>What did he mean by this?
>it ain't me starts playing
>Who was in the wrong here?
>Imagine being Arnold
>Watch it, Chrissy
>Was it kino?
>What the fuck was her problem?
>is he dare I say it /ourguy/?
>now that the dust has settled
>what's this guy's name again?
>Was it autism?
>*blocks your path*
>"villains" who literally did nothing wrong
>What's her end game?
>What went wrong?
>Who will play xir in the inevitable biopic?
What did he mean by this?
Hello r3ddit
Selfies aren't wise on Sup Forums, user.
Is that Chinese Brendan Fraser?
Sup Forums users are retard normies lol
>Who will play xir in the inevitable biopic?
What did he literally mean by this?
>making fun of people with Down Syndrome
You must be a real edgy guy, huh OP?
The majority of those are made by one neet mobile poster who does it for free on friday nights
>What is that? A scar or something?
>mfw OP is trying to do damage control after getting destroyed
This is 90% of the threads on this board.
If you actually want to discuss films and television Sup Forums is not the place.
You forgot
>Really makes you think
he's not retarded he's just hispanic
you racist piece of shit