This gets a r-rating in america

>this gets a r-rating in america
fucking burgers

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Good thing I'm not a child and ratings boards mean literally nothing to me.

If there's any vagina I could inspect in person, it would be Linda Cardallini's. It would be a magnificent sight.

No it doesn't.

>this is okay for broadcast network television

They also had jokes about Shaggy being a stoner, but those made it in

*Green brain matter.

>The rumors are true -- the first cut was rated R by the MPAA, and the female stars' cleavage was CGI'd away so as not to offend. But, you know, such is life. I had a lot of fun making this movie, regardless of all that. And I was also able to eat, buy a car, and a house because of it. - James Gunn

lol that cgi is okay for a student film at best

Did you not have a world history course explaining the beginnings of America? How it was founded by a bunch of religious fanatics/puritans that got driven out of England and Holland etc.

Well shit, Oops.

>you will never make a RAUNCHY R-RATED FILM and be able to eat, buy a car, and a house because of it :/

There was also a scene with Sarah Michelle Gellers cleaveage that I fapped to

holy fuck John Krasinski really messed Pam's head up.

Was it the first or second that Fred took over Daphnes body?

Do not remind me.

What the fuck do you shoot someone with that makes their entire fucking head from the neck up blow off? Did she have a bomb in her skull or something?

it got rated R because of how fucking gay it was lmao

Bullshit, there are pg-13 movies with full tits shown.

If a new Scooby Doo movie was going to be made, that didn't connect to any of the other films, who would you cast?


A shotgun?

I'm sure it looks like Goldberg soup with congealed fat on top.

What is that green stuff oozing out her neck?

I hope that picture's meant to be ironic

>implying the original live-action cast wasn't perfect


havent you ever heard the eminem song that goes: ill cut you so fast that when your blood spills, it is still blue.

.50 bmg anti material rifle?
but probably not that since why would you use that for a unshielded human target?

Man I wanted fridge Daphne to dominate Asian Velma when this movie came out.

Cleavage want the only thing that was going to make it R, you fag.

It was the series' big twist where they revealed aliens had infiltrated modern society and were living among us.

brb jerking off

Hair has drugs, deangelos tits and cussing everywhere. It has a PG rating. Not sure how that is possible

trees reflected in the blood pool

I hope you die of aids.

I wanted to say that dammit!

So that's what the big baggy jacket was for.

It's red in the next shot. Apparently it appears green from that angle because of a tree in the background being reflected.


I swear I remember this scene being in it, or maybe I just imagined her like this

>The rumors are true -- I'm gonna lie to get dumbshits to talk about my shitty movie online.

Fred: Chris Pine
Velma: Chris Evans
Daphne: Chris Hemsworth
Shaggy: Chris Pratt
Scooby: Chris Rock

It would make billions of dollars

Bolo buckshot can easily do that.

Directed by Chris Columbus

>the female stars' cleavage was CGI'd away
>gloriously gratuitous Velma cleavage in accompanying photo


Maybe the people at the MPAA were fans of Scooby Doo and were taking action so the creator didn't get his retarded way with Velma having excessive amount of cleavage.

Soundtrack by Ludacris

>not Chris Isaak

Sorry, I blanked on another Chris and just went with a joke answer

Lighting by: Christian Bale (ah duh duh de duh like that in the background. Fucking unprofessional man)

>Third world retard believes clickbait, THANKS FOR THE SHEKELS!

You are the worst type of human. You are why the world is shit. I suggest you kill yourself for humanity.

wtf happened to her she used to be sort of qt

>You are the worst type of human. You are why the world is shit. I suggest you kill yourself for humanity.
wow, am I on reddit?

yeah, at close range. there's no shotgun anywhere near her when her head blows up.

I smell bullshit.

CG wasn't good enough to hide cleavage in those days... if they had tried it would have been super obvious.

They probably cut the movie around to reduce impact... like scenes where she's running or bending down or something... but this idea that cleavage = R rating is so stupid and clickbaity.

Boned was OK until they decided to make it almost exclusively about the Booth/Brennan relarionshio

Retards believe they were being legit about the movie almost being R

oh how the mighty have fallen

She's just drying some ham under her skirt

Yes, that's a thing girls do: hide their big tits with baggy clothes.

lel ikr

Posting the sauce:

Barrack Obama as Scooby-Doo and Dorgonold Pmurt as Fred

Isn't that the kid from Freaks and Geeks?

It was given an R-rating because they originally made an “edgier film geared toward older kids and adults.” They were basically doing Robot Chicken the Movie.

He was in "Waiting..." I know that much.

If a boy's dick gets hard from watching gore it's okay, if it gets hard from watching a woman's cleavage it is wrong

When it cut to the lawyer I thought it was the Supreme gentleman at first


That Velma was gorgeous. Just look at that face.