this movie always brought up on this board's threads is just a meme right? (I just finished watching it)
This movie always brought up on this board's threads is just a meme right? (I just finished watching it)
It's literally just Oedipus Rex with chinks
I mean Electra.
If you don't love Oldboy, there is something wrong with you. Most likely you either have absolute shit taste, or you're one of the fags who dislikes it because "eww incest is yucky"
It is an absolute modern classic film.
Yes, what is widely considered the best Korean movie is really just a meme on Sup Forums. It's not like you're just a pleb.
I can't understand this trend of naming either movies, music or any other art a meme. What is the purpose?
Oldboy (2003), loosely on Garon Tsuchiya's and Nobuaki Minegishi's manga, is a Kafka-ian apologue in which a man is kept prisoner in a room for mysterious reasons for several years, and then he has to find out not so much the persecutor (whom he could kill easily) but the truth (why he was kept prisoner and why he was released). The revelation comes in a way reminiscent of the ancient Greek tragedy. The execution, though, is a masterly hybrid of high art and pulp fiction, with an acrobatic screenplay in which eventually all pieces of the puzzle fall into place. The allegorical surrealism of David Lynch's thrillers, the fatalistic existentialism of Sergio Leone's westerns and the brutal realism of Quentin Tarantino's gangster movies find an unlikely intersection.
The life of the protagonist is turned into an excruciating agony: a long imprisonment during which his mind seems to go mad because of not knowing the truth, and then a brief moment of freedom that ends up with the revelation of the truth by which his mind truly goes mad. In fact, he may have been better off remaining in that prison forever. Despite the frequent opportunities to turn the whole story into a virtual reality, the plot appears to be strictly linear.
The movie
op here, generally anything actually (actually used as something alive in this window of time) called a meme, at least in art, is either something people praise blindly or something bad used as bait in some sort of inside joke. Now after watching the movie I won't say it's a bad movie, in fact I agree it has unexpected turn arounds in its scenes, however there are so many things I find "forced" in the movie that come up and can't be ignored for greater good. Plus, I never said I didn't like the movie, but I certainly don't understand the general hype behind it (how big it is)
it's a 6/10 flick at best, good job exposing yourself as a pleb though
Well I think the fact that it's overhyped / "followed blindly" as you put it, is just a result of people who want to feel elite by watching acclaimed films. I think it's more a case of an idiotic fan base than the art piece or w/e being bad. And besides even if it is widely praised it has no real bearing on the film at all, just means people like it, if that detracts from it somehow than how could anyone like anything?
>I fap to incest hard and I think I'm the only one that thought through incest about whether its rights and wrongs
Not the dude but for the love of god work out how to use commas.
In the modern society after the populization of forms of art there's always been some people that, lacking critical spirit and own line of thought, are eager to follow a crowd of hype when it comes to follow art because they're afraid of being judged bad in taste, art open to the popolation not being the only sector where this phenomenon happens
I agree, didn't I say that? But yeah, agreed. Mongoloids who pretend to like things are equally as bad as elitists.
yeah I just clarified my point
It's cool, back to OldBoy though I hate the fact that the majority of the people who don't like it only focus on the incest and the fact that it's weird. That's the point, fuckin open your mind to a new idea you know? (not saying you just in general)
yeah well you have to be retarded to focus on the incest in a movie like this, I mean it's so much of a mindfuck of a movie I think the incest is the least, I think it was more twisted that the rich guy set up all that shit to make the protagonist incest her own daughter but again not as a "yuck" reaction but more like a wow one
Fuckin agreed, every piece of the film is tied to the rich guy and fits into his plan. The incest tops it off for sure and it's completely shocking, but the reveal that he did all of that just to make him feel like that is much more of a mindfuck 100%.
Nice b8