ITT: Flicks that reaffirmed your faith in Jesus
You only grow out of atheism, never into it.
>God's not dead, he's surely alive
>He's living on the inside, roaring like a lion
Truly words to live by. Thank you Jesus for the Newsboys.
ITT: Flicks that reaffirmed your faith in Jesus
You only grow out of atheism, never into it.
>God's not dead, he's surely alive
>He's living on the inside, roaring like a lion
Truly words to live by. Thank you Jesus for the Newsboys.
Yeah, live your life based on movies or shows, no problems are gonna come from that.
Was the second one any good?
Of course it was. It was a powerful reminder of the stuggles we as christians face in modern society, having our fundamental beliefs questioned and often vilified, and a reminder to have courage and hold true in the face of persecution and ridicule. A truly moving experience that I've been thanking God for every day in my prayers.
>believe in God or he'll pwn you with a speeding automobile
If you were hit by a bus today, do you know that you would go to heaven?
I'd probably go to the hospital
how can american christians claim they're discrimnated when it's the dominant religion in the usa and christians literally get killed in some countries?
Why are you trolling, user?
If you grew up in the church it's understandable that you were never able to shake off belief in this ridiculous myth; if you didn't grow up in the church and you decide you believe it later you are simply a moron.
How can you claim christians aren't discriminated against when they are forced by the government to make cakes supporting causes they disagree with, when it's their god given right to decline customers if they don't agree with what they're being asked to do?
>Strung up on a stick
>Poked like a pig to die
>A lion
Kek. Delusional Christfags thinking your religion is a manly one. It's fitting that the Church is now accepting gays and freaks.
Basing your line of thinking off of fictional propoganda.
ChristCucks are delusional.
why do christian movies nowadays are so lazy? What ever happpenend to Donald Thompson movies? Thrilling films with good basis on the holy scriptures, they just don't do christian films like that anymore...
Fuck off you protected class pieces of shit.
I don't want their money though, but the government forces me to do it against my will
That's literal persecution
Is the second one as "so bad it's funny" and politically incorrect as the first one? The first one was comedy gold.
I can't believe some Catholic friends of mine actually unironically thought it was such a great movie.
>You only grow out of atheism, never into it.
Good one.
>following basic non-discriminatory laws that clearly outline that I can't deny service based on my religious beliefs
>is persecution
It's not, you delusional retard. Christians are the least discriminated group in this entire nation. You literally run everything.
or the morgue
This movie sucks and your faith is thin paper if base it on these delusional mediums instead of FUCKING READING THE BIBLE YOU STUPID FUCK.
>left group is in the dark and full of angry, sneering faces
>pro god group is well-lit and cheering, all happy
Subtle commentary guys
>made by protestants
What did you expect?
>Oxbridge scholar and lecturer CS Lewis was a moron
Yeah, propaganda is like that.
>I can't believe some Catholic friends of mine actually unironically thought it was such a great movie.
Neither can I, I would have thought they would stay far away from a protty movie
>made by Protestants
No wonder it wasn't very indulgent
Romans 13:1
Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God.
Don't be hypocritical, user.
Regardless of your cynicism, that's actually true.
Has anyone here ever seen an actually good or at least not terrible Christian movie?
The only one I can think of is Old Fashioned. I think literally nobody except me understood the movie though. Non-Christian critics destroy it as usual and Christians think the message was different.
>guy is like a born again Christian
>girl came out of an abusive relationship
>guy tries to court her the old fashioned way
>she plays along out of curiosity because he's weird and because her last boyfriend sucked anyway
>guy thinks he's all moral and entitled
>girl realizes he's just like every other guy and they break up
>gets BTFO by his Christian mother who teaches him a lesson about how Christians shouldn't be entitled
>they try to get back together, not 100% clear if they will
It's anti-preachy unlike the other Christian movies and it has a nice indie look instead of trying to look like a big budget movie when it's not (like other Christian movies do).
Not in the slightest.
don't take verses out of context, user
haven't you ever read Narnia?
Jesus is lion as fuck
Enlighten me to the context of this verse then.
Essential ChristKino coming through
That's for you to discover on your own spiritual journey after you pray on it, not for me to dictate.
