So did they ever... I mean.. It's kinda implied right?

So did they ever... I mean.. It's kinda implied right?

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nope they never managed to catch pikachu in the end

Why the fuck did they want pikachu by the way?
Theres like a million of them out there. What was the point?

After the first attempt it was out of spite.

it has perfect IVs faggot, literally (1/31)^6 chance to find one

Pokémon is literally the equivalent to dog fighting

After 20 years of working together they s ettle down and have a few kids.

In the dub, Meowth says Pikachu has great potential for his class and he has already surpassed his capacity as a Pikachu, his boss really wants Pikachu for himself too but he probably justs wants to get rid of the team rocket.
They don't fuck or pair up if thats what you mean, James shows romantic interest for a female gym leader and Jessie for some other guy.

>they actually beat Ash in the new season

>ywn be raped by a rocket grunt

That's not Ash is it, he looks weird af

How did they pay for all the baloons and robots they used to catch pikachu?

As you can seeby the last second, no

Money from scamming less successfull trainers

Yea he does. Can't put my finger on why though.

Team Rocket evil as they were wouldn't stoop so low as to perform sexual acts on Meowth

Team Rocket were a gangstalking/fixer division of a government agency sent after ash because him and Professor Oak knew government secrets and threatened their clandestine operations

Government funding

Ash's Pikachu is the strongest out there. Remember he stopped him from evolving, which I think is the only case of that happening in the show.

The Sun/Moon anime has a really weird art style.

It's especially weird because the XY anime looked really good. Really surprisingly great animation too. I don't know what the fuck they were thinking with this new one.

He stopped bulbasaur from evolving, not pikachu.

They're like 15 or 16 years old, user.

James is gay mate

PETA pls go

No I think there was an episode where he was losing against a Raichu and had the chance to evolve Pikachu so he could win, but he chose not to.

>nani hidoideh!?

I just wanted to post this in here

would you not want a pikachu that could defeat a onyx

The kinoest episodes are th background stories of Jesse James and Meowth. Prove me wrong

To create a plot for the show.

get a load of this guy.

Both pikachu and raichu chose not to evolve.

This. Also they had a kid in the manga. But in the anime probably

Jesse strapped on a dildo and spitroasted Mewoth with James.

>15 and 16 year olds don't have sex

I know in the manga they got married, and James knocked her up.

I'm 24 and I've never had sex.

Ash didn't stop anything, the pokemon themselves didn't want to evolve. And Ash let them stay like that like a faggot, instead of shoving that Thunder Stone up Pikachu's ass like he should have.

Pikachu are fast and with a Light Ball they can hit hard like a Raichu.

user, I...


>using the pretending to be virgin meme outside /r9k/

>the Surge episode Speed meme

Pikachu are not fast. They're especially not faster than Raichu.

I'm going on game mechanics, boyo.

didn't they use the sprinklers to beat the onyx?



HD wet

They are 30 and 31, know your shit mate

Hair down Jessie is a best

Isn't heavily implied James is gay? They're always dressing him in women's clothing and giving him effeminate qualities.

They remind me of the bitchy diva and her bitchy gay friend archtype

childhood is rooting for ash
adulthood is realizing team rocket makes more sense


this but unironically

fuck your memes reddit

The way I see it, Jesse being paired up with an effeminate guy who showed no interest in her made her question her beauty and self-confidence, that's why she ended up fucking complete strangers on the regular.


Team Rocket always was more interesting and layered. Especially James.

It's normal for jap comedies to have crossdressing. Even live action drama shows have this

western art aka "jesus art" is so shit and unprovoking.

They did get together, but only in The Electric Tale of Pikachu

Oh I am sorry. Hopefully you like this, in your devine taste, better.