IRAQ citizen living in canada

I am an iraqi who immigrated to canada

ask me anything

Other urls found in this thread:

why do you hate the white race

when are you going back?

You like Trudeau?
You like Poutine?

North Etobicoke?

I don't. I am just proud of my own culture and heritage

I have more opportunity here, I dont want to

Trudeau is great.

I am in vancouver so have only tried poutine once, not sure how authentic is was

are you from iraq?

Tell me that is your ass and not some random photo from google

Nigger nigger sandnigger jihadnigger sculpted dog shit nigger jihadnigger?

are you concerned that muslims will be the new jews (holocaust), if they don't stop their shitty terrorist activities?

If you are so proud of your culture and heritage why didnt you create opportunity in Iraq?

So the very culture and heritage that made the middle east shit you want to take to western civilization?

Why do we have to suffer cause your people made that shithole?


yes I was born in iraq, moved here 2 years ago.





How do you feel about refugees that get to skip the imigration line and get set up with free housing and schooling?

I lived in Baghdad for 6 years. What part of Iraq you from habibi?

with an ass like that i KNOW you take it up your shithole, absolutely HARAM BABY.

Are cars cheap in Iraq?

Everyone here likes and cherishes muslims and is tolerant. terrorist attacks have been going on forever, and they are much worse in the middle east anyway. look at afghanistan.

I want more from life than Iraq could off me.

how are you suffering from me being here???

your taking all the women and raping the jobs

We are suffering because you bring your shitty culture and heritage to our country.

Your culture is shit and your heritage is shit. You are a shit mud person from a shit mud hole.

You have more butts??
Asking for a friend.

My immigration was expedited because of the terrible situation iraq is in (ISIS was not far from where i lived)

I get subsidized housing and free university classes taught in english.


gas is. cars not bad but they are peices of shit.

if u cant compete with me for a job, too bad

>iraqi in Canada
>Sup Forums

Bait detected

We don't want your taharrush.
We don't want your terrorism.
We don't want your homophobic, and intolerent views.
We don't want your crime.

And don't give me that bullshit about how we destabilized the region. You people were begging for us to liberate you from Sadaam, same with Gaddafi and Assad.

The difference between my culture and heritage and yours is that my ancestors cared for the future of their children, They wanted a better world for me and mine, and by you coming here and disrupting our society. Bringing all the negatives aspects and no net positives. You're people are incapable of creating a free and just society and instead of creating you leach off our success.

Immigrant on your own merits, sponsored, or refugee? Also living in Vancouver on what I'm guessing is a meager income given how Canada fucks with professional immigrants is like the dumbest thing ever. Move out of the city you silly sandperson.

How will you repay Canada for its generosity?


>if u cant compete with me for a job, too bad
Spoken like an American. The fuck are you doing in canuckistan?

Never made it that far west. Mostly Baghdad and north Iraq and out east.

Welcome to Canada

Reminder to not post images and to sage when replying to shill threads.

Do you miss him?

Am I doing it right?

walahi brother we should reup and hit up some clubs and bang some bitches as a celebration famm.

I am iraqi, not canadian. I don't owe the country anything.

? there are many of us here.
you created the problem.
>muh heritage.


If you were an Iraqi fleeing ISIS, you wouldn't know Sup Forums existed.

You wouldn't know how to use a computer.

Your English would be terrible.

You are a liar with a vested interest in undermining civilization.

Your day will come snaketongue.

When are Muslims as a whole going to say, OK we gotta change that apostates must die bit in the quran, because it is enabling extremism?When are you going to reach the level of outrage against your extremists that their victims have? When are you going to admit only you can change these people, and you aren't?

>if u cant compete with me for a job, too bad
You've assimilated well, welcome to Canada bruh.

I get subsidized housing so vancouver is affordable.

dont want the country side i like the big city

Was USA in the middle east during 9/11?
You created the problem

please post nudes.

> (You)
Answer the fucking question, you degenerate!