Intentional shtiposting is still shitposting
>ALL the people of color are on the side belittling God.
Absolute kino
>having our fundamental beliefs questioned and often vilified
This isn't true? Don't you always hear how Christians are evil for not accepting gays?
The problem is that God loves them too.
hey buddy BACK OFF
You are implying I'm using the verse in a context that isn't fit for it, however it clearly does. believes that what the US goverment does is a forceful break in his "right", but he is just being entitled, Paul has instructed us to be obedient to authority, because it comes from God. Understand that the US is not a country that persecute christians like middle eastern countries or even asian ones, he has no excuse to act so hipocritical towards the government.
>You only grow out of atheism, never into it.
*tips fedora*
>don't criticize my beliefs in an open forum, in a free society
I'm sorry. I must have missed how this was illegal or stopped you from going to church. Free speech isn't a safe space for protected classes. If you don't want to be criticized, leave the public forum or ignore it.
I don't give a fuck what you believe or do in your own home or church. This isn't hard.
The first one was actually comfy for the most part. The Christian student was perfectly cast, he has the typical Christian face and haircut and fashion sense (or lack of it, rather).
Although I felt really cheated when I found out the atheist teacher was a former Christian so it turned into an emotional debate and it all went to shit.
They should have made the Chinese kid a homosexual imo.
Does the sequel deal with homosexuality?
Donald Thompson movies are my favorites, especially the four movies on the Revelations book.
>how can you hate god if he doesn't exist?
well Sup Forums?
>Don't you always hear how Christians are evil for not accepting gays?
If you go out of your way to prevent groups of people from access to a legal contract/right that should be allowed to all American citizens, then you are a misguided person. That is literally speaking, letting your religion justify taking away other people's rights.
Why does this need to be explained to you constantly?
He still hasn't gotten me. ;^)
that is one razor sharp fedora you got there bud
Thanks I'll check them out. Nice dubs but check these
Don't you guys spend night and day saying horrific things about Muslims and Jews, on this very site?
Yeah, we all know of the "muh gay cake" story, and I agree that was wrong. But it also was an isolated incident that hasn't repeated itself. Meanwhile, Christianity is still a majority religion with the vast members of government being Christian. It's ridiculous to think Christians are lawfully discriminated against when it's Christians who hold judicial and political power.
You can hate the concept of God and all that it represents to those that believe it or manipulate it to suit their needs.
In this moment, I am Euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.
What if I'm apathetic to God and live my life without thinking or caring about a creator and afterlife?
>we all know of the "muh gay cake" story, and I agree that was wrong
But it literally wasn't. They took their money and refused service on religious grounds. Either way, it was wrong to do that. Supreme Court settled this already.
Jesus christ, nice digits.
>people still believe in gods
Damnit I just realized I now look a lot like the God's not Dead guy ever since I started hanging out with Christians, no joke.
>took their money and refused service
Do you have a source? I'm not questioning you but I've never heard this or seen it been brought up in the discussion. Not that discussing it now isn't beating a dead horse anyway.
>prevent groups of people from access to a legal contract/right that should be allowed to all American citizens
You talking about marriage? Not even Christian and I don't see the point. Gays can fuck and whatnot all they want but why do they need marriage?
How do you explain everything then? Do you have a better explanation? Let's hear it.
The truth is that nobody knows anything, it's all just assumptions since all investigations by science will reach a dead end where you start to come up with theories you probably can't prove at least for now.
Why can't they marry? What's the big desire to not let them?
Why not marry? What the fuck? I don't get it.
One of the best movies I've ever seen.
thats a checkmate
we playin chess
>need marriage
Why do you "need it"? It's about equal access and protection under the law. I don't understand your question; it would make just as little sense if you asked why a straight couple needs marriage. It's their right as a citizen to be able to get a marriage contract with whoever they want. What does it matter to you if they are homosexual or not? If two men want a legal marriage contract, good for them. That should be their right to choose if they do...same as straight couples.
I can't see why we are having a debate over this anymore.
