Emma Roberts general
Emma Roberts general
Stone > Roberts >>>>>>> Watson
dumb frogposter
mmm deep pusy
last thread was pruned or deleted
no way! is that really her?
eternal based pusyposter
Damn, I would puncture her stomach.
wth man why did you make this thread the other one was going fast, and had a bunch of interesting discussions going on, and now it 404'd cuz u made this. not cool man
yea new thread
I know right. I was about to ask a question to a user who meat ER at comic con 2014
post the Hq version. Also, this one wil just be pruned for being off-topic, the other one was on-topic and going fast with alot of discussions. Now this will defnitely be pruned. OP unironically ruined my nignt I was just getting comfy
Holy fuck this image is stupid, but I guess I can't say i'm surprised to see such retardation from post on here considering every other poster is an underageb& faggot.
Im still here. Ask away. (just adding a name so noone else claims to be and LARP
use a tripcode gayfer
wth, how do i do that, why are u taking my name dont be a jerk. This post is for Best Emma posters, we are nice to each other
It's weird how I don't like her aunt in the slightest, yet I've got a boner for Emma.
>not joining in
I googled it. There now I have a tripcode I was the one who met Emma, AMA. You jerkface cumwad
being this butthurt
was she there for American Horror Story? what did she signed for you? did her voice sounded different from the TV or movie? what did she smell like?
OP's autism is gonna make them ban all thread. The fucking faggot made this low-quality thread and soon mods will just start deleting any and all Emma Roberts threads. The other threads have all been high-quality this faggot is ruining everything
damn, i love her wide smile
>his post is for Best Emma posters, we are nice to each other
should we make a new one and abandoned ship
I are faggot
t. dicklet
lovely isn't she
hai moot
Any old fags who have been fans since Unfabulous?
who /belly/ here
Right here. I used to think her best female friend was hotter until i grew up and became patrician. That nigger made the right choice by staying away from her t b h
post in new thread
reported this waifu thread since it's not my waifu
you're waifu is a shit
She's was my only celebrity crush. Plebs will never understand.
Nah b
who /perky tits/ here?
Don't know about 'old' because I'm 21, but that's the only thing I've seen her in