Any other 2000s kids in here? Why can't we have quality shows like this anymore?

Any other 2000s kids in here? Why can't we have quality shows like this anymore?

I haven't seen it in at least 10 years, but I'm sure I remember it better than it deserves

The show was complete garbage. I don't know why I used to watch it.

>2000s kids

Get off the internet son, you have a 200 word essay due monday

But its summer

We all know you kids have terrible work ethic and need to go to summer school, now go do your algebra homework and jerk off to nat geo before mom comes and tucks you in

Underage detected

>ywn have a HS friendship like Phil and Keely
>ywn experience all of that future tech
>2121 is still 104 years from now

Why live?

I miss him bros

>Summer School

Is that even a real thing?

its funny i would spend most of my time at school then i'd go home and watch characters at school

neds survival guide

Butch Hartmann seems to be teasing a revival


Ned's Declassified was kino

>projecting this hard
>using a reddit maymay

You have to go back

You caught me

You have shit taste

>Aly will never grab your face, and give you a passionate kiss.
Why live?

you guys are a bunch of faggots only superseded by the ones younger than you

>that episode where they fucked around with an age remote and the main girl turned into a milf


>dat episode where Phil scans Keely's body, and creates a mindless duplicate of her who obeys his every command, and he instructs her to go to the street fair instead of having the time of his life.

What a fucking wast.

>that episode where phil travels back in time to kill hitler, but gets convinced that nazism is the true path and helps hitler exterminate every single jew in the world
yeah, sure it all ends with a "it was a dream" resolution, but I was really hoping they would stick with that timeline

if Disney cant leverage a music career out of you when you get older
they will not work with you, so the pool of shows and content gets much smaller

I dont understand the "generation kid" thing.
What would make you considered a 2000s kid?
You were born in the 00s, or if you were born in the 90s but lived you childhood years on the 00s?

Nobody remembers stuff when they were 2 years old

Redditor detected, here's your reply

>You were born in the 00s, or if you were born in the 90s but lived you childhood years on the 00s?

The latter.

>LARPing as an oldfag

>you never went to a middle school or high school as cool as Ned or Phil's school

was there an episode where they were in the woods for some reason and a fucking boar attacked them, or did i just fever dream that shit up

Because even back then Aly looked like this user

>he and his family from 100 years into the future
>doesn't warn anyone about the housing crisis, mark zuckerberg, or the meteoric rise of the chinese

And not to mention i'm 90% sure his sister was openly a nazi sympathizer

>that episode where she complains about being recruited to the school band, but realizes it will allow her to get to know the jewish kids, thus allowing her to infiltrate their inner circle


>And not to mention i'm 90% sure his sister was openly a nazi sympathizer
Obviously, in the 22nd century liberalism has been destroyed and the world has opened it's eyes to the man that tried to save humanity.

>90s/00 hybrid

92 best year

Patrician waifu

Whatever happened to her.


You have to remember they're from a BASED future from after Trump's 16 year Presidency

I was born in 90, I remember the Hanna Barbera, Looney Tunes, Arthur, and Barney at that age.

This is bullshit
You're not a fucking kid until you're 6 or 7 years old?

I was born in 94 and sure a part of my childhood was in the 00's but half of it was in the 90's and I have plenty of memories of the late 90's

plenty of memories from 1999 != a 90s kid

I'm not trying to claim that sweet title of "90's kid" you're so proud of, I'm just saying that to call me a 00's kid would be just as unfair as me calling myself 90's

I'm just saying that I should qualify as some sort of hybrid since I spent the first 6 and a half years of my life in the previous decade

Personally I think
1980-1993= 90s kids
1980-1983= 80s/90s hybrid
1984-1989= full 90s kid
1990-1993= 90s/00s hybrid
And so on

as someone who was actually born in 1991 i can safetly say most 2000's kid shows post 2005 where trash

This is true, as a 1994 kid towards the end of my childhood there was nothing interesting

Adventure Time and now Rick And morty are the only decent shows around atm and even they are reddit as fuck

This one is good

They're both shit

i know

Then don't recommend that schlock

i enjoyed it

Fillmore was pure unadulterated kino

t.the 90s technically ended in 2002

as someone who was actually alive back then the 90's technically havent ended at all

>being this much of a butthurt underage faggot

Hes just desperate for work since fop is due for cancellation

then you should enjoy me


>phill of the future

you fags nostalgiaing over garbage shows like this remind me why Sup Forumss opinion on television and films is null.

>Whatever happened to her.
She was on CW's Hellcats as one of the leads. She kissed a nigger and there was so much outage that the show got cancelled.

This show always frustrated the shit out of me because they could never get the time machine fixed no matter how hard they tried

Phil of the future, especially the theme song, makes me feel nostalgic for 2004-2006 - the last good years, IMMEDIATELY before everything went to shit.

2007 fucked shit up
Mainstream social media
The Big bang theory
Economic crash
Twitter and Facebook began replacing Myspace in poularity

Underrated as fuck.

only good thing about that shit show

>tfw that miserable fuck could have future sex'd this slut


>Jake is a hapas boy with an incredibly hot Ayran blonde blue-eyed girlfriend