Prove that you're Iraqi and not just shitposting

so non-sponsored refugee without special skills placed in the most ridiculous housing market in the country? you kinda sound fake as fuck tbqh famalam

I know but Canadians let you into Canada because you were in a dangerous situation. How will you repay Canada?

So you were fine with Saddam?

>>I am iraqi, not canadian. I don't owe the country anything.

Piece of shit.


What day, tomorrow?
It comes for us all


So if you consider yourself Iraqi and not Canadian why the fuck are you here?
>Are you staying here? If so, assimilate or gtfo

>Piece of shit.
Every last immigrant is just like that. Just cause they wave a 3'X5" paper flag first weekend in July doesn't mean they're anything but poos, wops, porkers, chinks, jihadniggers, niggerniggers. Don't act so surprised. In fact, any non-anglo that claims to be canadian is overcompensating.

We actually don't, it's funny how arrogant arabs are because they haven't seen the white man pissed off, oh well your time will come, in the mean time you can pick up a history book and look at what happens when white people go to war.

What's your hourly rate, and do you allow MSOG?

>In fact, any non-anglo that claims to be canadian is overcompensating.

The rest was good, this is just autistic. Any broadly European people adapt well enough together

>she thinks canadians like muslims

that's pretty arrogant and self-assured of you to say, considering you're not one of us.

ask me how I know you haven't spent any real time with canadians or outside of vancouver. It's truly disheartening to listen to immigrants speak for canadians when they have no idea about our culture and customs, traditions and heritage, identity and history.

we are closer to the south than the tolerant lefty bunch of metro van/tor/mtl.

t. 22-24 million of this proud country

Actually my mom was asking around to buy a room in downtown vancouver. Guess what?


The owners signed a contract for subsidized housing with the government. The Syrian refugee family pays 500/mo under a 5 year contract! Haha haha.


Go back shitskin Canada is a white country

I find Euros that come to Canada can be overly patriotic of their homeland(Especially Portuguese) just like Arabs. Canada has zero assimilation. Our culture is YOUR PREVIOUS culture. . . We are the biggest cucks boys.

Don't you realize the most conservative part of the country is the Prairies? And most people living in the prairies are descended from German and Ukrainian settlers. Predominately Anglo parts like Ontario and the maritimes are cucked to hell

portuguese dry-wallers in toronto aside, most europeans come here knowing they must adopt the bicultural traditions and heritage of our forefathers.

anyone who doesn't do so is not a canadian.

it is a national tragedy that some flousy asshat PM in the 70s claims "we are multicult b/c we have no culture!" and everyone kow-ties to that nonsense.

we have a bicultural heritage, estabished by the french and english empires and settled by scots, irish, and squareheads. this should be nationally promoted.

anything less is treason.

I'll let you in on a secret - Canadian isn't a nationality. English, Scot, Welsh, are nationalities and Canadian is a term used to describe English, Scot and Welsh people living in this particular colony - it's a nickname.
That doesn't mean that these "Canadians" can't be proud of their accomplishments taming the harshest part of a wild continent - all it means is that every other immigrant to Canada isn't in on the joke.
The leaf flag was a mistake. The constitution was a mistake, and its lead to this great delusion currently manifesting among the new arrivals.

piledrivers are banned
this guy is a legit heel


GTA is just contamination zone. Rest of the province is pretty much redpilled. I personally know nobody who would support Wynne

entirely this.

It is nothing short of cultural genocide to deny all of our past history and heritage in order to make foreigners feel welcome. It also pushes people proud of their homeland to obscurity and ostracization.

when the world destablises I hope the Five Eyes/Anglosphere can create a commonwealth of individual nations.

>took up till 1945 to finally dethrone the Chinese for most battlefield kills

I would let you sit on my face and pee.

more importantly when is she going black...because you know she will. fucking mudshit.

I was infuriated when they voted her in, but I shouldn't be surprised as lefty students, union workers, and limp-wrists in toronto think the liberal party is their party b/c of their name.

Somehow they forgot the scandals in the 90s.

and the 80s.

and the 70s.

