/tpg/ Twin Peaks General

Audrey, Coffee and Pie (For A Reasonable Price) Edition



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dead general

Why is the new season so shit?

Lynch was given total creative freedom, he clearly needs more boundaries

Was Lynch a hack all along?

You taste is what's shit, mate.

go suck Lynch's dick some more

What's the over/under on how many more episodes until it starts to make any cohesive sense

We're a third of the way in and we haven't even seen Audrey for fucks sake

Sherylin Fenn said that she only was on set for about an hour, she's just gonna be another cameo

Call for help.

is the new season actually shit
just finished the second season, going to watch fwwm tomorrow and go straight into it
don't want to be disappointed

>artists should be constrained by the sensibilities of Game of Thrones babbies and Breaking Plebs

Lmao no.

How is it not making cohesive sense right now? Things happen and they mostly happen in order. It's not like it's some super experimental nonlinear narrative. It's a tad slow but it's not hard to follow.

I had a dream last night that I was Dale Cooper.

Inside me were multiple personalities (Dougie included), and I could summon those personalities, which would augment my knowledge and skill set. The setup was sort of like a video game. I started off in a room and had to figure out which personality would help get me out. Getting out of the room required me to interact with a computer, which looked a lot like Varga's server from Fargo. One of the personalities was Ehrlich from Silicon Valley.

Who do I call to help fix season 3?

if i ever met david lynch, id'd tell him to "sit on it"

It all depends if all the plotlines are going to lead to something eventually. I'd advise you to start watching once half the season has already aired so you're not going crazy of waiting for the next episode.

Mr. Jackpots.

So basically it was Killer 7, but with absolutely useless people like Dougie or Ehrlich.

It clearly helped during the creation of Twin Peaks. Some artists just need a bit of guidance to truly shine.

loving third season so far

It's not shit, it just doesn't make much sense yet. Lynch described the new season as an eighteen hour movie, would you read the first chapter of a book from one of the greatest authors of all time and chuck it if you didn't immediately love it?

Man I should get into lucid dreaming but I'm frightened as shit when it comes to sleep paralysis

There are a shit ton of seemingly pointless things that will obviously come to fruition at some point but he's definitely the pacing is clearly testing the audiences patience, but the good moments are enough to make any fan want to keep watching.

I kind of want that though, every currently running tv show I consider complete shit so it'd be nice to finally pace myself watching a current show than to binge it. especially a show like twin peaks where to think/ sleep on an episode over a few days adds to the experience
>would you read the first chapter of a book from one of the greatest authors of all time and chuck it if you didn't immediately love it?
if it was shit, yeah
good authors can write the odd bad book, and the latter half of season two is awful (I'll accept that was due to network pressure and hack directors though)

what is a formica table? what did he mean by this?

So did Nadine and Mike stay together or what? We've seen them both separately in S3 and I saw some claim somewhere that the ugly kid doing coke with Amanda Seafood is Mike's son. But we haven't seem them together. And we haven't seen Big Ed.

I think Formica is a type of plastic.

her memory comes back at the end of season two and she doesn't remember mike

>ugly kid doing coke with Amanda Seafood is Mike's son
that makes no fucking sense, he's clearly never seen him before he stepped a foot in his office

It loses the steam it built up after Evil Coop is arrested. Then it bogs down again. Every good story has a breather after the action, but this is Lynch after all.

>the pacing


ahh fuck you I checked the spoiler
already know too much checking into this general prematurely, spoiled the ending of coop/ bob looking into the mirror and pic related

Dude I've literally never been more excited about anything in the last couple years since the new season was announced and even I have lost a bit of the eager anticipation every Sunday night since the first four episodes dropped

I hope ill wind up eating my words having been yet again LYNCHED

Hide /tpg/ threads. I do when I can't get the new eps right away. No offense, but have a little restraint bro.

I think artistic people enjoy Twin Peaks more, and less artistic people bitch about it not having enough action.

>artistic people
oh get off your high horse

I'm just happy that Vin Diesel can still find work.

>I think artistic people enjoy Twin Peaks more,
even if I do agree with that, because there is a lot o puzzles to mend

> and less artistic people bitch about it not having enough action.
when artistic = action
so go watch transformers

tp is artistic
action = adhd generation

My biggest complaint is the indie band of the week shit at the end. I want to watch the show, (even if it barely progresses) not live music. It was okay and even interesting in previous seasons when it was during the show and only a few times. Now it just feels like an out-of-place cop-out. Worst of all it's usually Stacy-looking bitches on the stage.

shut up
they happened most on the end credits
the other times was to set the mood of new Road House

You mean autistic.

