What is the best sequel of all time?
No superhero movies, no Godfather
What is the best sequel of all time?
No superhero movies, no Godfather
Empire Strikes Back
terminator 2
>no superhero movies
Shrek 2
>implying terminator is capeshit
Toy Story 2
lost world
Kung fu panda 2
Empire strikes back? If that counts?
>not posting the third one
This thread has peaked
TIL electric boogaloo is not just a made up name for shitty sequels
Problem Child 2
obviously this
>autism : the post
Sara Connor wasn't a superhero, you dip, so literally this
Underrated af
I'm serious
T2 is really bad compared to the first one
Do you really enjoy a 12 year old voice cracking for 2 hours and an R rated movie that feels like it was made for children.
>T2 is really bad compared to the first one
oh it's the "everyone loves T2 so i have to prefer T1"
worst thing is you probably don't even realize you're doing this just to be a contrarian
Terminator 2 and Aliens would be on par except for the fact that Terminator to Terminator 2 was action to action, Alien to Aliens had to go from taught sci-fi horror to balls deep sci-fi action and I don't think such a major thematic transition has ever been handled as well.
Not to mention the foresight necessary on Cameron's part to actually know to make that change in the first place, a lesser director would have tried to make another horror movie and would have completely fucked it up because there's just no way you could ever have done better than Alien.
Dawn Of The Dead
Fuck too slow. Best example I can think of.
Kung fu Panda 2/3
Terminator 2
The fellowship was miles better than the other two imo
Terminator 2
Rush hour 2
Evil dead/AoD
Mad max 2
Austin Powers 2
Friday the 13 movies
Wayne's world 2
2 is better desu
Best sequel of all time that changed cinema forever?
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