>his palness was a distinct feature and part of his character
>Netflix makes him a black with no indication he's going to have the characteristics that made L that defined the character.

I know blackwashing is super progressive and in these days but they legit didn't read/watch the source material or just didn't care because they wanted the diversity points.

Other urls found in this thread:


I keep thinking it's to do a whole chess match black versus white metaphor, and let's not forget that Light is played by a edgy looking jew who looks more like a shut-in rather than the handsome straight A student.

Also from some of the shots they at least kept L's autism, like the one of him perched on a chair like a slav.

And hey the movie's set in America it's already drastically differently by doing that.

>how he looked was important to his character
>it wasn't just the art style and you should definitely replicate how an anime looks when adapting it into a feature film

this is what plebs actually believe

Doesn't one of the shots released show him speaking to a large crowd with a scarf over his face? It's so blatantly out of character for L that I believe the black guy isn't L at all, he's probably Lind L. Taylor or someone with the same role; he'll be killed early on and the twist will be that he was just a pawn used by the real L to draw Kira out.

True. I'm just nit picking. Can't wait to hear Willam Defoe

user, did you honestly believe any of that?

Character design's important you pleb. You look at L and see a pale, skinny weirdo with bags under his eyes. You can immediately tell what kind of person he is.

He might, remember this is someone who watches anime.

I can hope.

>that can only be achieved by making him look like an emo

stick to your chinese cartoons

This can't be real

M8 you might be more autistic than L.

>he doesn't know


trips wasted on a fucking Sup Forumsutist

>he thinks trips are impressive

>he replies with an anime gif

>Light, does it ever strike you strange that despite how they make only 13% of the population, half of the people you kill are black? Maybe for efficiency's sake, you should just kill all of them.

Woah, I did not expect that from Netflix.

Yes I did. Excellent observation there son.

I think you guys are missing the point, this isn't a 1 for 1 adaptation of the source material.

This is an american version of it, for better or worse its going to be it's own thing, the sooner you get over that its not muh manga the better.

Not the guy you were replying to before, but what do you think about my dubs? can you check them?

>god tier Willem Dafoe as Ryuk
>nignog as L

just why


Don't even deserve a (You) for being this retarded desu


>You look at L and see a pale, skinny weirdo with bags under his eyes. You can immediately tell what kind of person he is.

And what about this L? We got a black guy in a hoodie making speeches in broad daylight assumedly calling out Kira for his actions, I doubt the viewing public is immediately thinking of him positively, it can't be any different from when the investigation squad met L for the first time, it was only after he started showing results that they gave him a chance.

I'm playing devil's advocate but of course the movie could still suck, at least Dafoe's something to look forward to.

And Margaret Qualley, a shame idols aren't a thing in America like Japan.


>implying this isnt a dummy L and the real one isnt played by ezra miller

His paleness was not important to his character at all. His whiteness even less so.

That being said, Americans should stop ruining things from Japan or from everywhere else.

But this is not why they are ruining it.

>thinks a thinly veiled raimi post is subtle

>make Light black
>he writes down the names of the cops that killed unarmed black people

If something like that happens, I will personally take the mantle of the designated shooter that day

we wuz genious and shiet

>pale skinny weirdo with bags under his eyes

Yea because thats just screams worlds greatest detective and not the average r9k autist

When you try to depict a haggard, strung-out black person, we just think they're a crack addict.

I don't even watch this show but isn't the stereotype of a disheveled, schizoid loner invariably East Asian or White? A black 'L' just doesn't make sense to me. Black people even make fun of those types of loners all the time. I literally cannot visualize a black person being that kind of loner, unless they were homeless, or 60 years old and living on the bayou.

>Light is played by a edgy looking jew who looks more like a shut-in rather than the handsome straight A student

Is this meant to be a bad thing? Perfect superhuman Light was unbearably autistic and I don't think Western audiences would have appreciated it.

