Guess who's back? Back again?
Guess who's back? Back again?
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Does ANYONE like this show? How did it get renewed?!
Clearly it was very fucking popular if it got renewed.
>that trailer
damn the alt-right got btfo
will they ever recover?
How do we save media from critics?
>bill nye theme hip hop remix
Wow, what a representative sample. Looks like all the critics showed up to review that one.
exactly what we need right now
No one liked it, but it got views.
Deal with it, Trumptards. *puts on sunglasses*
The real question is DID Tom Cruise's need for control bury The Mummy?
>It's a Bill Nye beheads a Donald Trump effigy episode
why make this thread twice?
please dont let us stop you. we keep winning as long as xir influences the DNC platform.
Netflix will renew everything as long as there's views.
It'll maybe get shitcanned after nobody watches season 2 like Sense8, or exist forever because its cheap enough to produce (which does look like the case from the little I've seen).
Feels good to watch the posts flow in.
Will they do an episode on the upsides of racemixing?
>as long as xir influences the DNC platform.
You realize this is grammatically incorrect, retard?
*goes to jail for 80 years resisting trump inauguration* *sips tea*
>after nobody watches season 2
Oh, don't you wish this will happen.
doesn't matter
Nobody liked this shit, why are they giving shit like this yet won't renew good shows like galavant
I'm so mad
They have to realize that the show is being criticized because it wasn't real science but a really biased shit show.
>get Tyler the Creator to do your theme song
>he just says the show's name over some basic-ass beats and phones it in
The people who think the world is 6000 years old are far better role models for your children. They teach young people to avoid drugs and pornography, to work hard and raise strong and healthy families. They want to raise of generation of people who follow the protestant work ethic and reject cultural degeneracy, people who could build a far better and stronger civilization that has ability end our reliance on fossil fuels and bring humanity to the stars. Their one and only problem is that they think that Adam and Eve lived with Dinosaurs in the garden of Eden, a small price to pay for a brighter future.
The culture that Bill Nye represents is one of decadence and decay. He wants your children to grow up to simply be too hedonistic and lazy to develop alternative energy sources or to colonize other worlds. Humanity will go quietly into the night, with full awareness of the incomprehensible miracles of nature that led us to where we are today and our solemn duty to act as stewards of the Earth.
He probably had a preexisting deal in place. Maybe a different show, but they figured they go with this.
But you got that mixed up. It's the boomers who are the hedonistic, lazy polluters.
Kek, you do know everyone one of you guys will be put into camps for treason after he gets impeached for being a russin plant
If Galavant was so good, maybe it would be getting a season 2.
>rejecting the pursuit of truth and embracing a Luddite lifestyle because "muh supposed values"
You know who also raped their children? Luddites. Thanks for the advice, you backwards fuck, but I'll choose somewhere between "old-fashioned" and "hedonistic", Mr. Thank You Very Fucking Much.
Is Tyler the Creator the guy who said the legendary thing about cyberbullying or was that someone else?
No Russians are going to round y'all up and gas you in homosexual concentration camps
>Bill Nye emerges from a smokescreen pretending to strum chords with a plastic electric guitar as speakers play Bohemian Rhapsody
>Floor becomes moist with the drool of the audience, mouths agape from sheer epicness
>*record scratch* as the camera zooms in on Nye's face
>"Now let's get serious."
>Audience quiets, preparing for major wisdom bomb
>"Folks, did you know that we can see the scientific method at work in the world of Harry Potter?"
>Audience begins clapping, gets cut off by short clip of CGI monster from Fantastic Beasts
>"It's True!" Bill proclaims, pointing to corner of screen with cutout of the exact same monster roar superimposed
>And to illustrate this point, we've got one of the best, most intellectual scientific minds the world has ever seen...
>Audience begins to gasp, unsure of which incredible feat comes next
>"Ladies, gentlemen, and everyone inbetween, please join me in welcoming Harry Potter!"
>Harry Potter's actor appears wearing a labcoat adorned with Gryffindor logo
>Half of the audience is now seizing
>Potter holds a metallic wand as a photoshopped picture of Donald Trump with squished Voldemort nose descends from ceiling
>CG effects freeze the photograph
>All men in audience become filled with sexual violence, rip off their penises and use them as wands to shoot cum at the picture as well
>"I'm Bill Nye, and that's all the time we have today! See you next episode! Stay logical!"
Is nobody else worried about how Bill Nye literally has the world in his hands? He could crush it and kill us all.
This is ruined by the fact that Daniel Radcliffe did a movie where he fucked a horse so he's very obviously a Trump supporter.
>muh tradition
This thread is pure cancer
fuck bill nye, big ole' faggot
Half the posts are reposts, I think somebody is farming reactions
but where is Bill Nye?
*nods respectfully towards you*
He also got aids in The Brothers Grimsby.
Same could be said for the show.
Check it out if you want to feel sick.
tom cruise?
>couldn't prove him wrong.
Nice arguments.
What a sad, strange little man.
On earth.
>The studio is pitch black
>slowly, a light shines on a face somewhere amidst the blackness
>it is the face of Bill Nye
>"Ladies and gentlemen, behold: The Deniers!"
