Why is a spin-off so much better than the main series?
Why is a spin-off so much better than the main series?
You know it
It also has great characters that are enjoyable to watch
>dat knife pop
Has there ever been a more perfect woman?
Can we also talk about W&H? They were awesome villains, even for a franchise that has shown you everything.
ofc not
Post more Amys
Definitely better a better villain than Jasmine.
Though I did like Holtz, he was almost sympathetic
w&h was an incredible antagonist. it was the perfect villain for a series like angel.
joss whedon said that where buffy was about high school hijinks, angel was about growing up and moving into a city, and encountering new things. you rebel against the machine and then become the machine, which happened when angel finally joined the firm.
w&h is perfect for that type of story. a shadowy organization that is never quite seen. that's what made it great, you never see the senior partners in their true forms. they are always mysterious.
also the chick who played the italian rep for w&h was fucking perfection.
I just loved the lovecraftian feel that the senior partners gave towards the end... here they are these entities living on a hellish dimension that cannot be just punched like all the rest, older than anything known and shrouded in mystery... never seen anything like it again on present day kino
Older than almost anything known, you mean
Point is all being beyond human understanding... stuff that could drive people insane.
ywn have blue waifu
Josh Whedon levelled up
i'd say illyria is more of a lovecraftian thing. she even implies that w&h used to be small time demons and they leveled up over time.
But user, I DO have a blue waifu. Her name is Illyria and she's very cute
>yfw you realize Knox was /ourguy/
This is a series about adult characters thrust in impossible situations that have to make choices at the sacrifice of their morality. It's message is profound. Also the finale is the greatest series finale I have ever seen in my entire life.
Illyria's true form is lovecraftian as shit
in the comics she goes full demon
Illyria's true form is considerably less cute than a blue Amy.
Have you ever watched Person of Interest? That has probably the best series finale I've ever seen, blows Angels out of the water.
I mention it because just like Angel, Amy Acker becomes a series regular at the end of the second season, and plays a great character.
not him, but thats good to hear because I'm just done POI season 4 and a bit anxious about starting 5 because I don't want it to end ;_;
is this series actually good or is it some garbage for chicks
The 5th season has some problems, mostly having to do with it being shortened to 13 episodes so it feels kinda rushed at times, but it's still a good season, and the ending is fantastic. I already loved the show, but knowing it had a satisfying ending solidified it as my favorite tv show.
Angel has it's ups and downs but it's still pretty good, most of the time. Buffy is far more of a chick show than Angel was.
Buffy is garbage for chicks, Angel is pretty good
it's definitely not buffy, you should check it out.
does illyria keep a humanoid shape after she is split from fred?
Aw hell, I have no idea. I didn't read the comics
A lot happens in the comics, some deaths, some resurrections, some true form appearances, eventually, Illyria and Fred end up cohabiting the same body.
Because Greenwalt
>y-you don't think my true form is qt user? t-thats who I am too you know?
but wes stays dead right?
Buffy and Angel are cringe tier shit.
Your cringe-teir shit
Comes a a ghost during After the Fall, but after that, he's been dead for quite a while
Coal burning whore
>implying you wouldn't wish to be that coal
Still Wes wins in the end
Illyria is only cute because she's played by Amy. With any other actress that character would have been a mess
how can any woman possibly resist punished wesley?
>ywn see Amy as her again.
Why exist?
Any chance Amy works in some future kino these days?
Wes is truly punished, in this life and the next.
Well she stars in an X-Men show that comes out later this year.
So, no.
Angel is my second favorite show.
Well... at least is something...
Dark Angel > Angel
Don't get me wrong, I'll watch it and probably enjoy the hell out of it, just because of Amy, but I'm not expecting it to actually be any good.
But whether it's good or not, I hope it's successful. Amy deserves it.
You tell me.
Of course she does
>someone knows what her pussy tastes like
>it isn't me
( ._.)
Nah man, Buffy is better. Although Angel definitely had its moments. Do you seriously think that episodes like Becoming, Band Candy, Earshot, Hush, The Body, OMWF are worse than AYNOHYEB, Birthday, Shells, or A Hole in the World?
Don't get me wrong, I love Angel season 5, but Buffy's ceiling is way way higher.
Go away buffy fag, go hide in your dead threads, unsupported by angelfags.
It's too bad WB axed the show for no real reason, there was a really a ton of stuff they had yet to do with that new storyline. Having to condense it all into one 43 minute episode was so disappointing.
I'm confused by this. Dark Angel was a show starring Jessica Alba, but it could also refer to Angelus, who was arguably a much better character in the show in some aspects desu
The theme song
>or me
>it being shortened to 13 episodes
what timeline you in senpai?
really makes you ponder
Too bad no matter how cute she's surely going to be on her new show, it's not going to compare to her role as Root. Root was the best girl on tv since Fred
Referring to Person of Interest, not Angel.
Must be sweet nectar of the gods, ecstasy like no other, pure bliss and ambrosia.
Prime Buffy vs prime Fred who wins?
