>women make excellent film
>Sup Forums still hates women
Is it mummy problems? Did a girl reject you and now you have a pathetic hatred torwads half the species?
Women make excellent film
Other urls found in this thread:
>Is it mummy problems?
Considering how many people here seem to have a mother fetish, I'd say yes
I dunno, but that poster is beautiful
It's because my mother never breast fed me.
look at the end credits - 99% of the people who made it are men.
your status = assraped.
>Is it mummy problems?
There seems to be something about that.
what does the mummy have to do with wonder woman you idiot
hi newfag welcome to Sup Forums.
Marveltards hate it because its DC, not because its a woman you pleb.
The thumbnail in the catalog made it look like she was pregnant.
you should have apologized Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
I warned you. I warned you so many times. For 2 fucking years I warned you.
How does it fucking feel to get so BTFO?
How does it fucking feel?
Japan is starting WW promotion (it's out in August there).
>According to Sanrio, this is the first time ever for Hello Kitty to join forces with a non-Japanese movie character, and to celebrate, customers who purchase advance tickets for the film, which go on sale from 17 June, will receive a rubber key-holder of Hello Kitty in her Wonder Woman disguise, or a reprint of the 1941 DC Comic where Wonder Woman was first introduced.
Hello Kitty still exists? I thought it died at some point. That's unfortunate.
Still popular as fuck in nipland, for some reason.
It's an overwhelmingly mediocre film. It looks like fucking garbage visually, and whatever story ideas they had they bungled in favor of mainstream appeal. The ratings are inflated by 20 points merely because it's made by women.
>hatred of women is based on their movie making abilities
>mediocre film
Kej. Marvel pajeet damage control. Its literally the best cape film. Id rank it above Ironman but the general concensus is its equal or better than Ironman 2. Its that good
>women make excellent film
Marvel has been shitting out mediocre garbage for almost a decade. Do you memeshitters have literally nothing to contribute besides this imaginary Marvel/DC war that normies who pay for these movies aren't even aware of?
I don't get it. If a movie with a strong female lead succeeds, you go all "the patriarchy is trembling. We feminists rule the world!!!111"
However, if such a movie fails, it's "evil patriarchy and its minions don't want us to succeed and are all mysoginist shitlords"
So, is everybody mysoginists or not? Or is it a simple matter of the movie being good/ not being good?
I hate Snyder and Heinberg, the two males that came up with the piece of shit story and casting that ruin the character.
Fuck's sake. They don't even get Greek myth.
Never mind that Snyder made her less feminist by having her power come from Zeus. Wonder Woman originallg was made of clay and empowered by goddesses, not Zeus. She had no father.
>the thumb looks like a strong and pregnant woman
has symbolism gone too far?
>(((Snyder and Heinberg)))
Jfc all this drivel. This is a troll post right?
You jave low standards.
It's the best in a long line of shit movies. That's what it is. Marvel is shit and more like tv comedy movies. DC thinks referencing something else from religion/classic litterature/history like it was hammering nails in your head makes it deep.
>movie looked terrible in previews and like it was destined to fail
>Haha, this is what happens when you put women in charge of something! They're all just going to turn on you anyway.
>the opposite ends up happening.
>post shit like and
It's because everyone is inherently biased and more likely to believe their own narratives. Don't pretend like this is just a feminist thing.
WW might be good, but I didn't like it. Nothing to do with the movie itself, I'm just fucking tired of superhero movies. They make me almost physically sick now. The only reason I went was because it was free and friends of mine wanted to go.
It's to the point that I can't even watch the old capeshit movies. The oversaturation made me hate my old favorite movies.
Number of American superhero movies per decade (according to wikipedia's definition of a superhero):
1920s: 2
1930s: 1
1940s: 1
1950s: 3
1960s: 1
1970s: 8
1980s: 18
1990s: 38
2000s: 51
2010s (including upcoming confirmed movies up to 2019): 60 (44 so far)
>basically "Thor the first avenger. Tumblr edition"
>excellent film
Pick one, shill, only one
>Its literally the best cape film.
it's not. it's possibly the most average and forgettable. Besides which, saying it's the best cape film isn't high praise.
It was boring and mediocre.
The only things I liked about it were Dr Poison and scrap metal Ares.
Based on Marvel: 48 movies so far
Based on DC: 31 movies so far
79 movies out of 167 are from the Big Two.
>is it mummy problems?
yes i dont have a mommy gf
>boring and mediocre.
