How does anyone watch Late Night shows?
Fallon, Kimmel, Corden, and Conan are literal cancer. The fake laughter, shitty skits that are never original because all they do is steal from eachother on a regular bases. Fuck em all.
How does anyone watch Late Night shows?
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and stephen colbert, that left winged cock sucking one trick pony shitbird.
every night, his only shtick is to talk shit on Trump. It's like beating your dead nan with a fucking stick. It stopped being funny after the first time you goddamn son of a bitch.
At least Fallon and Kimmel are inoffensively bad. Hosts like Seth Meyers are the true cancer.
I like Colbert. He's gotten a boost with what's going on in politics right now and Trump.
Which is what happened with Bush too.
I like it when comedians lampoon stupid decisions and point out hypocrisy. The media can't do it right. Comedy can.
do you need a safe space?
These fucking commies get millions of dollars to stare at a brainwashed crowd and explain how "amazing" they fucking are. HAHAHA so god damn funny. Go fuck yourself you gaybird loving cock weasel, fuck you colbert.
Meyer's show is bad overall. He's only good at the A Closer Look segment which was his strong point carried over from SNL. He's just not good at interviewing people.
Colbert and Conan remain at the height of the interview and feeling out guests.
Go fuck yourself you liberal shitbird. I'm so fucking angry, i'm about to make a Sims 3 character of myself and fucking burn him in a room because i'm too much of a pussy to off myself.
Fucking liberal shit.
Me too. I especially enjoy it when they only point out the hypocrisy of the opposing side.
It's not comedy though. Shit is so weak and unoriginal. inb4 but trump makes it easy, that's the point it's too easy.
There is no opposing side anymore. The Republican won. Didn't you get the memo?
We have a super majority of both houses and a Republican president. Things should be moving along quite well.
fuck dude, you good?
>it's only comedy when I find it funny
>the rest of the audience is irrelevant
Just because you don't consider it funny doesn't disqualify it as comedy, drumpflet
>cue alt right crybaby thread
you guys are pathetic
They aren't equally terrible though
The worst are Meyers and Colbert
Kimmel and Conan arent shoving politics down your throat
2 scoobs :DDD
Hmm, I guess that's why Kimmel and Conan are bottom ranking. I mean don't get me wrong. I've got nothing against either. I love Conan when he does his special things like the Cuba one. That's when he's strong.
If you're not making fun of the 8 Ton elephant in the room to remain un-political then you're not doing comedy right.
Trump insults are a bloody puddle of what use to be a dead horse. Watching shitlibs project their inability to take hostile criticism whenever someone says that their favorite late night propagandist is an unfunny hack is delicious irony.
you seem to be pretty upset, trumpfriend.
You're comparing jokes about Trump to a dead horse. That's more of the Bush game though. They really did beat that horse to death compared to Trump.
We're far less than a year into this shitshow and he's now under real, hard investigation of Obstruction of Justice. Then he tweets about it.
Come on. Trump himself is writiing these jokes himself and throwing them at comedians. As a paid comedian would you throw away money? Throw away millions and millions of viewers? On some principle that TOO MANY people are making fun of a literal joke of a president?
The rest of the audience doesn't find it funny either, they spend more time clapping than they do laughing. Sadly, Colbert has become Rachael Maddow with a studio audience.
Get used to it stupid Sup Forumsnigger, your daddy's going to be BTFO by based Colbert on a regular basis for the next 8 years
>obstruction of justice
>still forving this phony narrative after comeys testimony killed it
Oh you're one of those types. The lefty equivalent of "obamas birth certificate will reveal he is kenyan any day now". Lol whatever keeps you excited i suppose.
>triggered drumpftards reeeeing everytime some new youtube clip of late night comes out
Laughing and clapping in Americlap land are the same thing. I thought everyone understood this now. There are whole memes dedicated to it.
lurkmoar. He's at 35 percent approval now. GOP is getting down there too. People use this as catharsis since the media can't really do it.
You mad, bro?
I have better taste than you though, so yeah it kind of does disqualify it.
wtf I love colbert now?
>They literally waited till Fallon did his interview with DRUMPF to spread this meme. Seeing how he didn't blast DRUMPF on his show the butthurt liberals blasted fallon
Jesus Christ Libtards are vicious.
Not really
Makes for good mocking memes, but the jokes are corny, and overdone. Anyone who isn't a resistard has had their fill of it tbqhl
He is literally now under investigation for obstruction of justice.
He's literally under investigation though now. Literally. I'm using that term right when in 90% of circumstances it isn't.
Unless we see a "Saturday Night Massacre" as Nixon did we're, going down a road of impeachment or resignation.
Then we'll have "Pence: If they want the dick, send them to the electric fence"
Keep living in denial, bro. You do whatever you need to do to keep it together, boo.
People have been accusing Fallon of fake laughing since the very beginning.
>1 scoop.
>Not really
yeah really.
He literally isn't
Comey said so himself last week as he described how Trump verbally undressed and molested his 16 year old school girl ass.
I'm fucking sick of hearing about DRUMPF everytime I turn on the tv. I live in the UK for fucks sake and they obsess over fucking drumpf 24/7 even on the radio
>a teenage whines
Putin is gonna eat you whole fag
Waste of time. You could have video of Donald Trump handing Putin secret military documents while giving him a handjob and they still would say he was innocent.
>this is what the left considers funny
Looks more like the stuff you people post on your online circle jerk sites to trigger yourselves.
Fallon is bro tier and only ugly hipster fags dislike him.
Dems do this every time.
>no evidence
>seriousness of the charge
>continue investigation
>still no evidence
>control narrative
>create new whipingpost nickname (neo-con last time, alt-right this time)
>beat the drum of talking points
>small print retractions of lies
>damage done
>useful army of misinformed voters riled
They've done it so many times that voters are waking up and abandoning them. Trump may be oafish at times but he is 1000% more real than the politicians and the media.
