The MTV sheboon has a show on comedy central

The MTV sheboon has a show on comedy central...


I wonder what stupid voice she'd use to complain about literally anything she said there applied to blacks

>there were 25,000 black people watching the ice hockey!?!


uh racist and sexist much?

She is so unfunny its fucking painful. Fuck Comedy Central is garbage. The Jewish owned media sure is scraping the bottom of the barrel.


Most punchable face award goes to

Whenever I see this picture, it reminds me of a Brazilian man.

Brazilians like wearing yellow and have hair like that.

C'mon it's 5776 Now.


Her "husband" is the cuck of all cucks.

>Bigger hips than "his" woman


he looks like FtM tranny desu

i think she's cute but it's weird she chose to marry some slav mongoloid finn

>getting a job at MTV is literally the McDonalds entry level of television
>working for MTV's youtube channel
>springboarding up to actual television, but a declining station being overrun with blacks
the food analogy here would be a McDonalds cashier getting a new job at Texas Roadhouse.

Imagine the role playing they must act out.


obvious transgender couple is obvious

>calls white people racist all day
>goes home and gets pounded by her blue eyed white husbands dick.
She clearly has a fetish for white males.

or she has a fetish for cucking a white male.

Look how happy she is that she picked up a white male..
She gets to act out her white male fetish at home, and gets to enable it in her day job by calling all white people racists..
>i've been a really naughty black woman today white man, i've been calling white people racists all day
>you better spank my black butt real good pound my pussy real hard tonight..


To be honest I'd throatfuck that monkey so hard and cum all over that ebony face of hers. Then slap her ass as she tried to clean up all my man seed spread all over her body.

This show is so close to getting cancelled.

is that downtard commercial?

There's something wrong with his face, desu.