Estimates for Wonder Woman's total domestic gross are now up to 370M+

>estimates for Wonder Woman's total domestic gross are now up to 370M+
How is this happening?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Why are people going to see a good movie with positive critical buzz.

Gee Iunno. also China probably?


Domestic means US only

I know nothing about Wonder Woman.
Is this movie just more feminist tripe or is it mainly a fun superhero flick?

The latter.

From the sound of it it's just a well rounded superhero origin story with a historical backdrop that's not seen often (World War 1), nohing overtly feminist about it other than the main character is a woman and the male characters aren't shown to be incompetent to boost her up, they complement her with their effectiveness.

All the other movies this summer are trash only watched overseas

you ready for the feminist comic universe?

Cars 3 looks like its garbage too, holy shit might be best all time 3rd week drop its like the literal perfect time to release this flick.

Sup Forums only hates this movie because of the feminists rallying behind it

The former

The media has managed to convince the audience that this is somehow socially important because she's a female lead action movie, even though that has already been loads of times before.

The overhyped reviews and scores are also tricking people into going to see it.


>muh conspiracy

>another JIDF shill thread

pretty amazing considering how the lacking the movie was in terms of marketing


Nobody said anything about a conspiracy.


Normalfags don't read reviews on the Internet. The old couples who were sitting behind me when I went to the movies sure didn't.


>Is this movie just more feminist tripe

Feminist tripe doesn't make money.

Patty Jenkins did the character right in an ok story with adequate action sequences sprinkled throughout the movie

It's not rocket science. DC characters bring audiences with their names alone (which explains all of them opening with huge numbers), but this time they didn't lose half the audience with retarded decisions.

If they keep this up from now on, they will beat the MCU.

>Feminist tripe doesn't make money.
It makes when you have full JIDF to shill it on internet

>forming an opinion one some beta cucks diary post

really makes you tickle your noggin

>If they keep this up from now on, they will beat the MCU.
Sure they will, they will become MCU 2.0 with Whedon and the rest of SJW

>anything that proves me wrong is a conspiracy

>>forming an opinion
Nope, but it perfectly shows audience of movie

Also, Get Out showing that SJW makes money


It's the most important film of the century

Oh shit, comparing to BvS Gadot aging quick

>tfw I don't know JIDF means
You're insane.

Jesus, if you really have to samefag so hard at least learn to type properly in English and try to look like different people.

>You're insane.

She was looking much worse in BvS my man, it's like they didn't have a makeup artist on set

>try to look like different people.

It's a good movie bront

>She was looking much worse in BvS my man
Nah she looked much younger, WW on Isalnd is just abomination especially with such hair-style, guess that's the price for "tumblr: the movie"


>it's the illiterate ruski from the other threads

you should watch BvS again

You're talking to a literal retard.

Because she's literally perfect

The pendulum bounced back and for electing Trump now you have to enjoy every SJW agenda out there.

With Hillary the race war would be already on it's way.

you're retarded too satan shill

That isn't a lot, why are the shills saying that's a lot? Over and over again. Please stop shilling this shitty flick people have already forgotten about.

It's a lot

Marvel is dead. Bury it. Consider this mercy.

>be a better movie that GotG
>make more money on less budget and barrly any marketing
Nothing wrong with that

>370+ domestic
>"it's not a lot"

WB has dropped close to a billion in marketing the DCEU, separate from marketing the movies.

>If they keep this up from now on
Meanwhile Justice League has changed it's director and composer mid-production and started work shooting 65 pages worth of new material.

This movie doesn't have an agenda, people are just piggybacking off it to forward their own. The movie itself is just an honest cape affair origin story thing. It was fine, just kinda weak at the end.

It was gifted a Perfect storm scenario.
Good movie.
Almost every summer movie surrounding it bombed. Lack of competition.
DC fans starving for a good movie are watching it multiple times.
SJW in the media are hyping it like crazy, pushing more casuals to go see it that normally would avoid celebrity.
It piggybacked of the "pro woman" marketing started by beauty and the beast.

