What did he mean by this?

>What did he mean by this?
>it ain't me starts playing
>Who was in the wrong here?
>Imagine being Arnold
>Watch it, Chrissy
>Was it kino?
>What the fuck was her problem?
>is he dare I say it /ourguy/?
>now that the dust has settled
>what's this guy's name again?
>Was it autism?
>*blocks your path*
>"villains" who literally did nothing wrong
>What's her end game?
>What went wrong?
>Who will play xir in the inevitable biopic?

Hello r3ddit

Selfies aren't wise on Sup Forums, user.




Is that Chinese Brendan Fraser?


Sup Forums users are retard normies lol

>Who will play xir in the inevitable biopic?

What did he literally mean by this?

>making fun of people with Down Syndrome

You must be a real edgy guy, huh OP?

The majority of those are made by one neet mobile poster who does it for free on friday nights

>What is that? A scar or something?



>mfw OP is trying to do damage control after getting destroyed

This is 90% of the threads on this board.

If you actually want to discuss films and television Sup Forums is not the place.



You forgot

>Really makes you think

he's not retarded he's just hispanic
you racist piece of shit