Easy mode: current SMG vs current Amy
Stop it. Muh feels
Considering she married a guy with a diaper fetish, I'd say Fred.
Prime Fred beats prime Buffy.
Current Amy blows current SMG out of the water, it's not even fair to compare the two.
Whenever people bring up Andy in interviews, Amy gets choked up and looks very sad. It breaks my heart
Was gonna post that.
Pls no bully
I remember Buffy fondly and she was qt too
Still Amy has god tier genetics and remains perfect in 2017. Can't win against that
Illyria was actually an interesting character, but being portrayed by a cute girl in a tight bodysuit on a show where people speak entirely in quips sort of undermined the serious shit she was going through. I guess that was the point. She is a completely deadpan character who has the angst and despair of an ancient evil demigod that's lost its purpose, but she's trapped in an adorable nonthreatening body and forced to be around people who quip all the time and don't take her seriously.
>smg and hannigan age the worst
I'm sorry I wasn't trying to be mean, prime Buffy probably wins on sexiness, but prime Fred is much cuter, and much prettier.
Current SMG really has aged like milk though, and she's a year younger than Amy. That part of the contest wasn't fair at all.
It is strange user
It was the first time we've seen a character like her on a show or movie. They did nerf her a lot with that ray thing, but she still was unlike anything seen before or after. Plus she had the thing on deep questioning and existentialism that made her all the more interesting. For all the hate Whedon gets nowadays, she's one of the best characters ever invented... and she was only there for about 6 episodes
He deserves the hate.
>prime eliza and amy will never be your gfs at the same time
What went wrong with him?
I didn't mean the character only worked because Amy is adorable. I meant the character only worked because Amy nailed it. She went from playing the cute, sweet, lovable Fred to the regal, stoic, powerful Illyria without missing a beat.
Illyria is what sold me on Amy Acker as an actress. Fred was a great character, but Amy was basically just playing herself, there was a ton of her in that character, but Illyria was completely different, and very believable.
Whedon(or one of his writers) created a unique character, but he did it at the tail end of the last season and didn't give her much screentime. I'm convinced she was just a fluke or the creation of someone else on his staff, since he didn't put her to good use or create a character of similar quality in future projects.
why live?
fuck yeah Illyria
"Shells" is one of the best eps ever.
Dat series finale--what other shows have such a great finale?
I know bro. I know.
Instead of just making entertainment he decided he needed to do something important or bring about change or something. He was given an un-earned legend and you can see it whenever he is at a panel and women talk about him and feminism and empowering nonsense. He bought into his own pr. It is completely deluded to jam your sexual fantasies into a story and then be rewarded for it and then take it a step further.
If he just focused on making shit, he would be in much better shape than he is now. Feminists attack him now so he turned to an easy scapegoat, politics.
His image of himself, what he is trying to repair is like quroboros. It's the snake that eats itself. He loved the un-earned validation for things outside of art and he started chasing them with what he said outside of the entertainment world and he isn't the only person that does this, he isn't alone. Just look at what happened to banks chick that called out Spielberg.
He was relatively undented for a long time because he focused on his universe/passion projects and kept everything else to himself. All of his problems started when he opened his mouth about other stuff.
I mean only reason feminists attacked him for AOU is because of shit he said before hand, and more I think about it, doubling down on it and doing batgirl movie is going to go badly somewhere.
For every good idea he has, he puts his foot in his own mouth somewhere else.
So I guess we'll wait and see where whedon's next blunder will be.
It doesn't matter how many times feminists attack him for perceived slights, he still has a massive fanbase of women who are convinced that everything he touches is solid gold. It's honestly a little unsettling to see, how on some parts of the internet he's revered like he's gods gift to storytelling. It is almost completely unearned.
Saw a webm where Amy gets shot at the end of that.
I don't know if I can take that pain again and stay for the end of the show desu
Buffyfags still defend joss ardently, I see it every now and then but I think his involvement in things is a little over prescribed, especially considering the people that tended to make the things we love about the show and fact Angel even existed after season 2 of buffy was because of other people, and I'll stand by it.
Greenwalt, Minear, McKnight, Mathers, so many people that worked on other great shows, Bell. Too numerous to name them all. Angel had an allstar lineup behind the scenes.
Well, if you don't mind the spoiler, much like Angel, the character dies but Amy remains on the show
I always remember and love that scene where wes joins angel and cordy and at the end of the episode they sit down to eat some eggs like a late breakfast/dinner thing.
just gives me those kind of summer vibes. friends after all that shit from sunnydale, together again now in another city. etc. dunno just works for me.
>ywn be a muppet
>ywn hug amy
funny you mention eggs, makes me think of that Cowboy Bebop episode
>Why can't I stay...?
>Instead of just making entertainment he decided he needed to do something important or bring about change or something. He was given an un-earned legend and you can see it whenever he is at a panel and women talk about him and feminism and empowering nonsense. He bought into his own pr
Sounds exactly what happened to Gene Roddenberry and season 1 of TNG.
Is this the most heartwrenching scene in the history of television?