Even ignoring that the entire show is about a magic killing book, L was also an orphan, which is perfectly believable for someone that's black, they could just throw in some BS about he was adopted along with others to be part of some gov't experiment to make smart kids out of children no one gave a fuck about.

Does all your knowledge of black people come from rap music and the news? They're just as weird and insecure as everyone else, except they also belong to one of the most stereotyped and hated races in the world. /r9k/ is full of them.

>1980 - 1990

nigga, this data is older than everyone here

>Is this meant to be a bad thing?

Nah just an observation, but at the same time Light was off of most people's radar as Kira because of his wholesomeness, his dad was a Police chief even. Making him somewhat sullen kinda dulls that, then again at the same time it could also throw people off because they'd never think he'd have the backbone for killing, unless they knew how it was being done.

Much like Jojo, I think this is the kind of story that would benefit from using the major concept (the book/stands) but a completely original universe and characters.



Please die.

still no reason to make him black

I get what you're saying, but I think it's weird for someone so perfect to be so maladjusted - it just doesn't fit. He talks about willfully going to hell so he can clean up the world, even. Someone with that kind of death wish doesn't tend to be a handsome, straight A tennis champion, with the highest test scores in the country, going to the best university around. I wouldn't mind that he's unique in some ways, but it feels like the typical anime trope of over-perfecting characters to the point where they're actually dull.

>but a completely original universe and characters.

Yeah, I agree. In fact, this is probably the key to successful anime adaptations in general.

not hhim but they didnt even try to make the guy look like L, L wears white long sleeves not black
they couldve given him some afro to give the impression of Ls big hair

You are right, niggers are dumber by now.

I don't give a shit if L is black, faggot. I think changing it up is a good thing. I would have preferred more Asian characters in there given the source material, but who cares?

L supposed to be reclusive autist
when i picture a reclusive autist i don't picture a jiggaboo

You guys still haven't figured it out? It's a bait and switch. The black guy is the fake that L uses to locate Kira. The real L is Masi Oka from Heroes, who still hasn't been assigned a role.


Even niggers in Africa are getting smarter as they develop, but that would never come up in your cherry picked statistics would it?

negroids have the second lowest iq of all races on average so how am I supposed to take this black L character seriously? Do you know how smart the L is? Ashkenazi jews, asians and whites are the smartest so there's no point in this casting choice.

Well remember he was a teen and bored, then someone drops what is essentially a nuke in your lap, that first murder and the power it exemplified kicked things off, if you ever read Mindhunter the serial killers in there did have fucked up pasts but the power they got from the killings really pushed them further and further and made them more bold, to even taunt the police. There were guys that used to go to cop bars and just strike up conversations about how cases were going just to see how close the cops were on their tails, they were that bold.

Niggers are not developing, they are being developed, and whatever "progress" they make still leaves them at the bottom of the barrel.

If he was played by a white person, nobody would bat an eyelid. Shit, light is played by a white

>he doesn't know about mad thadd

Do you ever think that by diminishing every single accomplishment black people have, you're kind of helping them cultivate their disdain for whites?


I don't think niggers as a whole are influenced by Sup Forums posts but if my posts would help end the multiculturalism meme I wouldn't have a problem with it.

>Masi Oka

Obviously he's that fatass Near

I hope so L is the only character who needs to be cast right.

Who the shit is Mia

the fuck does that have to do with this thread

fuck right off

I'm talking more about this weird racial bullying. Like yeah, I get you're mad about multiculturalism and BLM and all that shit, but shooting niggers down every time they even try to develop? What's the end game here?

If you want civilized blacks then maybe letting them see a character like L, as a black guy, is a relatively positive role model.


Somebody stop this.

Kangz and the like.

What kind of world do you live in that you think SJW memes like """media representation""" will have any effect on the threat 1 billion niggers (quickly rising) poses to civilized humanity?

If he's still a shut in will that be accepted?

fucking faggot.

