Is this worth watching?
Is this worth watching?
God yes. Lots of fun especially the last 20 minutes.
That pseudo long take was cool too. Wish more action directors did this.
Is Gerard Butler in it? Then yes
it is literally art imitates life
i hear a lot of people saying its poo
will it fill me with british patriotism
Redpill me on London, wtf is happening there? it looks an absolute shitshow
moozlims and shitty council houses under a dysfunctional welfare state
>Critics bash the film saying it's far/alt-right republican Islamophobic
>Director is Iranian
>implying London hasn't already fallen
You do realize Iranian are more racist against sunni muslims than westerners? It's still a racist movie.
Too many people that need to go back to fuckheadistan
Doesn't matter, as soon at they realise it's Muslims who are being racist towards Muslims the left stops caring.
Just watch the actual news instead
>marine 2 prepare to sacrifice
Didn't London prove his point though? As soon as London becomes a diverse city with no interracial or intertheological tensions, he will have been proven wrong.
He will never be proven wrong in this matter.
No but it's fun
They wouldn't do that for BRUMF
"Diversity" to him means no whites or blacks, only mud people worshiping a black cube and all wearing the same clothes and possessing the same train of thought
if by british patriotism you mean reasonable islamic hate, then yes.
Olympus has Fallen was much better, but London s watchable
>Go back to Fuckistan or wherever it is you're from
What did he mean by this