>mfw erasing Barack Obama's presidential legacy one day at a time
Mfw erasing Barack Obama's presidential legacy one day at a time
He looks like reddit
Wrong. He looks like my President :)
He flip flopped on yet ANOTHER issue. Looks like the Dreamers aren't going to be touched, KEK
what side will chimpout after his statement about tonights riots?
>>Sup Forums
>6 months in
>not even a sign of the Wall
>Barack Obama ends the Cuban ''Amnesty''
>Trump reinstates it
I'm getting tired of all this losing
>Sup Forums - Television and Film
We have a containment board for you people for a reason
In before alt-leftist from Sup Forums crying bout this thread being off-topic but not the other 30+ in the total of 150 threads up
>mfw it finally dawns on you that there are few if any actual liberals on Sup Forums and that 99% of the posters you see railing against Trump in these threads are just conservatives playing devil's advocate because they like to argue with strangers online
>no sign of the wall
Are you retarded? US Customs & Borders are displaying some of the potential prototypes this summer. They will be analyzed and one will be chosen for construction. Trump isn't trying to just throw up some garbage, it has been a process that has been making steady progress since day one.
>mfw securing Germany's place in the sun
>mfw dirty commies hurl accusations of needless warmongering because they're mad that they will NEVER, EVER run Germany
>ywn fool an entire nation of retards to vote for you while going back on every promise and standpoint
>all while the retards still defend you to this day
By keeping the majority of Obama's policies and continuing a failed and counterproductive embargo against a sovereign country that every president since JFK has pursued, even after running on a platform of anti-interventionism? Yeah man, drain that swamp.
you poverty people have your own board. Go home.
Hi shareblue. Your prewritten prompt needs some serious updating.
Yes, like I said no sign of the wall
If I go look for a new car, I don't tell people I made any progress in buying it just because I looked at the pictures in a magazine
>Communists will NEVER, EVER run Germany
It took you this long? Kek kys my dude
>no sign
Ok, so you are retarded. Unless someone is physically at the border laying bricks there is no progress...How do people like you survive and not choke to death on your own tongue every day?
He isn't wrong. You know that, which is why you lot keep making up this shareblue boogeyman.
>this thread
that's me my man
i think there are genuinely 3 liberals who actually hate trump, the rest are obsessed with calling others redditors, Sup Forumstards or trumptards for (you)s
>Country who has never accomplished anything in its entire history aside from destroying Europe and inventing communism
>Envied by anyone
Stay delusional barbayran faggot.
>Unless someone is physically at the border laying bricks there is no progress
oh, so you do get it, finally
btw, have fun with that DACA Amnesty that Trump refused to end