Tfw its actually good

>tfw its actually good

i would be hard pressed to answer how can you make a better power rangers movie

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More than 2 minutes of Rangers fighting would be a start.

Zeo movie next

Cut a chunk of teen drama, add more monster fighting
I actually liked the movie but the last fight felt too short, could've been more hype

As a fan I have some ideas. Simply put, more action.
>hurr durr muh character driven movie
Its not engaging enough and its based on an action series. What they should of done is used their powerful characters to add weight to more action scenes, given fans superficial things like zords and monsters they recognize instead of their quite baseless and boring interpretations. Also use the whole song and have a metal ost so it doesnt sound random and out of place when they do use it. Just playing it for ten seconds was very strange but its superficial and tone setting things like that, that make Power Rangers. Having a giant monster vs mech fight without metal music in a movie called Power Rangers is a sin. Outside of that the characters can remain unchanged. A reboot was necessary but it didnt need to be an origin story, if they test screen with audiences so much I dont know how they wouldn't realize that those stories aren't very interesting to audiences by now.

They put the Rangers and zords on the poster, indicating thats what will sell the movie, yet did not focus on them in the movie.

How about likable characters?

When's Tommy?

>Having a giant monster vs mech fight without metal music in a movie called Power Rangers is a sin
They only even used the theme song for 10 seconds and it was the shtty orchestral version from the first movie. How do you fuck up that bad in a Power Rangers movie?

it wasn't very good. none of the characters were realistic. john hughes should be mandatory viewing for hollywood teen directors.

>make a better power rangers movie
Have them actually fight in the suits? Or an actual transformation sequence? Maybe more than five minutes of actual Power Ranger shit in general?

Never because it was a colossal bomb.

More cameos from the original cast, even some rolls for them as well. It would have been neat seeing Jason David Frank have his own dojo in town where he trains the kids without knowing he's training Power Rangers.

>play the theme for 10 seconds in the only hype scene in the movie
>instantly ruin it with a shitty joke about the triceratops driving backwards

the orchestral version improved the guitar riff, I think.

toy says were a colossal win tho
they literally went up like 180% in toy sales for the movie

>none of the characters were realistic

Is this true? Im a collector and the toys for the movie looked like absolute trash. Im only grateful they put out a legacy line for In Space figures.

It could take a note from capeshit and get the action going sooner.

Fake news, already been debunked.

>185.9 percent increase
fuck off

Power Rangers always starts with random scenario of the day, putty fight, then in suit putty fight with the big bad, then megazord fight.

>185.9 percent increase
>in april, a generally slow month for PR sales
>fails to mention the sales figures are only for the uk

But now the random scenario is 5 times longer, combined with a separate introduction arc.

I enjoyed it and understand they wanted to show them training and shit but more fighting puttys would've been nice

>shoulder length


Most MMPR episodes got 2 Morphed Ranger fights.

>tag youself

It was fucking shit. It was a chore to get through the entire movie and characters were all awful people

This is the cringiest shit I've ever fucking seen. Makes me wish we could nuke the cancerous tumblr generation out of existence.

They haven't fought putties since 1994



#yellowranger for me on this

>pink ranger screws over her friend quite viciously
>acts like the victim when outsted for it
>chops off hair in school bathroom in a desperate cry for attention
>refuses to be a team player when the others are opening up, full well knowing she's preventing them from morphing by doing so
>fucks up former friend's car during zord battle
>"that's what you get"
Tbqh she's the perfect representation of a millennial woman.

Pink was a real shit

Fuck off Haim.

Well she is a poo in loo so...

>Pink not opening up to the group is preventing them from morphing
>only tells one guy
>suddenly everyone can morph

It's still based off season one MMPR

This move had me so conflicted. I was expecting an over the top action CGI fest and instead I got way too much character development and talking.

Bad writing

>the one franchise that SHOULD have been over the top action CGI fest wasn't

Sadly anything that isn't Marvel or Star Wars makes peanuts. It was certainly better than TFA or the last Avengers movie. I'd like a sequel.

Get Bay to direct it

>goldar is a literal blob of gold with no face/voice/character
>i would be hard pressed to answer how can you make a better power rangers movie

Right up until they all transformed and fought the rocks in the water was pretty kino imo. The actors meshed really well. Even the angsty little lesbian

Now that would have been a good Power Rangers film

Why didn't Rita just go to a mine to start with?

Her killing people was good while the team were getting their shit together.

