Zack Snyder confirms fan theory about Batman v Superman

So he dropped Justice League to spend time with family and now he's got time to talk to fans. WB fired him and that is their biggest mistake.

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He and Chris Terrio had planned it to be a trilogy, with Justice League as part 3, after which they'd probably step aside for others to expand the world. Shame we won't see what it would have been, but money and popularity talk louder than a few devoted fans.

WB fired him? Really?


He took time off because his adopted daughter committed suicide, you jackanape

Whedon didn't need to be hired. Junkie XL didn't need to be replaced by Elfman. Snyder's crew could've finished the movie. There's an obvious major shift in the project. Only retards buy into WB's PR.

They forced him off because he wouldnt adhere to their propaganda guidelines

>DCfags now making up retard theories about their own company


>He and Chris Terrio had planned it to be a trilogy, with Justice League as part 3
>man of steel
>justice league
there you go and Zack has even left the DCU

That's what they want you to believe

>Junkie XL didn't need to be replaced by Elfman.
Elfman is the God of capeshit/capekino soundtracks though.

>replaced by Elfman
oh fuck no pls

Whedon is a God of capeshit/capekino movies though!

>WB fired him and that is their biggest mistake.

Second biggest. Biggest was hiring him

Great so will have that shitty recurring simpsons/spiderman flute and strings shit he does in every theme what a fucking waste. Why not keep junkie? If they fag up the music to some generic Avengers shit im gonna be pissed!

One day in the future, Zack will be finally appreciated as greatest director of our time and WB will release "Justice League: Special edition as intended by Zack Snyder". "For the first time in history you can see Justice League with deleted content from Joss Whedon."

Any chance for the MoS 3 hour cut?

Been waiting for that to be released

We will also finally get to see Ayer's vision of Suicide Squad!

Maybe one day. Spider-Man 3 is getting extended cut, so if it's popular maybe WB will do something too.

Tfw Wonder Woman is only film that doesn't have any scenes cut.

>MoS 3 hour cut
>BvS 4 hour cut
>SS David Ayer Cut
>JL Snyder Cut
This would be the greatest box set in the history of cinema

Tfw WW is the shittest DCEU movie

The Ayer cut of SS is a masterpiece compared to bland Gadot on screen

I hate that the only director who didn't get screwed over made the shittiest DCEU movie. I am of course speaking of Wonder Woman.

>Elfman is the God of capeshit/capekino soundtracks though.
yeah avengers soundtrack was soooo good

This. i'm just glad Whedon will get the credit for saving DC.

I love BvS and even I'm gonna say, there's just no way there's a good movie in Suicide Squad waiting to come out. It's just complete garbage.

Remember Snyder had no fucking intentions of dropping Junkie. This is all the work of the hacks Whedon and Geoff Johns.

He's not finishing Justice League, the edit, music, reshoots etc, are in the hands of Wedon now.

She got screwed over aswell. They were rewriting the film during shooting. Instead of director films, it seems WB is aping Disney and just making studio films instead. Thanks marvelfags! This is the future you wanted.

>Snyder out
>Affleck quitting
>Whedon was hirring
Where were you when DCEU felt into feminisy-SJW shithole?

Affleck's probably back in now he knows they did okay with Wonder Woman.

>Affleck's probably back in
He wasn't called in London for reshoots and he isn't directing batman movie anymore

The biggest insult towards DC would be if it ended up just being a better version of Marvel.

Its hilarious that the marvelpajeets are in overtime mode to bash DC and Snyder after WW's success. Work hard for that $0.25 paycheck pajeet


He's in London right now, only people not there are Cavill(still in NZ for mission impossible) and Ezra

>i'm just glad Whedon will get the credit for saving DC

um sweetie...

Honestly they should just hire Joss Whedon to direct the Justice League Movies

This is proof that skeletons are real.


>He's in London right now,
But not in JL reshoots
And since Whedon are little soldier who fights against fascism and sexism in media, I hardly can see how he will work with Affleck

One obvious christ metaphor is good enough to rehash over 3 films.

>biggest mistake
Wonder Woman is a huge success

Reminder that this is the greatest capeshit theme ever and one of the most underrated kino capeshit movies:

Zack Snyder is the worst big budget director of our time. I'm glad he's off the project and it's funny that his daughter is dead.

Kill yourself. Like your heroes daughter.

Don't you mean the TV versions being released?

>This movie I haven't seen it's great, trust me!

that scene is tonally wrong for the character and just shows that this "super man" is just a killing machine and should leave the planet

fuck zack snyder

This. SS was a clusterfuck from the very beginning. What it became in editing probably saved it from being a commercial flop AS WELL as the critical failure that it was always destined to be

He only re arranged the theme of 3, bryan tyler did the ost

This is the state of MCUcks.