>metal ares
Was hilariously bad. Almost laughed out loud when he showed up all Skyrimed
>if I make fun of a small detail, he won't think I'm a shill hehe
> Its literally the best cape film.
Are you genuinely this delusional? This shitheap doesn't even come close to the likes of unbreakable
No you stupid fuck were talking about at the start of the ironman era up to the present
oh, a shiny thing over there
movement over there, what could it b
Why would you think that? I'm confused.
H-how about my movie? I-it's good,right...?
There was 2 white characters in it. Fuck your racist shit movie. #BlackPantherSoWhite
I am a DC and Wonder Woman fan who hates Snyder and the DCEU or whatever the fuck they call his shitty films.
I hated the shitty New52 reboot of Wonder Woman with the whole Zeus angle (as great as Chiang's art was). I am disgusted to see Snyder using that garbage here.
Plus the application of Judeo-Christian theology to Greek myth in a DC film disgusted me as a Christian, a Greek, and a DC nerd. That Last Temptation Of The Christ bullshit with Ares was garbage.
Fucking Snyder. He can't help himself.
Is Snyder actually Jewish? I thought he was Christian. Maybe he has some Jewish blood, but I honestly don't give a shit.
Meanwhile, Heinberg is Jewish and gay. I don't care about that either. One of WW's greatest writers and artists is a gay Hispanic guy. I wish he wrote this story instead.
Heinberg is the Hollywood piece of shit that was given yet another Wonder Woman reboot in the comics to helm and couldn't even finish the first story arc.
For fuck's sake. Wonder Woman in the film even talks about her power being the power of love. Wouldn't it make more sense to stick with her original origin of being created by Aphrodite?
Making her the daughter of Zeus makes no sense. These fucking idiots made Diana into fucking Kratos with tits. (Well.. kinda with tits.)
I wonder why DC didn't use new Amazons origin in New-52 to make WW villains gallery more interesting
Blech. What DC did to the Amazons is even more disgusting. They pretty much turned them into literal Feminazis, a fascist society of women that murdered men and sold boys into slavery.
Don't call me biased without pointing out my biases you fucking turd. What's next, do you honestly believe Ghostbusters 2016 is a 60/100 movie on average?
new 52 WW stories were based. Blood, Guts, Iron, War etc. solid trades desu
>They pretty much turned them into literal Feminazis, a fascist society of women that murdered men and sold boys into slavery.
This is objectively a more interesting take with more diverse stories to tell than muh lesbian island of innocent super warriors.
As an Elsworlds or Vertigo take on WW, fine.
Yet it totally molested Wonder Woman's origins.
And there was nothing wrong with the Amazons in WW.
That's a stupid as the Sup Forumstards and Snyderfags who love Injustice and Man of Muder because they claim Superman isn't interesting because he needs to kill people.
>They pretty much turned them into literal Feminazis, a fascist society of women that murdered men and sold boys into slavery.
And that"s a perfectr place for some new rivals (scine WW villains gallery are just poor and pathetic). Amazons sons who rebelled against Hephaestus and forced to free them, moved in outter world and find secret techcrats society. With EYE-llike design (for contrast)
>Is it mummy problems?
women with mental illness or a personality disorder should be sterilized and kept away from children in general
>The Sons of Themyscira are the male children abandoned at birth by the Amazons of Themyscira. To reproduce and keep the Amazon race alive, the Themyscirans raid ships on the high seas and copulate with men. At the end of the mating, they take their lives and throw their corpses into the sea. Triumphant, the Amazons return to Paradise Island, and wait. Nine months later, some celebrate the birth of a daughter; some don't.
Why do people feel the need to totally tear down a character's origin to make them interesting? It's fucking lazy. You can make interesting villains and characters with what Wonder Woman already has.
You don't need to totally destroy WW's feminist utopia to make a buncha villains.
Fuck. Even Snyder wasn't that stupid.
revisionist New52 horseshit
>Why do people feel the need to totally tear down a character's origin to make them interesting?
>You don't need to totally destroy WW's feminist utopia to make a buncha villains.
All what's I've said that new origin opens way for new interesting villains
>mummy problems
The new Mummy isn't affecting the box office that much is it?
of course these weak childish alt-right manbabies hate any woman who is stronger than them i.e: all women
>H-H-Hillary was supposed to win, it was her turn
>Sup Forums still hates women
Sofia Boutella as the Mummy is one of my favorite female leads in a while. I prefer her over Gadot Woman any day
she won 3 million more votes than Drumpf
WW has nothing on her
Gadot is a shit actress and an ill-fit for WW, its simple as that for me OP.