I'm just talking about the ontario liberals.

t. Kingstonian, former exile of Toronto

>not a question, but see
Asking for a friend.

underrated will thumbs up my ass again.

Well Op?

What makes an Iraqi think they belong in Canada?

the leaf was defeated this day. hes got nothing. not even any more fake pics of that fat assed thing.

this. How can you claim to be proud of your heritage/culture when you abandon it to get "more" from another country? I don't care that much if you come here, but this really needs to be addressed (you really didnt address it). Will you go back once you have money and try and help your country become better?

same shit really, cucked population of poopootine eating faggots, weak jaw lines. wears of plad and voters of JUST. they belong there because they can dominate you faggots easliy. just like i am . with my big stronk BURGER DICK. im fucking a canacuck in her asshole right now. its JUSTINS WIFE. HER COCK KEEPS GETTING IN THE WAY BUT. ITS OK. SWAG SECRETLY WE ALL GAY ANYWAY.

You're are cancer, your culture is a cancer and the future is bleak, backward and oppressive the longer it is allowed to continue.

The bourgeoisie won't support the plebs in exterminating your culture till it begins to encroach upon them and their own but once it does your ethnic group will be gone.

Smokes is shit-tier poutine, the only good thing about it is the variety of toppings

If you had a daughter/sister, could I fuck her?

That's my only requirement for allowing you to live in my country

>same with gaddafi and assad
You've got to be shitting me???

Addendum: Do you know how to camp? How about how to paddle a canoe? You aren't a real Canadian until you know bushcraft.

Are you still Muslim?
If so why are you still alive?

you damn right we will brother anglo-saxon pride world wide

Lol. Assad is christian stupid!

were you a baathist?

why don't you kill yourself, you evil muslim.

>Zakir Naik
I'm glad his channel was shut down in Bangladesh.

>President Dwight Eisenhower had established a Special Committee on Iraq (SCI) in April 1959

> the John F. Kennedy administration's belief that Iraq was not important to the broader Cold War—resulted in the disestablishment of the SCI within days of Kennedy's inauguration as President.[4] However, subsequent events would return Iraq to the attention of American officials.

>On June 25, 1961 Qasim mobilized troops along the border between Iraq and Kuwait, declaring the latter nation "an indivisible part of Iraq" and causing a short-lived "Kuwait Crisis." The United Kingdom—which had just granted Kuwait independence on June 19 and whose economy was heavily dependent on Kuwaiti oil supplies—responded on July 1 by dispatching 5,000 troops to the country to deter any Iraqi invasion. At the same time, Kennedy briefly dispatched a U.S. Navy task force to Bahrain, and the U.K.

>In December 1961, Qasim's government passed Public Law 80, which restricted the British- and American-owned Iraq Petroleum Company (IPC)'s concessionary holding to those areas in which oil was actually being produced, effectively expropriating 99.5% of the IPC concession.

>In April 1962, the State Department issued new guidelines on Iraq that were intended to increase American influence in the country. Around the same time, Kennedy instructed the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)to begin making preparations for a military coup against Qasim.

>Despite evidence that the CIA "developed an interest" in the Ba'ath Party "around 1961," the CIA official working with Roosevelt to instigate a military coup against Qasim, and who later became the head of the CIA's operations in Iraq and Syria, has "denied any involvement in the Ba'ath Party's actions.


seems like we were in Iraq since ...

>The United States recognized Iraq on January 9, 1930, when Charles G. Dawes, U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom.
>British Petrolium
>muh independence

and dont forget

>1916 On 22 November, the British occupied the city of Basra against a force of 2900 Arab conscripts of the Iraq Area Command commanded by Suphi Pasha. Suphi Pasha and 1,200 men were captured.

UK sold the US to the Jews to protect the Queens oil(stolen from Iraq) in 1917. Canada was part of that,

Why would any self respecting Westerner have any desire to allow primitive islamic goatfuckers into their advanced White countries. Go home shitskin.

When will you admit that islam destroyed the middle east?