Shit, growing up Catholic gave me more than enough reasons to not want to be Catholic as an adult. Now I don't have to waste a significant amount of time on Sundays sitting on an uncomfortable wooden bench as everyone around me moans the same boring songs with little to no enthusiasm in between listening the same entries in the bible we've all heard several times before. And let's not forget the shitty wine and stale Ritz cracker that lets us all know they're using those donations wisely.
The Lord of the Rings is a Christian story. It's essentially a retelling of the Biblical mythos in a pre-Christian Europe setting.
I know atheists get horribly triggered by this but it's true. That's the reason why it's one of the greatest selling books of all time and arguably one of the last pieces of high literature in western society, because Tolkien "got" both Christianity and mythology.
Because society must be fully corrupted.
All the traditions of old must be destroyed.
The future is colored and queer.
Even if they didn't take their money, you can't deny someone service on religious grounds. That goes for literally everything and everyone. I can't deny Christians service on the grounds of them being Christian, they can't deny service to gays on the grounds that their faith tells them no.
>separating Christianity and myth
I chuckled.
Coincidence doesn't explain where mass and energy come from, or does it? I don't get it.
It's a decease, for society and the individual. It corrupts totally.
Very good movie, agreed.
>How do you explain everything then? Do you have a better explanation? Let's hear it.
I don't know and I don't have to, that doesn't just make gods exist you fucking gullible retard. Besides, literally anything would make more sense than "humanoid magic beings that created me".
>The truth is that nobody knows anything, it's all just assumptions since all investigations by science will reach a dead end where you start to come up with theories you probably can't prove at least for now.
This is the most backwards understanding of how science works I have ever seen. Gravity is still a thing bud...
>a mythology book is based on mythology
Really gets the whole noggin joggin
Wrong board.
Okay, and can you explain why you feel that way?
Do you use all that extra free time to sleep in and make bacon!? xD
Who cares about all that boring stuff amirite?
The narwhal beacons at midnight good sir/lady/person!
So divorces are good then?
It's nonsensical. It's an attempt to change the definitions and meanings of concepts and words for the sake of outliers, a practice that is becoming altogether too common. Yes we get it, some people are born oddities, it's ignorant to hate things/people just because, etc. But why indulge them? There's nothing to be gained from it, and potentially things to lose.
the dude is addicted to porn
and won't stay in the same room alone with an unmarried woman
sounds pretty islamic to me
So, no actual legal argument then? Right.
This one.
>The truth is that nobody knows anything, it's all just assumptions since all investigations by science will reach a dead end
What a degenerate anti-intellectual you must be.
>blatant irony to hide being triggered
How about freedom to pursue life, liberty and happiness? What about equality under the law? Gays have a right to the same lawful and governmental benefits that straights do.
Never mind the "live and let live," "they're not hurting anyone" approach. If their two adults in the comfort of their own home the government has no right to interfere.
>and potentially things to lose
such as?
ITT atheists gets humiliated and embarrass themselves both at the same time.
Those are emotional arguments so they don't really count here. You are like the professor from God's Not Dead.
>calling someone who never insulted you a fucking gullible retard
Okay I guess we see who's the better, smarter person here...
>I don't know everything, so I may as well believe some deity made up over millennia ago exist because it can't be proved that he doesn't exist!
No, give us a legal argument to deny consenting adults and American citizens, from getting legal marriage contracts with same-sex partners? Explain to me why certain demographics should be allowed to have less rights? That is what you are arguing, that gays have less rights than straights. Why? Where is your legal precedence?
There isn't any. Your points are retarded.
>being this buttblasted about someone moving on from religion that was forced into their childhood without their control
>can't (You) one specific comment of atheists getting "humiliated"
Haha stay mad Christcuck
If you really believe that is happening, you are delusional.
Why does "changing the definitions of marriage" annoy you so much? it's a word, words change meaning, it happens all the time.
>nothing to be gained
What about their well being? They just want to enjoy their life and they aren't directly causing any harm because if gays were allowed to be married they wouldn't need to do so many of those protests you probably find disgusting, they wouldn't annoy you and they would just live their life. We are always surrounded by straight people we can't stand anyway so just do the same when you see a gay going about their life.
>They can't prove my god doesn't exist! They must be SOOOOOO embarrassed!
>when you realize literalism is a sinking ship and board the eternal ark of the inner mysteries