Are they trying to make him completely unlikable now? His scenes in the latest episode were almost unwatchable...

Are they trying to make him completely unlikable now? His scenes in the latest episode were almost unwatchable. The recurring slipping Jimmy stuff is getting really tiring and his latest stunt was vile.

On the other hand, I really liked the scenes with Chuck and Howard.

yes, the idea is that he ends up being unlikable, that's his arc. we know this based on where he ends up

Irene deserved it. Fucking bitch.

Sure, he conned an old woman, but for whose good? Sure, he will get his payout, all the old women, and Hamlin himself.

See, here's the thing with litigation, if they're not pressing the company to settle, these things can drag on many years, even to the point that all the original claimants have died. So it makes sense for them to take the 1million plus per person offer. Sure, they could hold off and bleed a few more thousand per person, but that helps no one.

He was merely pursuading Irene to do the right thing from everyones' standpoint. Since he cannot officially advise on legal matters, he had to use a roundabout way to convince her to settle.

Not to mention, it may have been done for Chuck's benefit as well. He knew Hamlin would wish for Chuck to be gone with his mental instability done and his malpractice insurance too high to keep him. This gives Hamlin the cash he needs to buy out Chuck as a partner and cash out his shares.

Though outwardly he's still very pissed at his brother, even this may be looking out for him (and himself, Irene, and the old people), in a roundabout way.

yeah but to manipulate an old lady like that? you would have to be a complete piece of shit to do that to an old lady.

Also, it's not even a believable story, it's not like that many people would blindly fall for what he's trying to do.

but he's not unlikable in BB

he's not unlikable because he's not the main character and we're not around him the entire time.

He's making the old lady take a million+ settlement for her own good and all her friends get the same. If this means making an old lady sad in the short term, it's well worth it.

If he wasn't temporarily suspended from the bar he could just tell her outright why it's smart to take the settlement, but since he cannot advise on legal matters, he had to con her into doing it.

It's still for the greater good. I think he also knows Hamlin will use the cash to cash out his brother, and that's actually pretty damn considerate considering the bad blood between them.

It doesn't seem like he cares about anyone but himself.

And what if that old lady died or had mental problems as a result of this?

She already had mental problems.

1. She's old
2. She's a lady

*tips fedora*

*posts stale reddit meme*

*damage control*


t. retard who doesn't know what damage control is

Fuck that bitch and her fresh kicks.

>jimmy heel turn
>chuck face turn
really activates my almonds

I'm not sure if chuck exactly made a face turn, he's willing to sink HHM for their rightful decision to suggest he retire

old yeller still has alotta fight in him.
being determined to not be humiliated again and showing his progress to getting better sure made it seem that way.
plus hamlin was mostly portrayed as the bad guy to all 3 other characters

How will it all end?

>people shitting on based Irene ITT

it's not 1 million plus per person. he gets 1 and a half million or whatever because he gets 20% of the lawyer's take which is 33%. i don't know how many people are in the class action suit but i would assume it's a lot more than 10 (which is what it would be if they all got over a million).

Nevertheless it seems like a hasty 180. He was for the little people and the employees of HHM in the beginning remember? He didnt want to quit because the company would go down under and people would lose their jobs.

>hamlin was mostly portrayed as the bad guy to all 3 other characters
Are you high? Hamlin is the most sympathetic one.

His calling out both Chuck and Jimmy shows how both brothers are destroying each other, and progressively devolving.

this. she had a shitty attitude

the lawyers get 5 peanuts extra while each retirees only get half a peanut extra if they wait though

Is Chuck the biggest autist on tv?
>always has to have an enemy

>tfw so autistic that had to get the episode off when everybody talks shit about Irene
It hit too close

lmao pussy ass bitch

kimifu is going to die isn't she ;__;

has anything happened in this show yet?

The trial changed him. After he fucked over Chuck, whether Chuck had it coming or not, it seemed like it changed him. It was his moral event horizon.

If you're willing to fuck over your own brother, what line WON'T you cross to get what you want?