>dude I'm going to spend all my little free time with my gay trainer and lift heavy shit instead of spending time with my family
no wonder his daughter killed herself

>Zack Snyder is the worst big budget director of our time
Jj Abrams has done far worse. Snyder pissed off fans of some shitty comic, jj shit on the OT worse than any prequel of special edition Could

TFA was good

Imagine being this buttblasted pajeet

I'm not an mcuck. I'm a huge DC fan. I'm such a DC fag I have a Batman tat. I'm just able to admit these films have been fucking terrible and BvS was a tonal disaster.

And Lex Luthor was embarrassing. Murderman sucked. Superman was a faggot. Lo was all wrong.

For me to poop on

I liked a lot of stuff in BvS but the "do you bleed" scene was edgy and cringey. I have no idea what they were thinking with it.

You're mentally ill. TFA was great. And even if you didn't like it to say it was worse than the prequels is objectively wrong.

Consider headbutting a dagger.

Hahaha. Fuck Snyder's life.

You're mother's a cunt who blows men of color.

My parents are dead so jokes on you jiggaboo

Do you bleed... for our sins?

Not hard to figure that one out.

>unironically likes TFA
>has a tattoo of a kids capeshit character
>calls others mentally ill
Irony at its best


>TFA was great

It really was not. It had good elements to it but it was not by any stretch a great movie. The jew mouse and JJ literally took the most milquetoast road available and re-made epIV.

It is however better than ep I, II and most of III.

someone ask him to upload the: it's time you learn what it means to be a man scene that didnt make it in any released cut

It's a new testament/christianity reference, like the lance/Spear of Destiny, Batman being similar to Longinus, etc.

>I like x BUT
Nobody falls for it falseflagging Pajeet.

It was in the UC.

except it wasnt

>blaming an adult suicide to her parents

Why do millenials always blame somebody else?

You're no fan. BvS was kino. Only true DCpatricians understand this.

I mean yeah, but seriously he's right. If you think TFA is worse than the prequels you have the taste of an autistic 3 year old and should be banned from enjoying film.

These threads have permanent presence of the buttblasted Pajeets knowing MCU is a joke and a trainwreck.

Uh huh.

sounds pretty generic for Elfman

Mcu is fine. DC has potentially better characters but the films suck do to Zack the hack Snyder.

Ww was great.

It's due, not do.

>Mcu is fine
Holy shit imagine eating this much shit. It's honestly mind boggling to me that these adults with taste like this actually browse this board what the fuck.

The BvS score was one of the best things about the movie. Why the fuck would they replace JunkieXL with a hack like Elfman?

These are both examples of poor, unoriginal writing. But one is meant to be "muh serious capeshit film" and therefore is worse. Also see how one looks like its letting its characters stand out with having to use unnecessary lens flair and cinematography we saw back in independence day?

inb4 DC fags also love transformers and shill for Bay.

>Holy shit imagine eating this much shit

A DCuck saying this one. Really?

>b-but they're both bad
Holy shit what a downgrade in shilling daily Marvels to "a-atleast Snyder is just as bad". What the fuck happened to you guys? You used to put up a fight, not just passively aggressively shitpost around the argument like the sad fucks you've been reduced to.

Holy fucking shit.

>"I thought she was with you?"
>"Grandma's Peach tea"

fuck you dude

Holy shit imagine shitposting this poorly. It's honestly mind boggling to me that anons with low effort posts like this actually browse this board what the fuck.



Holy fucking shit this manchild is actually defending Marvels on a Taiwanese human trafficking board. How do you even live with yourself what the fuck?

thats it, ignore the actual points being made, just keep pretending its one vs the other rather than good films vs bad films.

As soon as DC actually make a fantastic film, people like you will freely disregard these shit excuses for movies.

Yes the actual points brought up by marlels such as "Why isn't Zack Snyder Kubrick yet??" while they willingly consume TV-tier rushed assembly-line garbage from Disney with no secnd thought or any critical thinking applying.

Ah yes, the points from those people.

>Why isn't Zack Snyder Kubrick yet??"

thats what you thought I was implying?

lol dude you're fucking delusional. No surprise you love this DC capeshit so much

Ah yes, nice dodge there. I guess it does require a good dose of cognitive dissonance to criticize Snyder while simultaneously consuming 120 minute glorified TV shows made by the hack corporate puppets who made "Community pilot episode" and "Scooby Doo".

I'd kill myself too if my dad was a fucking manlet.

Wrong. SS is way better than BvS. I love Jared's Joker and hope we see more of him




That's very close to being objectively wrong.

dude Marvel films suck as well! tbf they have never been as incoherent as either BVS or SS so if that makes me bias then, well shit!
but it is just amazing to see how tilted someone with an obvious hard on for DC will get. As if they deep down know their getting cucked by WB and puppets who made "Sabotage" and "Sucker Punch".
