Vietnam fucking shits

vietnam fucking shits

What the fuck, why is the nipple so low.

what kind of roles will he even be cast for looking like this
he was always the fat guy

Looks closer to Mel than Marky Mark.

thisll show that french whore reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee



He tried to un-JUST before, it didn't last. Subway will always beckon him

I could probably kick his ass if I got a good hit in.

What did Marky Mark mean by this?

The fat fuck hopped on gear lmao fuck

Fresh Lady Subway is a cruel mistress

Loose skin, that shit can only be fixed by surgery and he will still have huge scars. Don't get fat fellas.

well hello there beautiful

Yeah, you feel pretty stupid now, don't you? fucking bitch, go die in a fire, jonah got his shit together and you're still ugly and rude, cunt

i could probably kick YOUR ass if i got a good hit in
what's up bitch?
you still wanna talk shit on the internet?
that's what i thought BITCH


those fucking nipples jesus christ


Why does he still have the face of a fat person? Literally zero face gainz.

>pussy hair poking from out of his armpit

We needs surgery to get rid of that

>still disgusting
That's quite a feat.





How do I get arms like that?

>Those puny legs


you're probably sitting there at your desk looking at your screen not doing shit. buy a dumbbell and work your bi, tri, and lat muscle groups. get to /fit/

>get to /fit/

Worst advice ever


wtf is going on with his armpit??


It is also from losing the weight too fast and not giving the skin time to re-tighten. Granted, if you were my 600lb life status, then the skin will never re-tighten. But I would think Jonah Hill's skin could return to normal, given time.

But the key is to lose weight slow, like over the course of a year or two, not lose 80 lbs in 3 months like these celebrities do.

how do you become fit guys? I only run every now and then and I am skinny fat


I don't get it

nobody does, he just samefagged like crazy


It's literally just math.

Consume less calories than you burn. That's it. It's that simple. Eat less calories, exercise more.

Chuck rhymes with FUCK

>outta mah way frogs fucking shits

why are you doing this, retard?

Jonah is fairly young. I bet his skin could go back to normal

same guy here Has a habit of replying to the same post 20 times. Last time I noticed him he didn't even bother to wait past the 60 second post limit.

dude is JACKED. what an inspiration! he is fucking huge, ripped, tight, just an all round BEAST.

I'm fucking dead

It's a reference to the loose skin looking like Maggie Gyllenhaal. It's a line from TDK.

he's pushing fifty

>nipples sagging below his pecks

so glad I never got that fat, you can really JUST your torso by doing that


do you have any list with fit diets?

op did you post the wrong picture? that's not walhberg.

>every now and then
you have to do it everyday if you really want to see results, also

Fuck man, I need to un-just myself, he's probably gone and lost most of my bodyweight..





keep at it mate, you're getting there

>Vietnam fucking shits
when i first saw this phrase i thought it was from Tropic Thunder
it sounds just like something Jack Black would say in that movie
then i was informed that it was a real life quote from Mark Walberg before he savagely beat some poor fuck

does it matter? doesn't he have enough money now that he can prioritize his general well-being over losing a typecast role?

6'3" fit as fuck autist reporting in

enjoy your inferior physiques bros

The more I look at the placement of my own nipples and these pictures the more I think this is actually the case.

that sucks

calm down jonah, just have a bite of your delicious subway sandwhich

No I just eat smaller portions and less calorie rich foods, and then run or walk twice the run distance 6 days a week.

I am reliably getting skinner and my muscles are starting to show through my chub