What would it take for you to stop watching star wars
If Star Wars had a blatant man on man kiss scene would you keep watching it?
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The female leads pretty much ruined it for me 2bh
Man on man is hot
>What would it take for you to stop watching star wars
That they made the EU non canon.
I honestly don't mind guys kissing guys in movies or TV, at least it's not a blatant cash grab like lesbian kiss scenes.
>What would it take for you to stop watching star wars
The Force Awakens
so you don't watch star wars anymore?
I honestly only watch Star Wars now because my dad likes it and I enjoy spending time with him, although he's confessed he didn't care for TFAand his favorite episode is 3
I haven't watched properly since revenge of the Sith, TFA didn't feel like a star wars film and was p boring and rogue I haven't seen. I wish they would of left it desu.
desu I wanna see some droids fugg
No. In fact, if they establish Finn and Poe to be gay in TLJ, then I won't watch Episode 9.
i stopped watching it after TPM
Why does having gays in star wars annoy you anons so much? I mean in a galaxy with a fuck ton of sentient beings you should expect a bunch of gays, right? I know I know, gay characters usually equals lazy writing these days, but even so.
This, female protagonists have no place in my kinos.
Kissing men is literally not gay.
My 13th birthday
I wouldn't mind the female protagonists if they were decently written like Mara Jade. But Rey and Jyn are fucking disgusting. I wonder if I would feel the same if I had a vagina... oh right, I wouldn't give a shit about Star Wars if I did.
I think it's the climate it would be in, it would almost definitely be blatant and forced. Honestly I don't want any romance in star wars unless it's relevant, it never adds anything for me.
A nigger love interest
Saw a couple of them when I was younger but never was a fan
Have not and will not watch the prequels and you couldn't pay me to watch the new ones
I can't speak for every user, but I'm a Christian and I won't watch any movie that portrays sin in a positive light.
I'll watch movies that have alcoholics, murderers, homosexuals, etc. in them as long as they're not glorified. It's difficult to find any movie with homosexuals in it where homosexuality isn't glorified though.
I want some Man on Robot kissing scenes
Star wars is the only film I will let my kids watch
ima an atheist and i wont watch any pro-homosexual movie either
homosexual propaganda should be banned
I want a full on "Brokeback-Mountain-tent" level sex scene between Poe and Finn.
I fully respect your reasoning. From someone like me who isn't very much religious (and tries to avoid attributing lifestyle decisions to religious reasons) I don't have any problem with violence, homosexuality or other perverted sexual acts on film, unless it's a children's film. I believe what Disney is doing is entirely disgusting including perverted fetishes in their children films. It's for the same reason there isn't gruesome violence or bestiality or drug use in childrens films. Personally I think everyone should be entitled to doing whatever the fuck they want in the privacy of their own homes, but it should NEVER be injected into the youth's media in an attempt to normalize and romanticize their perverted lifestyles.
Why are you so offended by 2 guys kissing?
I point out Disney specifically because they're a big leader in this movement- but that's certainly not to say they're the only ones. It's just entirely blatant in films such as Beauty and the Beast, and it disgusts me.
Disney and Kathleen Kennedy can go fuck themselves.
I get what you mean but I'd like to ask:
-what do you think of the gold bikini from Episode 6, is it appropriate?
-would you consider it inapropriate if the movie has just ambiguously adult themes (like a character that *might* be gay) but they later publish books or comics that are straightforward adult (for example making it clear that character is gay)?
Would you let your kids watch a movie with a mom falling in love with her son? Or a movie with a boy kissing his dog? See my reasoning? I don't care if there's homosexuality in films, *GRANTED ITS NOT AIMED TOWARDS CHILDREN OR YOUTH*. Simple. Homosexuality, sexuality in general, drug use, excessive violence, PG-13 or higher. Makes sense to me, personally.
Kathleen Kennedy fills me with rage every time I see her, it's like seeing the devil.
I'm not that Christian user btw.
I was surprised by Beauty and the Beast. I didn't watch it until it came to Redbox and before that, people were claiming that Le Fou was not "openly gay" and that he just had one scene where he danced with a man near the end.
Those people who made those claims were so wrong. They really hammered in his sexuality during the first act.
I'm not that user but I don't see your fucking reasoning because a human kissing a dog or an adult kissing a kid is not the same as kissing a human being. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Sex between consenting adults is different than sex with kids or animals.
