Why is it that if a man kills another man in battle, it's called heroic...

Why is it that if a man kills another man in battle, it's called heroic. But if a man kills another man in the heat of passion it's called murder?


4 touchdowns in one game!

People need to be entertained... they need the distraction

Yeah I know what you'd like to do. You'd like to find the guy who did it, rip his still beating heart out of his chest and hold it in front of his face so he can see how black it is before he dies.

Is this the only role outside of Married With Children where he got to play a similar type of character as Al Bundy?

It's like people only do things because they get paid.. and thats just sad.

But he's not a similar character at all.


I cant think, I'm getting a headache

Take two of these.


Ah, Nuprin..


Ribbed for her pleasure..Ewwww.


>Weird Science TV's Chet in the background as one of the stoner roadies
Ah, good times.


This line sounds wise until you start browsing Sup Forums. Then it sounds retarded.

All killing is murder.

so if I shoot a deer its the same thing as stabbing my wife to death? nice logic

Nice strawman. I was clearly referring to humans.

You know, I love what you do on the show.

I mean, I just look at you and laugh and laugh...

This movie got kind of ruined for me when I heard that Michael Myers was a huge ass on the set and everybody hated him.

This movie was even made fun of on Married with Children but it's actually enjoyable.

It's not a strawman if your argument is worded vaguely enough that it can apply to more than what you meant.

ok, just humans. Still stupid. killing in self defense is not the same as murder

You are looking for the movie Dutch. Pretty much Al Bundy if he abused his kids with a BB gun

I remember renting this movie because it was hyped as being from the writer of Home Alone and being hugely disappointed.


I like this movie
Its got heart

loved Dutch as a kid, watched it all the time
rewatched it now I'm in my 30s, hated it

That kid was beyond a shit, Dutch should have stabbed him and watched the steam rise.

I can respect a movie with a bratty kid who's had a tough life because he has a shitty dad, but in the end learns lessons and becomes better for it.

This kid was irredeamable though. The stunt with Dutch's car especially
>guess this makes us even

No kid, I'll break your legs, then we're even.

because in battle you're killing for the gov that makes the laws?

Mutual participation and the assumption of some broader, typically socially beneficial goal being pursued with the killing being a means to that end rather than the end goal itself. There are usually stipulations for mutual cessation of hostilities/killing when certain conditions are met and adhered to by both sides in battle, such as terms of surrender resulting in defeat to secure defense of life.

Consider the myriad differences between the sport of boxing and the crime of assault, as a vague analogy.

It doesn't even sound wise in the first place. It's the equivalent of honestly not understanding the difference between homicide and murder, or rectangles and squares.

Brainlet hippie.

He makes a pretty good point.

Just because someone was killed doesn't it means his life was taken.