>The entire studio is bathed in light, several bloody, naked, barely-alive people are on the stage
>"Let the trials commence"
>Bill approaches one of "The Deniers"
>"Tell me, how do you continue to spout your lies, saying that global warming isn't real, despite 98% of scientists saying it is"
>the man takes a gasp of coppery air and begins his defense
>"I do believe it is real, sir, but I believe that humanity plays a small role, and global warming is a natural occurrence"
>The crushing weight of Bill's cold, judgmental glare shrivels the man
>Bill shakes his head
>"I'm sorry, but you are beyond saving"
>A burly transgender, wearing a contraption similar to a flamethrower in design, bathes the man in liquid Nitrogen
>"You see, ladies, gentlemen, and the in-betweens, anybody can contribute to science. This man will now do his part in preventing global warming."
>wow we sure did draw in a lot of rubber-neckers by wrecking our car let's crash it again!
that cringefest sex junk video that Sup Forums unironically shitposted to high heaven probably got it renewed
fucking reddit
Yeah, good job watching the heck out of it, idiots. You sure showed him.
I never understood why anyone liked this webcomic.
yep and boomers are in charge and producing bill nye
Wasn't Sense 8 doing well? did they can it for Bill Nye the SJW season 2?
it did get a season 2, then it got cancelled cause abc is the worst network ever and netflix wouldnt pick it up
Pretty much, the Wachowskis are /ourgirls/ because they're transgender but the left hates them for some reason. Perhaps because they actually make good films.
It would be endlessly more tolerable without the studio audience.
The same could be said of all shows with a studio audience.
I don't see why anyone thinks that format is a good idea. I don't need some asshole telling me what's funny. This is why I stick to films.
Top kek
more libcuck memes, I'm sure they'll post alt right macro images from reddit about this.
i imagine there's another timeline where bill nye got a reboot show that actually talks about scientific stuff
I hope the memes don't suck. I know they will.
I doubt this costs $9 million an episode like Sense8 which is the real reason it was cancelled.
>appeal to tradition necessitates a counter-argument
Soros owns huge shares in netflix now. Theres the only answer you need.
Got any proof of that or did you just pull that out of your ass?
How much did Marco Polo cost per episode?
Here you go, ignorant commie.
>muh soros
More Sup Forumstardedness, I see.
Stop having white children.
In all serious, I think it is absolutely retarded that these alt-right retards think chugging milk will make them stronger. Makes you look like an idiot and since milk is white it looks like you're drinking semen so good job looking gay.
>I think it is absolutely retarded that these alt-right retards think chugging milk will make them stronger
I've never heard any of them say that, I've only heard accusations of milk as a symbol of white supremacy from the left.
Bill Nye is the destruction derby of science?
Those guys on the HWNDU thing kept bringing big jugs of milk and drinking it on camera. It looked incredibly stupid.
>Those guys on the HWNDU thing kept bringing big jugs of milk and drinking it on camera
And you attributed it as some ritual to grant them strength?
It's dirt cheap to make shows like this
Sense8 got canned because it was WAY too expensive. Imagine what the budget must be to shoot something like that in 8-12 major cities all over the world.
Why couldn't they just use one city that had plenty of different areas to shoot in? Or use sets?
9 mil! wtf this isnt GoT
>hey lil kiddies! Did you know there is no such thing as gender or sex? Your CIS parents have indoctrinated you to "ideentify" as socially constructed categories like "male" or "female". But SCIENCE has determined that these are lame capitalistic patriarchal oppressive forms of violence. You... You don;t support anti-scientific violence, do you kids?
No, I listened as the neckbeard on camera awkwardly grunted out some rambling nonsense about "Drink milk and don't masturbate" between swigs of the fluid.
>trailer mentioning twitter as if that piece of shit media service means anything
fuck our society is dying, I refuse to believe this level of retardation was ever found in history ever without it being caused by lead pipes carrying drinking water
Then what was the point of saying this?
>these alt-right retards think chugging milk will make them stronger
The president uses Twitter to make official statements, so annoyingly it is considered to "mean something."
Because he literally made the claim that it made him stronger and that's why he was drinking it. How are you not following this?
>Guess who's back? Back again?
Neither of those is a question. Bill tweeted this himself. Shouldn't a "scientist" know how to use proper grammar?
>How are you not following this?
In the numerous replies I made asking you why you thought that it gave them strength, you never once said anything about them actually saying it short of implying once that they did. How is telling people to drink milk relevant to gaining strength? You're talking absolute nonsense.
I shouldn't have to spell out every little thing for you. This isn't preschool.
So you didn't infer anything about drinking milk granting strength, even though he didn't say it, but you're still saying they think it.
>implying he isn't simply shitposting
Trump is like an aussie, if you take anything he posts seriously, you have already lost the game. Just let him shitpost, for fucks sake, its not like 140 characters are going to cause ww3
He did say it. Which I already implied. I have to assume you're being obtuse just so you can keep this thread bumped.
>He did say it.
When he was giving his speech about milk and masturbation.
So you quoted him but chose not to add in the part where he said what you say he was getting strength from it, even though I had already asked you what the fuck you were talking about several times. Is this your first time speaking English, or are you just covering up for the stupid thing you thought after being called out on it?