>he says while he posts on Sup Forums
Here's something a little gay just to make you uncomfortable
adult* human being
As for the bikini, I'm not sure. See thing is, I think by even a young age it's somewhat natural for any children to experience a physical attraction to someone. I don't have a problem with sort of "objectifying" anyone. I don't have a problem with the bikini scene in the same way I wouldn't have a problem with a shirtless buff Superman-type figure walking around on screen.
Let's try this on for size then- two consenting adults, a grown mother and a grown son, kissing on screen. Would you have a problem with showing that to your kids?
I mean, I don't really give a fuck, but I don't see the point in shaming anyone who would refuse to see it.
If I had kids, I honestly wouldn't have too much of a problem with them seeing a gay relationship. My reasoning is that heterosexual kisses are all over children's media, so why not gay ones too? As long as the kids don't see anything sexually explicit, they should be fine.
Again, though, if you wanna raise your kids how you want to, more power to you. They'll find out eventually anyways, so it's sort of futile, but whatever lets you sleep at night.
I would have absolutely no problem with two consenting adults doing that on screen, and showing it to my kids. I would have problems with other things (like extreme violence) but not that particular one.
How did soccer moms from the 90's find their way into Sup Forums?
I must add though that of course I wouldn't want my kids to watch low quality shit like current Disney Star Wars. But that's obviously for other reasons, like the fact that TFA is a lazy soul less remake.
I have a vagina and found Ray to be so very boring and unrelatable.
I mean yeah, me neither. Anyone with any sort of ability to look at a film critically can see that Disney has tossed Star Wars straight into the shitter
Sorry nigga. I just don't believe children need to be seeing everything an adult does. Fetishes and explicit violence included
>muh children
Like another user said, if heterosexual kisses are all over kids media, why not homosexual ones?
>Two genetically unrelated people kissing is somehow the same as incest.
Incest is inherently wrong because A) any offspring resulting from incest are more or less guaranteed to have some deformity, and B) the bond between family should, at the very least, be considered the bedrock of society.
I realize that there are people who fuck their cousins or step-siblings, but that's still too gross for me. Gun to my head, I would much rather tongue-kiss a man than one of my female cousins.
Not that user but duh? because heterosexual relationships are the conservative norm, the traditional family.
>but why not save kisses until marriage if they want to be so pure
I guess they just like to cherry pick as usual.
I wouldn't stop watching it but I'd be disappointed that they just hamfistedly throw in a gay dude just to be progressive.
Star Trek did the same thing...Sulu and his boyfriend meet up and then we have a shot of Kirk nodding and smiling like he's telling the audience "See? Pretty progressive, huh?"
I don't mind representation but don't be hamfisted about it.
I don't think incest is wrong and I understand the points you make, I just disagree, sorry.
Also if you follow the Bible, even if it's just a metaphor, the first humans procreated through incest.
>but that's still too gross for me
Okay. Different strokes, agree to disagree, etc.
Because even from an incredibly young age, heterosexual attractions are already experienced. I mean really it comes down to what's biologically intended. If it aint gonna work biologically, it aint normal. I'm actually surprised to see how stereotypical millennial this board is
How would you portray a gay person without being "hamfisted" in your opinion? Not mentioned at all?
I stopped watching star wars when i was 12
Apparently, even George Takei himself agrees with you.
What's really surprising is seeing you pure paragons of tradition and Christianity in a website where you're one click away from anime dick girls.
>What would it take for you to stop watching star wars
I've already stopped. They scratched the EU and replaced it with SJWars
Not that user but I guess I would make a character that is too busy to have a relationship and that maybe feels like an outsider when he sees heterosexual couples but still tries to focus on whatever important business drives the plot of the movie.
I would make him single at least at first, I hate it when a character points out "because my boyfriend" as the cheap way to show he's "gay by the way".
So when a heterosexual character mentions his or her boyfriend /girlfriend or kisses them that's hamfisted heterosexuality? Come on.
What the fuck? I'm not speaking for myself I'm speaking from what I imagine would be a Christian point of view, if that's not even clear enough in my post already...
I do not mind gays on my movies at all. If I had kids I would only be worried if they saw extreme gore or nightmare inducing shit.
Just have the characters appear on screen. Let's say hypothetically Poe Dameron is gay.
Instead of him and some random guy kissing while Rey looks on in approval and then never mentioning it again, give him a romance plot. Have him mention his boyfriend. Shit, have a whole subplot where they rescue the the guy like they did Leia in Episode IV
Just randomly throwing in "oh by the way he's gay" and then doing nothing with it does nothing but attempt to market my sexuality.
They want to have it both ways: they want the credit for being progressive but they don't want to scare off viewers by actually doing progressive things.