This too

>65 pages
>one billion in marketing
If you're making shit up just be generic about it, saying actual numbers makes you look even more stupid

This review articulates why I liked it better than if I wrote an effortpost so here, if you want to understand why people are genuinely liking this movie, watch:

Wonder Woman had a $103m opening weekend, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 had a $146m opening weekend. GotG2 has already made more money than Wonder Woman is projected to make.

That scene where the India talks about the white man killing off his people. That scene where the Arab or whatever he was blamed racism for his failed acting career. That scene where WW says men are only needed for procreation but unnecessary for pleasure.

I'll only watch that if you're not memeing

I never said anything about marketing.

OP asked a question, this is one answer. Watch it or don't.

People want to taste them

Yeah that was for the shill above you

So less SJW pandering than Logan

>the India talks about the white man killing off his people
It's true that natives were killed though. It was a one off sentence that led nowhere anyway.
>That scene where the Arab or whatever he was blamed racism for his failed acting career.
Again, one sentence. He says that he didn't want to be a soldier but an actor, but with his skin color he couldn't. Wasn't a social commentary.
>That scene where WW says men are only needed for procreation but unnecessary for pleasure.
She said that she read 12 books written by the Amazons, it's not her opinion. She says "Clio came to the conclusion that men are needed for procreation but not necessarily for pleasure". Since she's impressed by Steve and later has sex with him, she clearly thinks otherwise.

>white woman
>traditional values
>doesn't fuck any black guys
>the love of her life is a white male
>faithful to him even 100 years after he died
>no "muh evil nazis," the villain of the movie is a britbong
>the white male does more to save the day than the heroine of the movie
>pretty decent meta commentary on the pointlessness of WWI
>female lead who is cute and sexy (i.e. triggering to Tumblrinas)
>several scenes with "hetero-normative" sexual tension
Why do liberals love this movie, again?

Did they?

Because it was good.

Now you know why Logan is the best reviewed xmen film and ww the best reviewed DCEU film. Get ready for black panthers 99%

>up to
>it was 400m last week


Now it's tracking 370M+ domestic, not worldwide. 400M was worldwide.

Pretending like critics didn't get wet during all those scenes.

>white woman


Films pretty good

>once sentence
Not an argument.

People like the DCEU

That's all there is to it.

seriously dude, stop posting this

GotG2 is close to ending and is at little over 370 million. So if Wonder Woman makes 370 million with a much smaller budget and opening weekend, it is a bigger success


t. Gal's soon to be ex husband


that doesn't make her white tho

The Indian was giving her an example of how people can still be at peace and work together after being at war. Diana's entire arc is learning that people will make war and make peace with each other on their own, regardless of Ares being around or not.

>That scene where WW says men are only needed for procreation but unnecessary for pleasure.
And then later in the movie she gets the dick.
The matter of whether or not Amazons engage in lesbian shenanigans is something DC tiptoed around for decades, I was certainly expecting at least one reference to it. Diana was always straight though, and still is in this movie.

the character is white

People will make war? You must not have watched it. It was MEN will make war. The whole twist at the end was ares proving that the world of MEN was warlike even without his influence. Instead of redeeming the world of men by her adventure she confirmed her mom's views towards it.

how do you know nothing about wonder woman prior to going into the movie

hasn't wonder woman in like every iteration always been blue eyed and they get some olive skinned dark eyed kike to play her?

>who is Dr. Poison

They obviously fucked.

Men as in mankind.

I saw the movie today after seeing all the glowing reviews thinking that it could be decent. (You gotta lower your expectations with superhero movies) It was bearable at the start but Wonder Woman is contrived, predictable and generic. Some parts are downright laughable. I dont know why it is receiving such wide praise as I do not buy into the "SJW are to blame for everything narrative". At the end of the movie I really started to wonder whether the critics and I have seen the same picture.

He is dating a baby


Help, I'm in love with this girl. How do I get rid of the hubby?

Seriously, who uses diaeresis anymore?

They've got their work cut out making Aquaman a big hit. Flash maybe, and they need to get GL up and running despite the ill feeling from the first go. Then what? Suicide Squad 2, Batgirl...Teen Titans?

Maybe because it's actually good?