>character is driving
>he keeps talking and not looking at the road for extended periods of time
Character is driving
Other urls found in this thread:
>character is driving
based partyposter
>movie is set in the future where cars are automated
>character retrofits his own car so he can drive it himself because he doesn't "trust" technology
Let's say it's an action movie. How mad would people get if the main hero gets t-boned and died before saving the day?
Not hamster is driving
You had one job
>Character has his hands on 10 and 2
>Character uses two hands
>Character drives an automatic
>and your OTHER party rockers
Oh my god bear is driving! How can that be?
>humans are fighting against monsters
>"Humans are the REAL monsters!"
>character talks on the phone while driving
While we are on the subject I'd like to ask you experts: have all the scenes in a movie ever where there's dialogue inside the car been filmed against a green/blue screen with the background added later? Or do they ever film it with a real moving car? Or with a moving background that plays while they are actually filming it instead of adding it later?
> Rewatch True Detective Season 1
> Realize how Rust and Marty never wear their seatbelts
>Intergalactic alien invasion on a post apocalyptic earth is interrupted by melbourne shuffling hamsters to the tune of Party Rock
Who exactly was Kia trying to sell their car to?
this shit gives me anxiety man
You can absolutely film them in a real car while driving, it's just a lot more work for obvious reasons. It should be fairly easy to tell the difference, especially in older films.
Young people but boomers bought them like they do all young people cars
>Character is driving
>The rear screen projection is absolutely terrible
I feel naked without my seatbelt
Same. It also bothers my autistic senses when I notice that if I'm playing some racing videogame and the driver is visible they almost never ever have their seatbelt on. Especially in Need for Speed.
Is it ilegal to not wear your seatbelt in the US?
I have no idea tbqh. I would assume so since it's illegal to cross the fucking road over there.
>character is driving car while listening to music
>doesnt keep changing the songs for 30 minutes until he finds the right one
its like they don't even try to make it realistic anymore
I noticed that in Modern Family they used this neat trick where they would put the cars on flatbeds and film it that way.
>character is driving
that's actually pretty cool
>character is driving
>speedo is at 0 at all times
Really shits on my immersion, just knowing they are being towed around everywhere or on a flatbed. How hard is it to act and drive.
Yeah it's totally illegal over here, it's only idiots that don't do it though.
>Character has the same song playing in his car on repeat
Was Two and a Half Men carkino?
"Fuck off, I got work to do"
They're usually on the back of a truck or something so you get the actual scenery without requiring concentration for driving.
>character has to make a very hard decision
>"perhaps the best move is not to play"
>character is driving
>shot lingers on the driver side window from the perspective of the passenger too long
>car gets t-boned
Every. Fucking. Time.
No country for old men
>characters having sex
>guy finishes inside her
>don't clean themselves up, just standup and get dressed and act like nothing happened
This commercial was one of the last I saw before I got rid of my TV, it still seems new to me but it's fucking six years old.
fuck you
>keeping hand on the shifter
>character is driving
>doesn't get lost and immediately turn volume on radio down
I would do this.
>it's just a lot more work
Not anymore. GoPros suction cupped to the windshield. Great results.
>trailer for a colorful animated film
>Can't Stop This Feeling starts playing
>character is driving
>shot lingers on the driver side window from the perspective of the passenger too long
>nothing happens, it was all a ruse
fucking hacks thats not creative either, its just a distracting trope of a camera shot
>character is driving
>gets lost
>uses cellphone gps
>its illegal to use your cellphone when driving
>character doesn't turn the radio down and sit up with his mouth open when looking for a certain street
in modern films they tend to be shot against a greenscreen or they put the car on a truck bed and drive it around
I always wear it even when I walk
In a lot of shows they just have the car towed by a vehicle in front
>character driving alone
>doesnt have a full conversation with himself
I fucking HATE it when this happens, I always think he's going to crash and there will be a loud noise out of nowhere
>Character is singing to himself as he drives
>Stops everytime he gets to a stoplight