I dunno. I like slow paced stuff, I'm just not sure it lends itself to an episodic format. I'm wondering if it'd be smarter to just wait until I can watch the series in one piece.

at least they cut off before the audience applause

unlike the second episode where it feels like you're just watching a youtube video of this band performing live

>lot o puzzles to mend

The new season also has some nice shots (some of the stuff in episode 3 would win an award if it was in a standalone movie). People criticize the CGI, but even if it looks low budget, it's still extremely pleasing to watch. The color choice in the gold ball scene, for example, is really nice.

it does not have meaning tho

I don't mind it. I saw a Lynch interview before the season aired where they were talking about how much music was in the new season though lol. I really hope there's a purpose to it all beyond Lynch being underbudget and feeling like throwing a big live indie music concert or something

It happening before the credits is what is annoying, hence my saying it was okay when it was during the show and seemed to have a purpose, like setting the mood for a scene at The Roadhouse.

is the ball really just a low-res gif? The fuck Lynch

i was so entrailed in the story that I only notice it was crap cgi when you guys mentioned

The music is only 2 or 3 minutes at best. It's not like it's detracting from the show. Just turn it off when you see the credits coming on. You being a nosey bitch is the only basis for your complaint.

This retarded fag is going to be related to Audrey.

Fuck my life

Probably what she got pregnant with after she got ZANED
Was the magic motherfucker a lodge entity or possessed by one?

He's already balding too, those Billy Zane genes are a bitch lel

Why can't you handle someone having genuine criticism for the show?


so btfo or endure it

This desu.

If you miss anything it'll be a meme 5 minutes later.

There's no interesting mystery, it feels underwhelming,

The visuals here were almost distractingly bad here IMO. Neat/novel idea saves it. They could have just dangled an actual ball around and gotten a better effect, and light an actual smoky fire inside a dougie-suit-shell. It'd be like pottery with Bob's soul sucking being shown with fire in the S2 finale

The ring is formica.

Considering how easy it is to make a reflective sphere in 3d software, I'd probably have to say it's intentional.

Either that, or they were really rushed / had massive budget constraints.

Either way, nothing about the effects in that scene look natural at all, and it really fits the "manufactured" character.

Just because I'm critical of aspects of it doesn't mean I'm going to stop watching the show. I also won't be silenced by fags like you who apparently believe that if you don't have anything nice to say about Twin Peaks, don't say anything at all.

1. who is winkie's boss
2. jeffries
3. how coop will get to normal
4. buckhorn corpses / shaggy / black spirit
5. booper's motivation
6. annie's on the diary

lot of mysteries you dumbass

man you are the worst kind of fan

Law and Order SUV, user. Ice T's expositions of perversity are delightful.

then go to reddyt
here is a place to rejoice on the material or to get lynched

You are unhappy with credits bro. Have a look at the original, it was just a pic of Laura and her theme playing. While I'm not racing to dl the songs, it's a nice touch to hear stuff I'm not familiar with. It's like Lynch is giving us a recording of a live performance, over what would be just words over a black screen.

It's like bitching over a free sample.

maybe you should go to r*ddit considering it's the biggest circlejerk there is

Who fucking cares


What's wrong with his forehead?


1. Lodge entity of some sort that was also observing the box of glass for Cooper's return from the Lodge
2. Dead and/or replaced/possessed by Doppelganger or Lodge entity
3. Doppelganger needs to go back to Lodge and/or garmonbozia, Evil Cooper's IQ dropped by 30 points when he puked out his garmonbozia
4. I thought it had something to do with the lawyer, his name was mentioned by Evil Cooper, also the corpse is Major Briggs' fat body
5. Remaining in the outside world
6. Was shown last ep

All just speculation

There are really too many mysteries, and not enough focus. I'm optimistic that it's just that 18 episodes is WAY too many so they're filling it up with stuff that's actually pretty enjoyable, but that doesn't bring any closure or advance the plot (i.e., long stretches of dougie)

extreme simian forehead

I agree that it's a fucking mess

Richard Horne is the fucking worst. He's an edgelord with a monkey skull.

In the original series I thought the curtains made it really obvious how the red room was just a set in a studio somewhere, totally "fake" but it was interesting. So even though I know they still used a set for the red room in s3, I feel like all the obvious cgi is the same kind of fakeness 25 years later.

>tfw this is the character Sup Forums relates to

Her kid is sexy.

I am looking for images of Sheryl Lee / Laura Palmer being very sad
Thanks in advance

wtf, i love being a fetishist now



nah, this is Sup Forums
>tfw j'ai une ame solitaire

the other part are jaded souls like Chad


Good Morning.

Harold was a good boy who didn't do anything wrong

It's the "waifu rankings in his book."

This shit came out of nowhere, and with the fucking music playing I just started cracking up.

Wtf is going on this season?

should the show be only 9 episodes?

we're 1/3 of the way through the season and the amount of padding is ridiculous
Fuck sake lynch is reusing shots and drawing out scenes that do not advance the plot in anyway way too often

who was that woman?

No dummy, the first kid is barely paying attention, he's not studious. Second guy is reading by himself but not learning much, third guy has a lot of books but not enough to be educated. Fourth is a man who has been reading all his life and surrounds himself with books and knowledge.

Which when you think about it Laura is the hottest in the show, it just takes you a while to understand her.



Should've been at least 81 episodes.

>donna is a psycho that drove some poor neet to suicide

She's the boss of the people trying to kill Dougie