*Blocks our path*

>*Blocks our path*
How do we defeat him Sup Forums?

Bitting his tongue or some dumb shit.
King is a pedophile hack.

Because some faggot will comment on it.


It's tongue his anus

What was the point of the pedo orgy at the end of the book?

Seriously? The battle of tongues or wills or jokes or whatever it's called was fantastic. Far cooler than what a movie will be allowed to portray.


I felt massively depressed in the trailer where Beverly is melting all over Bill. I've never felt that way watching a trailer before. That's either masterful acting or masterful directing. I can't wait to jack off in the theater with my dad next to me.

Supposed to bond them or some dumb shit, king is a moron.

gang bang the nearest 12 year old?
>genius, Stephen. Pure Genius

t. hasn't read the book

I did, the whole sewers thing was incoherent shit.

Saying "I did!" doesn't prove shit.

Saying "you didn't" doesn't either you retarded shit.

Post something that convinces us you've read the book


i cant take the actor seriously knowing hes the lesser of the skarsgards

>King is a pedophile hack.

You kidding? What is better than being Pennywise? Being half naked on a Marvel flick? Really?

Bobby does it for dime, he'll do it anytime, fifteen cents for overtime

More like bull skarsgard