Same reason Rey and Finn won't actually wind up together.
When did I say that? I never said that.
No it's not, because heterosexual people form the majority of the population so it's obviously going to be expected and normal. And because of the trend of using race and homosexuality as a criticism shield against poor writing.
>What would it take for you to stop watching star wars
them making another one
fuck this shit
Btw the only reason I hate it when they just mention a boyfriend as the only way to point out their gayness it's because I've seen it too many times and it's a cliche by now. They should introduce their sexual orientation in a more clever way by now.
all this political bullshit aside, this user ^^
They usually don't do that though. If a character kisses a member of the opposite sex it's to show the audience "he's a cool guy who's a little bit of a womanizer" It comes up again in the character as he's portrayed as flirty and cavalier.
A guy kisses another guy in the same way and then it's never mentioned again and he is portrayed as a chaste saint.
What kind of virginity is required to produce this kind of resentment? I lost my virginity at the healthy age of 16 so I can't relate
Thank you, I'm not going to watch one every fucking year, fuck these Disney Jews. George knew what he was doing releasing them 3 years apart. If I never see another fucking Star Wars movie it'll be too fucking soon
And as the user who posted , I lost mine at the healthy age of 17. I have no problem with sex at all. Like I said, it's just what's being forced into the faces of children; that's where I draw the line.
I dropped it as soon as they decided to cast some horse faced British bitch and a nigger as the lead characters.
Literally this, and I'm a huge Star Wars fag. I will drop the entire franchise.
Trap vaginas dont count user.
> resentment
Women are incapable of being interesting action heroes, as proven by TFA. I lost my virginity at 14 and get poon off of tinder pretty often.
Show us your tits whore
Episode 3 is the patricians choice
There hasn't been a good Star Wars movie since 1983.
I dont really care.
What do you have against homosexuality then? Not trying to start anything, just genuinely curious. I understand religious people being against homosexuality but can't really think of any other reason to be opposed to it.
how are they going to make any actual sequel movies with a canon eu. they had to decanonize it in order to make the force awakens actually have any story at all without being marred by decades of varying continuity and backstory
I'm already done with it.
After episode 7, I realized I'm not the audience for those movies anymore.
fun fact: being gay is just, kind of, something people do. it's just something they do, all the time.
hell i'm gay now and i'm wearing pants and everything, how can i be doing something perverted wearing pants
I liked episode 7 like all the other star wars movies. However, If they put a gay character in my star wars I'm dropping.
Poop on your willy
Penis in shithole
Shit dick
Not producing kids
(Because your cock is in a mans shitty anus)
Social networking and earning incomes that should go to families.
Knobbing a blokes anus.
The degenerate, consumerist and drug filled nihilistic lifestyle of homosexuals.
The fecal matter under the foreskins.
Their predatory, emasculating, behaviour towards young men and their high rates of paedophilia.
you ok with lesbians then
Theyre too mentally ill to male good mothers and they are statistically irrelevant.
Want them to stop politically agitating for marxism and beating each other up, though. That would be good.
>What would it take for you to stop watching star wars
Disney buying Lucasfilm
Making terrible big audience friendly garbage
Annualizing the franchise
nah marxism is good
Nah its shit tho
Is there even a good homosexual kiss scene in any show or movie?
I don't think there will ever be one in something as big as Star Wars just because the homosexual audience is still a very small minority and pretty much no other culture besides maybe half of north america and europe actually support gay relationships(not just tolerate it).
By definition there can't be
they happen but they're not super-common. probably unlikely in a star wars movie though, for your reasons exactly- they need it to play in russia
shame though, it'd be nice to see
>this is how far people will go to separate themselves from reddit
y'all are obsessed
you're the homophobe, i think my opinion is just better by nature here
marxism confirmed good
I would stop watching and so would millions of others.
I suspect if Hillary Clinton had won the election, Disney might have tried something like this. They already have gay characters in the books.
Sure, if it was a good movie. My problem with Star Wars is that the movies aren't good now.
You already admitted you're a fag. There's no need to be redundant and explain you're also a marxist
David/Walter was kawaii
Cont. Mulholland Drive has a full-on lesbian scene, but it's a great movie.
nah nigga. it's shit. has a point.
The academic kind where you analyze history from an economic point of view is good. The idea of striving for the perfect society is good.
Hell, anti-capitalism is good!
But internationalism is criminal, and the bastard forms of leftism that exist today seem to care more about agitating against whitey than they do about creating an economic system that's more stable and conducive to the general welfare.
>y-you're a homophobe
please don't use that word it isn't polite