The thread brought to you by Krispy Kreme

>""Power Rangers"" movie
>it's about the PEOPLE and their PROBLEMS instead of actual Power Rangers

>tfw the edgy r-rated fan film was a better PR reboot than this

>black guy isn't missing a finger


The cast was pretty good I thought, definitely took far too long for them to morph into PR, in Batman Begins it took half the movie before Wayne put on the Batsuit, in this they do it in the last 20 minutes or so out of a 2 hour movie and once they do fight as PR it's not very impressive, too slow, not very dynamic and exciting.

And that was A PARODY.

Just put a real morphed-form fight with putties in the middle, then it would be a high-budget feature length episode

>That transition into throw
>That cat stance into crane pose
>Phoenix fist to penetrate his chest

Martial arts kino

i liked it, i was expecting it to be way worse

Male character problems
>father died
>mother terminally ill
>wrecked his future for a stupid prank and is a disappointment to everyone

Female character problems
>showed a naked photo of a girl to someone
>family loves her too much and wants to take care of / help her

Why are females always such shit?

>different colours, different kids, different coloured kids

Recast the characters, especially Billy.

The end fight was more hype than anything in the 2017 film.

It's another we can't make megazord because the autist was splurging out because goldar trolled him on a message board episode

Only good line in the movie.

This. Movies over, you can stop shilling this garbage.

But I want to see the five sequels they have planned.

OP, I just watched this today and, yeah, it was surprisingly solid. A little bit too much music video style Direction/Editing, otherwise I liked it and would look forward to a sequel now that the origin story is out of the way!!!FACT!!!

>namefag has shit taste

Yep, she seemed like a right cunt!!!FACT!!!

Can't argue with your assessment since I just finished stabbing your mothers shit before making her suck it off my throbbing fuck muscle of love!!!FACT!!!

Come back to AICN

Just getting it off her chest and Red telling her to move on from it probably.

Pretty sure her magic only started to get really strong once she remade her staff.

I was there a few days ago but I'm not feeling it anymore!!!FACT!!!

I want to fuck Yellow straight

A better Power Rangers movie would be campy Save By The Bell fun mixed with equal parts campy Japanese sentai-style action. It would be, you know, an actual Power Rangers movie. Don't get me wrong, the movie we got was good, the characters were interesting and well-written and the story wisely focused on them, but it's just not a Power Rangers movie.

Yeah, she's hot as fuck. I've just found out she's singer too. Strange that she has hundreds of millions of views of her videos but it din't help the PR box office at all.

Because why pay $15 to watch a shity movie when you can watch internet videos for free?

Was she actually a lesbian? I know they marketed it as such, but they movie basically set up her and Zack

She's pansexual shitlord, her sexuality is fluid and doesn't have to fit into one of your predetermined boxes.

So bi?


What did she did to her friend exactly? I missed that part.

>Friend shows Pink a pic of her doing something sexual (ex. Sucking a guys dick)
>It's suppose to be private
>Pink shows it to her boyfriend with a tweet that basically calls her a skank

Post moar Kinberly

Sup Forums can cry all they want but not even the marvel quiplords would have the balls to legitimately unironically work 'go go power rangers' and 'its morphing time' into the film.

Making rita he green ranger was actually a cool idea and having her stupid outfit being broken armor was a good idea too.

The megazord being an in-universe asspull doesn't excuse it being an asspull.

Making goldar a throwaway non character was a mistake.

Random bullshit comedy shot during the theme song was a mistake.

They already did.
And the costumes looked way better than those cgi suits ever could.

Within the first 5 minutes of this piece of shit is a joke in which Jason's friend mistakingly jerks off a bull. It perfectly sets the tone.

When my beautiful boy Billy came back to life I was so happy.

I saw this movie in the theater when I was 11 and it was Saturday morning shit. I felt so fucking ripped off.

>rita only killed the black one
Is Rita /ourgirl/?

The fucking Turbo movie was better than 2017, and Turbo was a piece of shit

What the fuck did you expect?

>go watch a kids movie
>get a kids movie

Turbo is better than people give it credit for. It gets off to a slow start but at least the action is satisfying when we finally get to it. Tommy vs Jason, Kim vs Kat, a proper Megazord battle. They even give us a Tommy/Jason/Adam fight scene in the epilogue. I think if the Turbo movie had a fight scene earlier on it would get a lot less flack.

i appreciate you having a name i can filter. thanks bro

i didnt get the whole didi joke.
why did everyone confuse trini with didi ?
was this movie too cerebral for me to comprehend?

I couldn't finish watching it. Boring as fuck. I'd rather rewatch return of the king extended edition than try finish watching this piece of trash.

shes unattractive

>The movie was well written

Blue rangers specifically states that he's in the spectrum, but is throwing quips left and right. For someone whose humour should be off he sure is the comedic relief. Kimberley was far more autistic than he is.