*blocks your path*
*blocks your path*
*gets litty*
I don't get why he's such a box office draw. He's no better than John Cena.
inb4 faggy john cena memes from faggots who never watched wrestling
Hey, you're that guy who played the wrestler alien on that episode of Star Trek!
>*rocks your path*
*pisses in my seat*
critics never understood. sleeper hit of the summer. we came we saw we got litty.
What happened to the standards of men being muscular? Twenty years ago this was considered ripped. Now Dwayne looks like a caricature he's so muscular.
Who was in the wrong here?
>y-you're a big guy
Rock has charisma while Cena is dull and sounds like a retard when he speaks.
Legitimately -- unhealthy beauty standards for men. And easier access to steroids to further this drive. Just look at the evolution of James Bond.
Every American thinks he's a member of their race.
>love handles
inb4 >muh bulkan
How is he more charismatic than that faggot Cena? Shittily playing the guitar and raising an eyebrow is more charismatic than shittily rapping and waving in front of your face? Really?
Roids are easy to obtain these days.
Why is this the first I'm hearing about this?
Probably better pre-movie workouts and intense shit while they're actually shooting the movie.
From what I've seen almost every muscle guy in movies these days works out before shooting every scene so they're always at max blood flow.
IF you only have to maintain for the time you're on screen you can do some pretty crazy shit with your body.
Even in the old days you can see Arnold flexing non-stop during his scenes.
Voyager used to air after Wrestling on UPN, so it was cross promotional.
*blocks Dwayne's path*
Step over him.
Wait was dwayne CGI'd or something to make it look like they're facing each other? I always thought they were standing side to side
It's a really good eyebrow.
Moana and Pain and gain are the Rocks only legitimately good movies
>Pain and gain
I agree. I even in theaters watched that film Rock shared with Stiffler that everyone loved before the 2010s. Pain & Gain is his only kino.
look at Wolverine in his first xmen movie than wolverine in "Wolverine goes to japan"
It's forced perspective to make manlet vin look taller.
Vin's contract dictates that he shall never appear shorter than rock on screen
>amazing filmography
>the rock
>*Crickets chirping*
I fucking hate modern hollywood.