Make me a fucking mod or janitor so I can ban the shills

Make me a fucking mod or janitor so I can ban the shills.

No I don't believe in freedom of speech, I believe in totalitarian dictatorship where Marxists and liberals get hunted down and hanged on lampposts.

Next time they open up applications for new janitors, maybe you will apply instead of jerking off to 2D porn.

This sudden onslaught of shills calls for immediate and severe retaliation measures. I say Sup Forums should declare a state of emergency and appoint ~100 of the most dedicated shitposters and nazifrogs in order to put these shills to sleep.

Do it hiro you fucking nip


Stop trying to be like Australia in terms of shitposting. It's not working for you, leaf

Do what you love and never work a day in your life. Kill everyone, seize their assets and profit

>No I don't believe in freedom of speech, I believe in totalitarian dictatorship where Marxists and liberals get hunted down and hanged on lampposts.

Finally, Real Sup Forums!

We should use this concept (free speech) to expose the hipocrisy of liberals, though.

Your country had a nice NatSoc party btw, pic related.

Yeah, no more mr nu-Sup Forums

Try cripple/pol/. They ban everyone there.

bump desu

Yeah but cripple/pol/ literally has ass cancer. Even some discussions about totalitarian dictatorships where Marxists are hung from lampposts aren't allowed

Not migrating and giving up this prosperous land. Also i'm currently banned from cripple/pol/ for mentioning the shills on 4/pol/.

>I believe in totalitarian dictatorship where Marxists and liberals get hunted down and hanged on lampposts
i want to fap with you (no homo)

If you can't handle the bants just go to Stormfront and agree with all the other old people.


The shills ARE the mods

Sup Forums has changed. It is advancing toward civilization, you should too.

They will die down like they did born, calm down my leafy friend.

No one is being paid to shill for Hillary. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.

>he didn't realize that shills come out during election period

Why would anyone want someone as stupid as you to moderate this board?

mcfucking killyourself

$0.50 has been added to your account

Can janitors actually do anything besides report to the mods? I was under the impression that the mods were the ones who have the banning and deleting power

Nvm, I'm an idiot. Sup Forums FAQ says janitors have deleting power.

Janitors can delete and/or request a moderator to ban the user. Janitors cannot ban by themselves.

Helicopter rides > lampposts

Ya I'm not trusting any fucking LEAF with that kind of power.

I can't stand how replies on 4+Sup Forums don't show up the same, even with 4+4chanX

Yeah helicopter rides for high profile hangings. But lampposts are cheap and economical, they are everywhere and can be used by anyone. When a Marxist is found, there's going to be a lamppost nearby for immediate action. And while one decorated lamppost may not be anything special, there's something magical about an entire street, neighborhood, or city of decorated lampposts....

>muh safe space has been compromised by shills
Fuck off