What an unrealistic portrayal of a girl

What an unrealistic portrayal of a girl.

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she has Aspergers. Those women act more logical.

Regular women are retarded.

I know right? Wearing shoes on the beach, ridiculous.

Must be a non-American girl.

Little girls are still kind of pure.

well, she is probably of legal age now, so...

She wants to make it clear she can't be bought by the richest boy on earth. Girl has morals.

Hot sand. Better than jumping around like a Mexican jumping bean.

Those Harvey comics read like they were written by people who never actually interacted with children in their life.

She's trying to tell him it's a tacky asf crown and to buy her a car instead. She's too nice to tell him straight-forward.

>comics read like they were written by people who never actually interacted with people in their life.

I fixed it for you.

It becomes more realistic when you've pooled your money, expenses, or both.

For kids less so but kids can be stupid. Or can have abusive parents and not want more nice things they'll feel compelled to hide from an omnipresent destructive force. Probably not applicable here.

Why do you hate women so much, Sup Forums?

we know them.

Blindingly obvious bait thread is blindingly obvious.

Was he autistic?

is that Casper the Ghost?


Probably just another meme


Because they don't want to have sex with me and I'm tired of jacking off to cartoon animals.

True that. I knew a red haired 8/10 slightly aspie qt3.14, I had a crush on her but she was just always so angry, hated everyone, not openly but you just felt the anger drippings from her eyes, scared the hell out of me. Then I saw pic related and kind of wished I tried something.

Otherwise the other boards will call us tumblr.

No, thats how white guys courted women back then: ignore what they say they want, and their requests that you leave them alone, thickheadedly do whatever YOU think will please her, and she'll eventually get tired of fighting, and just give in. Also, be willing to beat the crap out of any other potential rivals. She must think you're her only option.

Damn, quints confirm.

What makes you think we hate men less?

Fuckin' shoobies amirite.

Tsundere are easy as fuck, you just have to find what tames them.

Jughead is my spirit animal.

I can't hate them for their nature. Same as I can't hate lions for eating baby lions. Or black people for being stupid.

But I'm aware of it.

You too, huh?

They're catty as all hell and make decisions based on their feeeeeeels.

Sup Forums is composed of cowards who get TRIGGERED by the acknowledgement of feminism.

It's kinda sad, actually.

>implying no human being is driven exclusively by their emotions

>ad hominem the post.
Feminism is a disgusting ideology that needs to be wiped off the face of the earth


>a diamond crown
>not a pearl necklace
richie rich confirmed gay


Based fellow meninist. Redpill all these sheeple with our BioTruths.

You sound maaaaaaaad

Women are more emotional than men. They break down in fits workplaces and make illogical child like decisions.

Try working in an all woman work enviroment. I own a female only gym, i had workers put used tampons in a girls lunch beacause they didnt like her. On a regular basis. Multiple girls did it.

>implying you can tame aspie

they're broken in the foundation, user. They don't love you.

Why is he wearing Jughead's hat?


Sounds like internalized misogyny

It was fashion back then.

The real messed up part is these werent teenagers, they were women in their late twenties-thirties.

>tired of jacking off to cartoon animals
get out

ugh why haven't people like you left yet? Global rule #3. This is NOT a website for you edgy manchildren.

Yup, not all women like all women. women compete with other women and are cliquish.

>Sup Forums is not a website for edgy manchildren
You what?

That's almost all comics and cartoons. Children never act like children.

You also don't want them to. Try looking after children: loud, annoying, boring. And contextually worse of all, children also hate the way other children act. So of course you wouldn't keep it realistic.

except Clarence.

I am silly


I can't shake the feeling that there is some pedo getting hard on this image and it makes me physically ill.

Calvin acts like a child
He doesn't speak with a child's vocabulary, but he acts like a child

Aspie here. Can confirm.

She's probably too old to fug safely, if she's not dead already.

Summertime lovin

Somehow from a quick glance athe thumbnail I thought he literally "crowned" her with a blow over the head in the last panel.

>not jacking it to cartoons
YOU get out.

Not normally to my taste, but ill fap to it just for you.

>reading comprehension

You should probably see a therapist and stop posting on Sup Forums.

First post best post. Ever hear the stereotype of Aspies being more "male-brained?" There's some truth to that. That, and they're worse at hiding their emotions/all the social bullshit women are often into, so less potential to be manipulative and dishonest.

Seriously, I date functioning aspies exclusively. Is your normie gf gonna be all cute and flap her hands in excitement over a new episode of your favorite cartoon? No.

Tsunderes aren't as fun outside your animays. That said, judging people based just on facial expressions ain't a good idea, either.

Aw, snap.

>what fools these mortals be

>functioning aspies
Aspies are supposed to be functional autists. They have most of the perks, but only a few cons.

I have this insane hypothesis that autism in general is kind of like a new step in human evolution, and the fact that its functionality is so varied is just nature ironing out the kinks (not that evolution is deliberately directed, but you know what I mean.) Like, it might be a relatively new thing in our evolutionary history, and left alone, it would wind up being a more straightforwardly beneficial quirk in a few hundred or thousand years. Not that it would overtake neurotypicality, but it might become a more prominent subset of people or just get absorbed into the whole.

Who knows, though?