>she won 3 million more votes than Drumpf
Because dems allowed illegal immirants to vote, and yet she lost
>m-muh illegal immigrant conspiracy
nice grasping at straws drumpfkin we both know that if there was no electoral college we wouldn't be under fascist rule.
>if there was no electoral college we wouldn't be under fascist rule.
>hating electoral colleges after election
Got any proof Blumpftard?
>You might have me in checkmate, but I have more pieces on the board!
The popular vote is a meaningless statistic because neither person campaigned to get the most amount, they campaigned for electoral votes and Trump won.
>m-muh chess analogy
democracy isn't chess
>implying it's a valid election after what the Russians did
>>implying it's a valid election after what the Russians did
>muh russians
Psshh I am already behind you, cuck
>democracy isn't chess
We're also not a direct democracy, you people going "muh popular votes" have trouble registering this. The founding fathers went with a constitutional republic for a reason you should have learned in primary school
Just because you have a dad doesn't mean you can't be a feminist. Everybody has a fucking dad. I think it's more meaningful anyway as it's more relatable.
Lol. Republicans are such children.
>orange and blue
>Did a girl reject you and now you have a pathetic hatred torwads half the species?
I love how women like to accuse men of this and are the first ones to dog all men because things didn't go right with their first boyfriend. The insecurity, projection, and hypocrisy is mind blowing.
It's what happens when you don't blow all your load in the trailer, the movie isn't ruined and you get to be pleasantly surprised
>says liberal
Remind me who rioted when they didn't get their way in an election
>Sup Forums is a shit board
What's new?
>Sup Forums - Alt-Left Pussies Cry About Literally Everything
I'd take Boutella's accent over Gadot's oh vey accent any day.
And I ask again, what's wrong with her old one?
What's wrong with her old villains?
Why can't you make new villains without completely redoing the character?
I'd rather see her as WW than Gadot.
She had decent chemistry with Pine anyway.
And at least she could speak fluent English, something that was commented on by the fucking characters in the film.
>And I ask again, what's wrong with her old one?
>What's wrong with her old villains?
They are out in cutrrent WW, except Cheetah
Hell. Azz's take on the Greek gods was pretty good. You could have had that without the revisionist take on the Amazons and the knockoff God Of War plot of being Zeus's child.
Boutella is actually smart and cares about her acting, Gal Gadot half asses everything and doesn't even bother speaking without her shitty accent, even if it's completely out of place in a movie.
that pupper on the right looks like one a cousin has
cute. CUTE!
>ywn walk her dogs with her
>Hell. Azz's take on the Greek gods was pretty good.
Panic spreads as Sup Forumstards on suicide watch
Wonder Woman was a fine example of a movie that has feminist ideology and themes without devolving into anti-male bullshit
>Supporting male cast are all shown as ingenious and strong in their own right, obviously Diana is the most physically strong because superhero but it's a team effort
>Goes out of its way to show that collectively blaming groups of people for your problems doesn't solve anything
>There is injustice and oppression in the world, but all you can do is rely on yourself and your friends and stand against it
It was like the anti-sjw movie. If you think anything in it was objectionable you're unironically a misogynist mra cuckold
Nice try shill
>It was like the anti-sjw movie.
>movie about how terrible white males and only feminazi are last salvation of mankind
>If you think anything in it was objectionable you're unironically a misogynist mra cuckold
>says feminist
>believing critics
>movie about how terrible white males and only feminazi are last salvation of mankind
did you miss the part where the white male heroically sacrifices himself to save the world and that entire speech he gives to Diana about how collectively blaming men for her problems won't solve anything?
Too much orange, not enough blue and wonder woman just ocuppies way too much space, I dunno looks shit to me.
>excellent film
Did you post the wrong pic?
I love how everyone that praises the film NEVER meantion a SINGLE FUCKING THING ABOUT THE FILM THEY ENJOYED.
It's always
>it was great!
>it had a woman this and that
>bla bla something not even about the film
>brings up other capeshit
That alone should inform people about how mediocre this tripe is.
Every time I'm on this shitheap of a board and there's a WW thread, it's never about a scene or any sort of particular instance that helped to shape anyone's opinions about how great it was.
I've always been a fan of powerful female characters in media and the film even shits on that. WW was portrayed better in BvS. The acclaim this film receives makes me sick to my stomach in realizing the future for capefilms.