So far they've shown him giving a public speech on what looks like the steps of a courthouse as well as meeting Light in some kind of diner, but it's not like L never went outside either, let's not forget when the series turned into Prince of Tennis

How about the fact that today even middle class blacks still try to act like thugs, because for the longest time that was the largest media representation they had?

>the threat 1 billion niggers (quickly rising) poses to civilized humanity?
Actual Africans are conservative as fuck and hard working. We should nurture that, you know by not telling them how shit their accomplishments are every single time a black person gets mentioned.

black people have much lower IQs than all other races so a black L isn't a believable casting choice

Nope, Lind L Tailor just shows up on tv for like 20 seconds before being murdered. The black guy is in loads of scenes. They just wanted the diversity points.

>conservative as fuck
That doesn't count for much when your traditions are voodoo and cannibalism.
>hard working
Come on now

On average, you retard. On average.

>voodoo and cannibalism
Please. You know one of the most common questions asked by Africans who come to the West? "How come white people don't spend time with their families?" They still have the family unit.

Family unit is nice but monkeys have that too. It's not exactly primarily responsible for human advancement.

You're going to slander the great Keith Stanfield?

I'll fight every autist in here.

>Faggots never say this when a character gets whitewashed
I wonder

L was a social outcast. He didn't really have very good personal skills and dressed as someone that never went outside. The actor playing him looks like a normal person.

Funny enough Light looks like the social outcast and looks more like L than the actor playing L does. Light is supposed to be this very personable and outgoing person because he is able to act so well. The black guy should be playing Light instead.

the amount of black people with genius-level IQ is practically zero. It's bad ideological casting.

>Op gives no explanation as to why any of the characters have to remain their ethnicity despite saying it's central to their characters
>many characters are race swapped bc the setting is america and none of the main characters seem to be japanese as it's not set in japan and japanese are less than a 1/9th of the us population
>without considering any of this, still thinks it's smart or even relevant to say:
>still no reason to make him black

rather than being butthurt online, go read mein kampf and cry about it irl

>it's bad ideological casting

that's exactly the intelligence i'd expect from a retard posting that graph like it's determinative.

>he didn't read the manga


>not knowing what a black social outcast looks like

it's like you're neck deep in the same social stereotypes of the last five decades.

OP here. Literally it's because L paleness was to show how shut in and detached he was. If they keep L to his core character I guess I could let it slide. I'm just one of those "austic" fans of the orginal. I have preconditions.


Btw how do they set it in the us when shinigami is a japanese concept? Does Ryuk go to Light and explain jap mythology to him? At that point you might as well go full weeb.

let's be honest though, a black social outcast autist is a statistical rarity

>black people can't be shut ins bc whites don't know the characteristics of black shut ins as characters

it's still negligible considering the character as a whole. replace the white skin shut in characteristic with something else more universally common among all shut ins and it would work equally as well if not better.

I think you didn't really understand the character. The guy was a sociopath. His being so superior to others isolated him. Yeah he could get girls and friends but from his pov they were all a bunch of retards. It works because a lot of teens can relate to this.

>let's be honest though, a black social outcast autist is a statistical rarity

you'd actually have to know some black people to make that determination which you probably do not.

Steve Urkel is a black social outcast. L should have been like that in the movie.

Should be interesting to see.

Comic L is british so it would be just as wrong

>steve urkel

just because he's the only sort you're familiar with bc of tv show, it doesn't mean that all black social outcasts are steve urkel substitutions.

>Kira has now killed thousands of black people and only a few white people. This racist tirade must stop. This must be the work of the alt-right or the KKK."
>"Sir, he's only killed criminals."
I wish that would happen but they'll make it 50/50 because this is a fantasy.

Is confirmed if he's going to be a black hacker dindu instead of an autist 3/4 white detective?


>Name Lakeith Stanfield
>Acting name is Keith Stanfield to not sound like a retard nigger name that your father gave to you

top kek

Well, if they're gonna stick with the original story the nigger will die. This can't be good.