrows?
aside from that, I've found this hilarious as of about 3 days ago.
it's even funnier now that it's involuntary manslaughter.
good for her, hope she's enjoying all the attention. also good on her for helping to rid the world of one more weak faggot.
>inb4 she goes suicidal
make that manslaughter. shit, just last night i could've sworn it was involuntary lel
That's white women for you.
The guy who killed John Lennon told his wife about his plan and she was tried for not stopping him. Any involvement in a death, no matter how passive can be brought to court.
enjoy prison
Why did she do it?
And all those
Do normies really type like this?
What did his existence do to cause you to be so angry?
If I kill myself because this world is a total nightmare can I bring the entire world to trial?
>I'm angry
Not even, user. Weak people are boring unless they're being fucked with. If they want to die on top of it all, why stop them? The suicidal should be allowed their own DNR forms.
Oh shi---
Oldfags unite!
Who dis?
Showing your age there grandpa
Agreed her name is gay as fuck
Based Krager
Dafuq is this?
>come back from Vietnam
>believe you are a bird
>jump of roof
>It Ain't Me starts playing
how could you do anything when you're dead?
Pottery as fuck.
what happened in your life that you turned out this bitter and petty, user?
She just might, faggot. She just might. Hopefully Yahoo's front page informs me of that too, if it happens.
>typical irish
This is a pretty deep philosophical debate.
Why shouldn't someone have the choice to kill themselves? And all she did was defend his choice, she never bullied him.
The government sends 18 year olds to their deaths every day in Iraq but they disguise it as defending our freedom or some stupid bullshit
>bitter and petty
I am a hedonist. I enjoy it all.
i think you were motivated to post ITT out of bitterness and resentment for whatever reason, not for any personal enjoyment
The more I see this girl the uglier she gets.
Why is that?
If you've read the texts, she kinda did bully him. I'm not sure she needs 20 years in prison but there's something wrong with that bitch.
She's not irish, she's a jew. Red hair is a JEWISH mutation.
Idk, it want a
>it's faggot
message. She was just getting annoyed that he made a decision but wasn't following through
read the chat logs, wtf? this dude was a mega beta bitch boy that kept this girl trapped in some weird "plz don't kys" relationship. And she got tired of it.
>Why shouldn't someone have the choice to kill themselves?
I think the current common legal argument is that suicidal people suffer from mental illness and thus arent capable of making these sorts of positions
>she never bullied him.
read her texts and stop being a pathetic contrarian edgelord.
>it wasn't*
>kys faggot*
Yes I'm a dirty phoneposter I'll kms
>that hairline
yes, following through with suicide. which is a crime, which makes incite of it also a crime.
badabing badaboom.
>i think
It isn't truly your forte, is it? I have been enjoying this news for hours, user. Amusing stuff, and more amusing still to read most of your reactions.
But I don't think suicide SHOULD be a crime
Ethically I don't think she did anything wrong.
A better analogy may be: You buy a product, notice it is faulty, and instead of returning it for a refund or whatever you keep using said product. After the time the product gets worse and eventually blows up and kills you.
Who is responsible?
The ACLU said that she was protected by free speech?
>You buy a product, notice it is faulty, and instead of returning it for a refund or whatever you keep using said product. After the time the product gets worse and eventually blows up and kills you.
This has to have happened at least once and been taken to court. Would be cool to read about.
>suicidal people suffer from mental illness
all ppl living in a civilized society suffer from mental illness one way or the other
>reasonable at first
>suddenly she completely turns and relentlessly pushes him to do it
do not push suicide on people that shit is not fair, and a teenager is too immature to handle it.
My friend got second degree burns from a coffee maker she bought from a second-hand shop. She didn't sue, though.
This honestly
>an American teenager is too immature to handle it
didn't realize she mind controlled him and took away his free will when she said that.
>Sup Forums - bootlicking & cuckboys
>she spends an insane amount of time trying to convince him to kill himself (the bizarre chat logs are out for everyone to see)
>guy finally tries to an hero, pussies out halfway
>she convinces him to go back into the car and finish the job
are the people ITT trying to defend her whiteknights, trolling or genuinely retarded?
this is not some sort of random 'lol kill ureself' comment situation, she actively and systematically tried to get him to kill himself and made sure he actually did
>someone considering suicide seriously
>in a strong state of mind
pick one
>blows up and kills you
>blows up and kills you
>blows up and kills you
I get the point you're trying to make, I really do, but the fault here still blatantly lies with the manufacturer. I don't think "If he didn't want our product to kill him he should have returned it" would stand up in any court of law
What if I convinced someone with homicidal tendencies to kill someone? Would I be blameless?
This isn't Sup Forums newfag.
sticks and stones may break my bones but WORDS will never hurt me.
that saying exists because its true.
i dunno user, someone called me a faggot and said my opinion didnt matter earlier
hurt pretty bad
am still recovering
stay strong. you will bounce back from this