It's no joke. Only Maddow and co tell you it is. It is actually YOU that is the joke.
>rinse repeat
maybe he should stop embarrassing america and people will stop talking about him.
>few days later Sadiq Khan almost got lynched by a mob
>s-stop making fun of my god emperor! w-wait till r/thedonald hears about this!!
Im doing fine lad
Im not out screaming IMPEACHMENT at the top of my lungs. See you in 8 years
What "they?"
There is no they. Everyone is distancing themselves. The GOP themselves just passed a bill about Russia and not alleviating sanctions.
That's such a huge wedge to shove into their relationship with Trump as any could be done. Landmark. That was their statement of: "you're involved, we know it, and we want nothing more to do with you."
Pence has also hired legal counsel. This is self destruct mode.
>it's another Trump supporter safe space thread since the last one was 404'd
Kek can't wait for this one to get deleted
>hahahah I sure showed these dumb 4channers wait till /r/worldnews hear about me BTFO 4chanz
>he hasnt read The Washington Posts' timeline of impeachable offenses
it must be nice and safe in your denial womb
>muh Russia
Yes and Obama is a Kenyan. The dems of taken the mantel of deranged conspiratards quite well.
They will be fine, they are just testing the potus to see how much shit does he take before snaping.
Miley lookin' fine once mo'.
To bad that retard laugh at her accent, that's racist.
Don't talk shit about my nigga Conan. He's the only one who doesn't get as political.
I'm not a Democrat and Russia's social media games are well documented. You're just stupid is all.
>he hasnt read Foundations of Geopolitics
maroon. u gun get fucked in the a.
100% true.
he's literally done nothing of value.
No wonder gen z is becoming ultra conservative, the left has gone from cool edgy rebels to cringey, perpetually bitter hasbeens in less than a decade.
why are there so many lefty shills on Sup Forums? Makes me value that they haven't infested /fit/ after losing the election
>was post
I don't read tabloid trash
sure thing russian
how is cabbaga and vodka taste today?
still mad bro?
do you need a safe space to calm down?
>so womb
you gun cry when he resigns
Back to Twatter.
Do you have a link, dear sir?
I'd say they're more libertarian than conservative. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
>Trump colluded with the Russians
>Russians hacked the election
The last thing Liberals will do is work out or get swole
So /fit/ is pretty resistant to Libtard invasions.
They're Sup Forumsedditors and shitskins from twitter 1494110001839.
>social media games
>this putinbot account said something pro trump, this is proof that the Kremlin hacked the election and turned all trump voters in to sleeper agents with unknown advanced hacking tech that hacks things
If there was nothing to the Russian thing, you would have to be really fucking retarded as an administration to make everything you do look so suspicious.
>Flynn caught lying about it, has to tesign
>Sessions caught lying about not meeting anyone from Russia,TWICE
>Keep flip flopping between never having met or talked to Putin to having met him and talked to him and emphasize how great he is
>Jared wanted to make a secret back channel to Russia and used Russian compounds for it, forgets to mention any dealings with Russia when applying for security clearance
>His kids confirm they have a lot of business in Russia
Either they are lying out of their ass, or they have severe issues with their memory. In either case, they should not be allowed to make policy decisions.
Then Republicans do it too. Enter: Newt Gingrich and the Clinton years.
Literal impeachment trials over getting his dick sucked.
At least now the investigation has merit. Trump would be eaten alive on television by McCarthy. What a sad state of affairs we are in.
>whines about republicans wanting safe spaces
>while wanting a safe space from Sup Forums
>he pretends to be above it all and untrollable
>yet here he is, getting triggered over Trump
Ironic. He could save others from the butthurt, but not himself.
Sup Forums here. We don't want them here either. But there are a few places they come from.
>referring to a study with 1000 participants that wasn't even in America
and the study results weren't even "ultra conservative" it was that they were MORE conservative (which was 14%)
Maybe you should read the study before you post.
Tinfoil a little tight today?
Your reddit is showing, pal.
You sound nervous
back to plebbit
This is what you dumb fucking 4channers sound like to us normal people on the outside.
Why can't we just have a board dedicated to television and film? Why do polfags have to cross-board post?
>Audience laughs, cheers and claps
>The audience can't contain themselves and burst out laughing even harder, some whistle and others shout in agreement
>He takes out an M16 from under his desk and starts shooting white people in the audience
>The crowd goes wild and stands up as they shower him with applause and praise, some even crying tears of bliss. Some negroids taking out their own vibrant firearms and machetes to help him out.
>He leads the crowd out of the building to lych any white people they encounter on their way to the white house
>As they dissappear out of view from the cameras the "kill whitey" chanting can be heard from the distance
what happened to johnny oliver?
he was supposed to be the big upset babby about trump
Who cares about the study? You can see it online. I remember Sup Forums laughing at me a year ago when I said there was a cultural shift happening and that Trump would win the election. Who's laughing now, bitches?
He was so last year
>this is what polfags and Trump supporters genuinely think Colbert believes
Is this what they call "paranoid delusions?"
terrible meme
Are libtards even capable?
>cultural shift
Is that why the majority of young people voted for Clinton? And a huge portion didn't even vote at all. The "cultural shift" you're talking about are boomers who will be dead in a few years.
But yeah, sure. Sup Forums is active so I guess the US will be lead by a national socialist government within 30 years.
Post big tits.
>posting debunked shit and grasping at straws
At this point knowing where a Russia is on a map is enough to make you a russian agent.
Face it, you're a leftwing birther. You will be screaming muh Russia for 8 years, nothing will come of it. And then you will feign moral outrage when the dems lose another election. Welcome to reality.