The STATE of germany

the STATE of germany.

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90% of brazilian cities have a minority of natives...

That's sad.

Germans on Sup Forums love to bash anyone while their own count is been robbed of them. Their inability to fight for their own will be their ruin.

Give it time Cristiano, I’m more than certain the Germans will become rebellious eventually

why frankfurt?


>Their inability to fight for their own
yeah, Germany, the big exception of all manly men warmachine western countries, so pathetic amirite


The Germans deserve their extinction. A race that refuses to fight, is one that deserves to die

>I just came into this thread to have a taste of these salty Sup Forums tears

LOL, never see someone this retarded.

Please, elaborate how there is 90% non-brazilians in ANY Brazilian city. Amerindian natives from Brazil are also Brazilian you inbred retard, please crawl back to your demented shithole and stay there.

any german can confirm this?

Ethiopians with German passports are also German you indred retard

does this negro really think he is native to brazil?

This, I strongly doubt that it's a majority of illegal immigrants

Yes I'm sure that's what the articles means.

yes it's true
if you look at the correct districts or limit the age range to only those below 25 years, some places have been majority subhuman for about 10 years already (Offenbach, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Duisburg)

How did I fucking guess that the OP is Monkeyzilian?

Haha, see they prefer to shitpost on Sup Forums instead of having their own country.

Britanon was right, they deserve to be extinct. Germany is the epitome of cuckoldry

I'm from Paraná and here we only see amerindians when they're begging for money and selling shit.

It's not my fault if you live in extreme north, jungle nigger

I MUST go back to protect my people.
The fight against disgusting MUSLIM SARACENS is only beggining my BROTHERS.

Frankfurt only has 45,000 turks and 15,000 syrians

>natives become suddenly extinct when immigration happens
t-that's not how it works user

The war is already lost. The barbarians are already inside the gates. Rome has fallen

Sorry, I have triple citizenship.

Retard, just because your great great great great grand parent was German this doesn't make you German, if you was born in Brazil you are Brazilian.

Because of the symbolism

by looking at the flag i'd wager

Where do you get your information from?

MH = migration background

pic related is me seeing the brazillian fags fight with each other over a country they dont live in

If you are from Paraná than 90% chance you have polish heritage not German.

If your parents are Brazilian and you did born in Brazil, then you are Brazilian.

Just because you have 0.00003% German or polish blood this don't make you any of those. In sorry to bring you the sad news.

Post the typical German family.

that graph literally says nothing about the ethnicity of the immigrants
chances are most of them are other Europeans

>Ethiopians with German passports are also German
>this is what the German actually believes

>Deutsch volk realize Hitler was right
>all the decades of shame for being "ebil nazees" turns around into anger
>EU is dissolved overnight from German withdrawal
>other countries take this as a que for a white reclamation
>we fourth Reich nao


Nationality is derived from blood, not soil. As long as a Germanic blood flows through his veins, he is a German

This is why the britanon was right, they lost their identity and have no pride in tradition.

Ask why there are no extremists (any religion or any subject) because our own population kills them.

When someone joins Brazil there are 2 ways:
1 abandon all your traditions or use them very moderately (never display sign that you are any different from average Brazilian)
2 death
(Same can be said for the Japan/Japanese culture)

nope, all immigrants in Germany are muslim negroes

yes because it's true

haha yeah can't wait to be beheaded by racist muslim negroes who hate Germans and have their cum in my cut open throat

You are wrong, otherwise everyone would be from everywhere on earth as anyone have at least 0.1% from all races

Are you fucking retarded Ahmed?

All that violence in a multiracial 3rd world country. Glorious. I hope we turn into Brazil soon. I hope we also make such cute shemales and can be equally poor in the next 30 years

>Sup Forums: the thread
but why? no one is taking the German's traditions away, so why should they take the traditions from other cultures away either?
Become a bit more mature and learn that it's possible to be in a normal relationship towards other humans without forcing them to be 100% the same as you. if you can't do that it's a sign of autism.
>all immigrants in Germany are muslim negroes
if you unironically believe that there are no European, American etc. immigrants in Germany, i am convinced you have an actual mental deficit

>German is a race
correct, I despise the British who fight so vigoriously against Pakistani rape gangs
they just should have let them rape 5000 kids instead of putting up a fight


You know I can smell you are not a true german, right?

Where are you from? Did one of your parents went to Germany or you are the first of your kind?


no shit sherlock

New crusade when?

Germans are the core of the European identity you fucking dipstick.

They sit at the centre of Europe and are in the middle culturally of all the nation's of Europe. Without them, a core portion of Western culture dies.

this thread of not about history but as in right now

I'm from Brandenburg (rural state around Berlin, bordering Poland) and all my relatives have German surnames. The meaning of these surnames are like "inhabitant of [nearby village name]" and "believer in traditional religion". Even other white Germans tell me my skin is whiter than a switched on lightbulb. And I believe you that you can smell anything with your fat Gorilla nose, negroe.

It's true. But the major foreign group in Frankfurt are EU citizens and Americans and not refugees what the average Sup Forums poster might think.[_id_inhalt]=32511851

This is ostensibly the source of the data.

That doesn't make grammatical sense.
You are not using the proper predicates for the sentence.

>Germans are the core of the European identity you fucking dipstick.

>They sit at the centre of Europe and are in the middle culturally of all the nation's of Europe. Without them, a core portion of Western culture dies.

