Why are spaceships in Star Trek built piece by piece in shipyards and spacedocks? Why not build a bigass replicator in space, and then pop a new spaceship into existence whenever needed?
Why are spaceships in Star Trek built piece by piece in shipyards and spacedocks...
please respond
The Federation hadn't figured out even small-scale replicator tech yet in the Kirk era.
it seems like a ship that size taking off in atmosphere would cause wide spread environmental destruction
This only exists because jj thought it would look cool
they do, it's called Utopia Planitia, it's in the orbit of Mars, it built thousands of star ships between the battle of Wolf 359 and the start of the Dominion War.
Why dont they simply build bigass warp drives to cast a warp fields around uninhabited star systems with M-class planets in, and drive the star systems around space?
>being this much white trash
Why don't they make the movies more about space corporations that read spreadsheets and mine ore from asteroids
Industrial replicators can vary in size and can build parts of hulls and conponents, they do have a limit though, it would require immense power output to output a starship size replicator, far beyond anything the federation would be willing to muster in the 24 century.
Another thing in starship building is additional development and innovation that adds new features not originally planned during the construction process.
This. Trek has never been hard sci-fi, but JJ just has no respect for or understanding of even basic physical realism.
Because a ship has components that can't be replicated.
Plus if the entire thing was one solid piece it would be harder to retrofit or do repairs.
Why not just build colony ships and get off shitty planets in general?
It's true. Literally nothing matters anymore. It's magic not sci-fi.
Why is Star Trek such worthless shit?
>Utopia Planitia
A bigger question is why is the Enterprise just built laying there in the middle of the desert with a couple cranes... and no other equipment or even a roof around it.
The technology looks like they are building a ship in the 1700s or some kind of burning man statue lol.
Do people in the Star Trek universe believe in anything greater than themselves? Or is it just all "muuhh feeelz" and (((human rights))) ?
Why build starships at all? Just use super transporters that can beam you from Earth to the Klingon homeworld in one second.
Why do 40k babies always try so hard.
not that dude, but i does pain me that there will never be a big budget 40k mainstream movie. why wouldn't space crusaders be a bad concept for a movie?
>To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable. These are the tales of those times. Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be re-learned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.
Are stark trek ships even safe to be around when they take off? How close can I get to the glowing exhaust before it blows me to bits? Or can I saunter right up and roast marshmallows in it?
Games Workshop are idiots. That's why.
Why do people die in Star Trek? When someone gets sick/hurt, just throw them in the transporter and zap their consciousness into and earlier version/improved version of their body.
[spolier]Dead Space: The Movie
For all the "Technology" and "Progress" of Star Trek... the world of WH40k is far more noble, spiritual and heroic... more uplifting of the human spirit.
Fuck the """prime directive""". The human race has only one true directive:
Survive at all costs.
Why leave the holodeck?
>The universe has many horrors yet to throw at us. This is not the end of our struggle. This is just the beginning of our crusade to save Humanity. Be faithful! Be strong! Be vigilant!
Because you take real dumps
t. Broccoli
>Prayer may cleanse the soul, but pain cleanses the body. Both are necessary for the survival of humanity.
Replicators and transporters are OP. Effectively making the Feds a Culture-level civ if only they used it to its logical max application. The Feds even can replicate entire humans using transporters (Riker clone), effectively making you immortal. Just copy yourself from time to time.
Captain's log. Star date 3.2.whogivesashit.
I'm being sent to the 40k system to negotiate peace between the Terrans and the rest of the universe. The Terrans know only war, and have been locked in a bitter battle with everyone and everything for over 10,000 years. I'm sure it will be a classic "fought for so long we forget why we are fighting for" scenario, which I can normally sort out before my earl grey gets cold.
Inb4 "Commander Riker what are sex organs"
Literally did nothing wrong.
>mfw watching Chain of Command right now
Yooo wayyy yoooo
Tale spin
There are some materials that can't be replicated.
The energy required to replicate something goes up according to the mass and of the thing.
>tfw no Vulcan heretic gf
this is true
the federation widely used space borne shipyards in the kirk era, in fact the Enterprise-A was build in space if I'm correct
Citation needed. Starfleet's got like 200 ships total.
>Ninety one per cent of Starfleet graduates are not posted to Galaxy class starships on their first assignment, per data in S03E24.
>12 Galaxy Class starships at launch
>Yamato destroyed
>1000 crew on a Galaxy Class
Even industrial replicators in the last decades of the 24th century aren't capable of replicating so much as a shuttle. And frankly, given the apparent level of precision I wouldn't trust a replicated ship unless the whole thing was taken apart and inspected by actual engineers and at that point why not just build the fucking thing the old fashioned way and assuage all doubt? Replicate all the parts you want, but assemble them after the fact.
How many Starfleet graduates go directly to a ship in the first place? Surely they have to have all manner of ground personnel.
In voyager they said that everybody had to serve a year on a ship, before doing anything else
starfleet also has space stations so I'm sure plenty of personnel end up there instead of a ship
Spinoff about the 1701-D's son and its adventures when?
The Vulcan arc in ENT is so fucking good
TV shows based in the Star Trek universe about characters that aren't in Starfleet WHEN?
>That 2370's Show
but everybody is in starfleet
Good luck with that.
People who choose not to be part of Gene Roddenberry's Progressive Society Free of Hate(TM) aren't viewed kindly and people would complain about it undermining Star Teen's message.
Sorry for being smelly dumb phoneposting scum.
>Armus Begins
But... who would replicate the replicator?
to be fair, it looked pretty cool
would have been an hilarious post if not for , which was completely unnecessary, thoughtless, and frankly narcissistic.
Also, why is Sup Forums giving doubles to phoneposters
Apparently Kek likes me.
back to read it with you please
why do they need warp technology when you can just use guild navigators to fold space?
>There will never be a Frasier based in the Star Trek timeline series
>There will never be a Seinfeld based in the Star Trek timeline series
Why didn't they just surreptitiously grab a transporter trace of the Traveler and create a bunch of Travelers, not to mention Wesleys