Why do girls pretend to like nerd culture'?

Why do girls pretend to like nerd culture'?

>nerd culture


Why does op spam the same faggoty threads over and over?

I think it's even sadder that there are men that genuinely like nerd culture


Why are you posting this blatant rip-off of my forced meme?

none of that shit is actual nerd stuff. its just current pop stuff. nerd stuff is like a soldering iron, magic cards, warhammer paint, and loneliness

why are girls so mean?

pls give me pussy ;_;

I really don't know. I can understand tripfags doing it for ''popularity'' but being Anonymous has no reward

cause he loves jodelle and wants to share her with the world!

...I have all of these things

Why do nerds pretend like things made for children are somehow too cerebral or opaque to appeal to women?



but now leave, normie

replies never used to be a big deal though

Do you think these girls have actually watched 60's Star Trek?
tfw I haven't found my 7/10 royal kinky feminine gf that is also into geek stuff

Check em boys

Teenage and 20 something girls literally just like what other people like because they're too insecure about themselves to make any independent thoughts or decisions. If a girl is into starwars and shit it's usually because of a past boyfriend or a girl they're jealous of. Really sad individuals.

nerd culture is a communist plot to make weak men in the west and we all fell for it. putin is playing the long game

because girls are slut who want to attract chads by showing how different and quirky they are

fucking bitches

i hate women so much


Why does anyone pretend to like nerd culture'?

poopy cowabunga




Oh stfu, tripsfags were always cancer

what breed is this?

>why do attention-seeking women pretend to like a culture filled with desperate lonely beta orbiters?

Truly a mystery for the ages OP.


she's mostly been in genre stuff, goes to cons, so her liking hello kittypool and reading comics isn't unusual.

I just have the last one

Craving for attention. They know that "geeks" are too desperate to call them out on their bullshit.