I think they hinted at his heel turn when Chuck's ex-wife told Jimmy he needed him and he dismissed her

It's always good for a laugh to see people react to Jimmy as if he's not going to become the epitome of a sleezy, unscrupulous lawyer who pushes drugs and jumps to the conclusion on getting people shanked in prison for the convenience of it.

He obviously never gets to be as evil as Walt but it's going to be fucking weird to see Jimmy condone murder for the first time.

Walt was stupid

What's also funny is to see people crying over the Irene thing. It's morally questionable considering the situation and who gets what money, but all things considered, it's pretty mild compared to what will happen in the future.

I love the show and have investment in Jimmy as a character but I have no delusions about Jimmy coming out of this as likable

No, it's because his character is supposed to likable for the audience. If you ever watched the show, you'd clearly see that almost every single character in bb that meets Saul absolutely hates him.

He's a slimy cheeseball cunt and he knows it in breaking bad. It's a good cover for the evil shit he's tied up in, tbhonest

I do like that throughout BB he remains a fun character. He's introduced as a fun character and to the end he's pretty fun. Probably why we got a spin off.

>claims to do it to uphold the purity of the law
>threatens litigation twice in a row out of spite
Chuck man you're slippin'

she's going to go work as head of one of the new bank locations when she fully believes her time as a lawyer has been tainted

do lawyers really refer to other lawyers as litigators?

Who cares? Fuck old people. Have you ever dealt with them outside of your grandparents? They suck.

I used to work at McDonald's and they were often annoying when they would order, but I have no problem with old people overall

>>What's also funny is to see people crying over the Irene thing. It's morally questionable
moralities are relative, time to wake up spooked sheep

The scenes with Irene geniuely made me sad.
i dont know when was the last time a tv show or movie made me feel that sad actually, she just didnt deserve that.

yeah that's how I feel too. Fuck these edgelords.

Most likely, after the settlement he will do something to make Irene a hero to the rest of the ladies and all will be right with the world. Well, unless the bitch dies before he has a chance to.

sure they were sad but not out of character for what Jimmy becomes


>he will do something to make Irene a hero
more like
>he will do something to make Irene an hero

agreed, anyone who's ever worked in a service job knows how awful old people are. it's almost hard to believe jimmy would have voluntarily gotten into elder law because the pay isn't great and they're a pain to fucking deal with.


why do you have to like the main character as a person or what they do to enjoy the show ?

>WAHWAH all old people are cunts

Well maybe if you didn't fuck their order up and give them a shitty attitude about it they wouldn't be so bad, cuck.

i'm not a waiter, but i used to work in a box office for music venue and they were always annoying as fuck and complained about stupid shit. worse than black people even.

>didn't read my post
>couldn't understand it

yeah, morality can be relative in many cases, that's why I say Jimmy's actions were questionable.

Chuck became literally /our/ guy this episode.
>overcoming his autism
>btfo HHM

Chuck's Rising spinoff when?

at least they dont rob and rape you

So edgy

Ever notice how it's only ever limp-wristed faggots who use this word?

what is this post even?
what do you hope to accomplish with that retarded shitpost?

How could Jimmy afford to buy 20 pairs of expensive trainers when he can barely afford the rent on his office?

Didn't he ripoff the guy's at the guitar store

Also the 700 bucks from the drug dealer, plus if you really think those shoes were expensive I got a bridge to sell ya, reaaaaaaal cheap

i watch his plot on first season, then i only jump to mike's plot

Maxed out credit cards but instead of paying my bills I'll burn my cash on a ludicrous scheme to con a elderly woman

>Emmy award winning writing

Except he DID pay off his bills.

That's just how Americans behave.

i thought he was going to get like a mil from this thing?

200 bucks is worth for a payout of a million

he was lying about the no return policy so she would be obligated to accept the gift. 99.9% of shoe stores accept full refunds as long as the shoe has no visible signs of use. i'm assuming your underage and never had to buy your own shoes, i always wear new shoes around the house for a day to see if they fit right before going outside with them so i can easily return them if they hurt my feet.

Oh, stop. He didn't it all for himself because of the situation he's in, and the fact that it does work out for everyone else whether they want to believe it or not to his advantage.