I'm not germ, I'm a jap...
I'm not sad about not being a yuro living here, I'm sad that yuros killed and raped native americans...

didn't you fight them when they fought for their race? lol

>It's true. But the major foreign group in Frankfurt are EU citizens and Americans and not refugees what the average Sup Forums poster might think
Are you retarded? Listen to the Brazilian experts itt for once

fucking thank you
glad to see not every german on Sup Forums has reached intellectual mutt level because of panicking about "muh rapefugees" by now

it's true though

not just Europeans btw

then why do europeans give americans such shit for saying they're irish, german, italian, etc?


"American" means English on this btw

Meme image with little real world application for a number of reasons

>mutt masturbation fantasies

and I was mistaken to believe that English meant English on this chart
thank you, with your superior brain you can only be a Syrian bull
may I lick your cock for destroying my race sir?

Does the IDF pay you much per post?

The whole meme about americans seeing themselves as descended from different parts of Europe is just a thing for Neo-Europeans. We are really alienated from the world in that we may have never stepped foot in Europe but everything we inherit comes from it.

If anything, we are far superior to Europeans as we are descended from adventurers and the brave rather than those who stayed behind.

I actually did some reading into this article. It seems that the news came from a document called "Frankfurt Integration and Diversity Monitoring". The document stems way back in 2012 though. I'm wondering if anyone here has the link to the document for 2017/2018.

You don't wanna know, the document is all black

>If anything, we are far superior to Europeans as we are descended from criminals and people who reached the bottom of the totem pole after 100s of generations

Brietbart has a source showing the 51.2% figure but it links to this article:

Can any Germans translate this for me please?

>If anything, we are far superior to Europeans as we are descended from adventurers and the brave rather than those who stayed behind.

Christ this pseudo-intellectual faggot is going insane

Because America is by itself a superpower and because America as a whole is just jam packed with bant material.
>mutt memes will never hurt my snow skin

>Americans of English heritage are often seen, and identify, as simply "American" due to the many historic cultural ties between England and the U.S. and their influence on the country's population. Relative to ethnic groups of other European origins, this may be due to the early establishment of English settlements; as well as to non-English groups having emigrated in order to establish significant communities.

>In the 2000 census, 24.5 million Americans reported English ancestry, 8.7% of the total U.S. population. This estimate is probably a serious undercount by over 30 million given that, in the 1980 census, around 50 million citizens claimed to be of at least partial English ancestry. As many as 80 million Americans may be wholly or partly of English ancestry. In 1980, 23,748,772 Americans claimed wholly English ancestry and another 25,849,263 claimed English along with another ethnic ancestry.

George Soros personally gives me a handjob for every post, goy. Now bow down before I use my abyssal Jew magic to directly attack your credit score.

germany more like cuckmany amirite

>we are far inferior to Europeans as we are descended from labourers and cowards rather than those who stayed behind to face war, poverty and gross inequality

>Can any Germans translate this for me please?
No, I am too stupid :( my race (German) deserves to die but you can be assured that all immigrants are black and hate Germans and that Brazilians are cool because they just kill people on the street and succesfully defended their race


Excuse me? Germany is a racist social construct
I wouldn't have believed that other countries can be so intolerant
please refer to this area as "black muslim breeding and feeding zone"


Yeah, because land ownership is a fantastic thing which is normal for us. And we always went to war with the natives, we still do crush them all the time.

Oh and equality before decent systems of law, lack of corruption(talking to you Italian, with your 4th unelected government and rot so deep it dates back to the Roman Republic) or complete annihilation and cultural suicide.

You know New Zooland just banned foreigners from buying land, right?

Maybe because New Zooland is the new muttery?

I think so too

isn't it fantastic? only two years and Germany will be 90% muslim


74.0% European
14.9% Māori
11.8% Asian
7.4% Pacific peoples
1.2% ME/LA/African
1.7% Other

how very superior

I had to puke when I read the term of that social construct that needs to be desstroyed with refugee genetics while I pay for it

Every single one of those Maori is at least 50% white

Nah, it is bullshit pushed by our third way, blairite new government. They didn't change anything really. Chinks just park their money in housing through trusts.

Also, >brazil talking about new muttery.

The pacific islands are essentially vassal states who are used to work enormous farming estates for fruit and animals. The Maori are extremely miscegnated, there are very few who are higher than 50% maori.

Gooks definitely are a problem though.

wtf I love the New Zealandic race now
they are so brave and defended their race against all kinds of invaders, almost as admirable as Brazilians
Do you also produce cocaine and shoot people on the street like admirable countries that have their own identity do?

>the actual state of this asshurt GERMan

>be friend of mine
>buys a AMG Mercedes-Benz
>engine plate "manufactured by Süleyman Schmidt"

I hope one day I will be as progressive as a Brazilian national identity defending manly shemale who shoots niggers instead of taking their dicks in the ass

surely, in 2 hours when Germany became 99,9% Ugandan islamofundamentalist and they all simultaneously cum in the hole my chopped of penis left on my torso I will reach my goal

can't wait for it, I hate my country

the führer is rolling in his graves
come back already :'(

Stop shitposting! They need their Sup Forums-fantasies to feel better about themselves, while nobody actually cares about it here.

>b-b-but hispanic are whites!!!!!!
ah kiwimutts, never change

Good night

