Is this accurate?

Is this accurate?

>no kino

its shit

not liking the prequels is a good way to out urself as a redditor btw

Just pick whichever word at random and call people a faggot if what they say contradicts that.

every one of those movies is trash

She wore a choker in Leon.

Really makes you think.

You don't have to like them, but calling the Prequels "flicks" instantly invalidates all of your opinions.


flicks aren't really bad though, they can be excellent too. it's just a film that you aren't supposed to analyze or take 100% seriously constantly, and is very fun to watch

examples of good flicks are movies like Starship Troopers and Event Horizon.

It's all the same shit

Foot scene in knight of cups is kino

God bless Nat and her perky nips

>no bras in space
I suppose there's one thing we can thank Lucas for.

Give Georgie boy some credit for always enforcing the no underwear in space rule

it's accurate

He used to be so based


fuck that movie was so fucking perfect

That movie was such artistic perfection that you almost forget that she's a jew from israel

>implying that's not perfect

Get some taste, OP. Leon is trash and the prequels are great.

>Leon is trash
why do you hate potted plants user

dammmmm i sick of seing these jews

You forgot one...


The Natalie scenes in Beautiful Girls are pure kino but as a whole film is accurate for it.

I hate pedophiles

so am i