Why is she so famous? She can not act and she is hideous

Why is she so famous? She can not act and she is hideous.

>giving a single fuck about celebrities

Kim Kardashian is a celeberty. ScarJo is a respected actress. And that baffles me. Why are you on Sup Forums at all?


>he never saw Ghost World
All you need to watch if you want to understand what drew her into various other movies

she's a jew

you're a mongoloid

she literally cannot act."attractive' people make shit actors i have realised

Lads. How do we stop this plague from infecting more?

Who's next, Emma Stone?

Don't you fucking dare even suggest that.

You forgot Delameme.

She's one of the "chosen" that and she's probably used her assets in a special audition behind closed doors

>She can not act
Watch lost in translation and under the skin
>she is hideous


>ywn be a woman
>ywn get to breeze through life

Scarjo's looks good, the rest look like wannabe punks

Modern Men think the opions of women matter. Even Trump Chumps are mostly ledditors.

>women are becoming men
>men are becoming women
What is this timeline.

I liked her better when she had a big schnooz.

the only differenc is........i haven't seen katty perry's boobs.

kstew only did it for a movie

Went homo for a movie?


The Jews were a mistake

why cant (((they))) allow regular pretty women

always has to be degenerate sillyness

Clean your room


So sad. :(

>Why is a jew famous in Hollywood?

Are you seriously asking this question? I mean they cast a non-actress in the role of Wonder Woman just because she's one of the Chosen People.

It's the end times.

It's written in the Bible.

The world is ending.

>Why is she so famous? She can not act and she is hideous.

This is the case for many, many people currently working in America.

Absolutely fucking disgusting. Not many women can pull off short as well as long hair, Lily Collins being one of the few imo.

>tfw Andrea got infected

Some can pull it off, but it's always much better long.

It really is weird that people find her hot.

If you wouldn't attack this with your penis, i have some very, very bad news for you.

I actually think she looks hot no matter what. I would wreck that chick, hair or no hair.

>implying she's even looked that good in, bordering on, 5-10 years.

She looks frumpy and gross now.

I'd still wreck it you pathetic little fag.


Dead, pity. Move on.

it seems a little tacky to have a red carpet at bootcamp