He's a big guy
>summer baby keeps forcing his gay meme
Laugh my ass off off off off off off?
Are you feeling ok, op?
partyrocking is an oldfag meme. you had to have been round in 2011 to understand it
>Same guy posting the same "party.png" file in every thread
watch him change the file name or micro edit in in paint so he has several versions from now on
It's about as relevant and funny as spamming "All ur base" into every thread with no humorous connection.
jej, ok nigger
It's at least 3-4 posters going by the posting cooldowns. One of them might have a Sup Forums pass making it 3 instead of 4.
Shaq is one of the few legit celebrities who's also a really nice guy.
Rainbow-colored shirt pls.
I wish I could see her internal organs destroyed by shaq's bbc
Thanks, don't have this PARTY ROCKER yet
Look at his pants m8, he's got a normal penis that looks like a micropenis on him
Why does Sup Forums love jonha hill so much? You realize that in real life he'd think you're a weirdo and kick your ass, right?
Miley is nice too.
Or was, I haven't seen her in years.
you just KNOW
for all of us
>6 inches
So extremely relevant and funny?
Anyone standing next to fucking Shaq would look like that, EVEN YOU ASSHOLE