What's your opinion on Ethan Hawke? Do you like my his movies?

What's your opinion on Ethan Hawke? Do you like my his movies?

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make me nasty

he wad decent in Entourage I guess

I legit had to look at it for a second to make sure it was actually him.
You've broken me Sup Forums


seriously what did he mean by that?

Training Day was his only decent movie.

>those alien earlobes

>Do you like my his movies?
>my his
Fuck off Ethan

>being this pleb

>you should nevar haff tell me your fader watch my FEEMS

if you don't rate boyhood you're a fucking spastic with a terrible childhood

His YT channel is pure kino

love his #RAW movies

>watching The Woman in the Fifth starring Ethan Hawke at the local kinoplex in 2011
>drive home afterwards listening to the radio

Has anyone ever seen Rocco and Ethan in the same room together?

He has zero stage presence. He's just sort of there. I don't dislike him but he does not leave a lasting impact.

he was cool in Audioslaves Like a stone music video, i honestly didnt know he could sing so good.

the livestream where he plays vidya with anri okita

Is this the one who sang that whistling song called Every Morning? They were big in 2000.

>Partyrock posters probably believe this..

>Do you like my movies
Ethan Hawke confirmed.
Now the only question is which poster is he? I'm leaning towards pusyposter.