Alright Sup Forums just got done with reading Thor: God of Thunder by Jason Aaron and Esad Ribic...

Alright Sup Forums just got done with reading Thor: God of Thunder by Jason Aaron and Esad Ribic. Fantastic read any other essential reads for Thor? that's not Whore also general Thor and essential reads thread.

You read all the Thor's done by Walter Simonson.

Whor's pretty good though.

Then if you want any more Simonson has you covered still

Not yet I've read The Mighty Thor by Matt fraction and Thor by J.Michael Straczynski enjoyed em' both.
Gonna need proof that It's good and not just a giant fucking PR stunt to gather PC points inb4 Sup Forums

Read the last issue (came out yesterday) and tell me what's wrong with it. Literally nothing.

You don't need to read anything previously, btw.

So you are saving the runaway best for last then.

So I should just start reading The Mighty Thor #337-#387?
>Read the last issue (came out yesterday) and tell me what's wrong with it. Literally nothing.
I just got done with reading it and I felt the tone was surprisingly different from previous chapters I read the first 4 and I was so overloaded with obvious PC pandering and bullshit it left a bad taste in my mouth.
>You don't need to read anything previously, btw.
You don't say

The ending really bummed me out. Seeing Thor's ties with Braxton get shredded for the sake of a "fresh start" with Chor felt

What is the second worst modern Thor arc after Whor and why is it Fraction's?

>Matt fraction
I liked it, user. I think you're forgetting about Thor: Vikings by Ennis the benis and Glenn fapry

God of Thunder sucked

>God of Thunder sucked
Wow you really did contribute to this thread. Glad you could input inb4 baited, shitter.

For Asgard
Heaven & Earth
Blood Oath
Chaos War: Thor
I Who the Gods would Destroy
Loki (early 00s mini, also by Ribic)
Ages of Thunder and its subsequent sequel one-shots

In terms of arcs from his ongoing, after reading God of Thunder I ended up reading everything from the halfway point of v2 onwards (when Thor becomes King of Asgard) and had a grand old time. You've got Dan Jugrens The Spiral, Oeming's final Ragnarok, JMS' Thor Reborn, Gillen's Journey into Mystery primer, Fraction's wild ride (The World Eaters is a personal favourite), and two Thor-centric events. Would reccommend the experience, it all flows into each other rather neatly.

As for notable stories from v1 there's the Kirbys run of course, various cosmic gems from Buscema's run (Infinity, God -Jewel, Time Twisters, The Black Stars), The Eternals Saga, and Defalco's run with Eric Masterson holds a special place in my heart. Try searching Thorytime in desustorage and cross your fingers that the images still work.

Oh, well, the middle part of my last post's not necessary then.
Still, I'd give the v2 & Gillen stuff a recommendation on its own merits.
Oh and if you read & enjoy JiM, read Loki Agent of Asgard by Ewing afterwards too.

>Gonna need proof
Dauterman art. Shit's gorgeous. Check out the first few pages of yesterday's storytime.

...Aaaaaand gain I should read the thread before posting. Fuck.

Also add Thor Season One to that mini/GN list. And Thor God-Size Special (after you read Simonson). And maybe Astonishing Thor.
They're a'ight. nice art.

And as an addendum to both the aforementioned Loki mini and the Earth-X trilogy deal with the same basic concept that Gillen/Ewing's Loki saga does.

>that body on Thor

How is this acceptable again? That kind of body is completely unrealistic and only goes to project absurd body images on people.

I read the first issues of Whor, and it was full of PC propaganda and passive-agressive comments like the author predicted the shitstorm it would unleash. Did it got better?

Okay Anita.

>Did it got better?


That's not even his final form

>and like it or not, she's not going anywhere

oh lawd

Aaron is not a subtle man.
Which is why GoT was so fun.
Shit look at yesterday's Doctor Strange
>The plan? The plan is to punch the bad guys until they die.

I've never understood this meme.

I never got to read the end of The God Butcher but I thought that this story lose most of the appeal it has in the beginning at some point. And the art is pretty but make some fight really confusing like the one with King Thor and the young Thor going to the planet where the gods are enslaved. It lacks wide shots and continuity in action scenes. Action scene aren't this artist's forte.

Past a certain point, i just didn't enjoy it that much.

Oh shit it's Thursday.
Might storytime something.


The very awesome Honorary Legionnaire story timed some (all?) of this run a few weekends ago and it was amazing. I'm still sitting here thinking "fuck, that was a good read" any time Thor gets brought up 2-3 weeks after the fact.

That, plus some of the Claremont X-Men being put up recently, I don't know why I bother reading new stuff. Every Wednesday is a disappointment compared to '80's stuff it seems.

are you me?
80's stuff rocks, love old comics more

I don't think I'm you, but one never knows these days.

I don't know if it is part nostalgia (I'm not normally a nostalgiafag) but going back now rereading old 70's and 80's comics, I'm genuinely surprised at the level of quality they have compared to what we see every Wednesday.

>I don't know if it is part nostalgia
How nostalgic can you really be for a time period you weren't a part of? I was born in 1990 and I feel like mainstream cape stuff hit it's peak in the 80's.

>and like it or not, she's not going anywhere
Until she dies of cancer.

I too most like 80s comics. Perfect midpoint between 70s silliness and 90s seriousness.
I think the 80s might be my favourite decade in general.
Probably why I liked X-Men: Apocalypse so much.

That's a good point, for myself I was casually reading comics (pick up random ones at the store, didn't have a subscription). You clearly don't have the same experience.

The stories were good, with a better feeling of depth, the art was solid. Just good, solid storytelling.

It probably helps that they could stick a whole story in 1-3 issues unlike today.

I never quite got the "decompression" complaint until comparing modern to these older comics.

What is '70s and '80s comics, is that "Bronze Age"?

Yeah I guess Bronze Age starts with either the Spider-Man or Green Lantern /Arrow story about drugs and go until the early 80's

Yeah. '73 to '86 is considered the approximate span.

>You clearly don't have the same experience

I was the last generation of kids to see comics still in grocery stores. I remember getting my Mom to buy me a few and then stopped seeing them so I started getting the video game magazines

I always forget, did comics start at the Golden Age and then regressed until the Dork Age, or did they start at Bronze Age, worked their way up and fell off a cliff in the nineties?

The ages go:
Some people like to refer to the late 80s through 90s as the Dark Age.

I'd say now is closer to a "dark age" at this point.

I know a lot of people complain about the current status of the comic industry, but I assure you that nothing will ever surpass the 90's in terms of damage done to the industry and to characters

It was called The DARK Age for a reason. The problems the industry faces today are of the complete opposite nature.

You forgot the Heroic Age.

Not that I disbelieve you at all. I'm thinking back and there was a lot of highs as well as lows.

You know, being a history nerd, it never occurred to me that the "dark age" of comics was named due to tone rather than quality of content.

Simonson's is the best by far. The first arc on Aaron's run was the only part worth reading.

No they don't.

There are only three "ages": Gold, Silver, Bronze. Not everything has to be labeled an "age". There is no fucking "dark age". Everything after the Bronze Age is not an "age". Stop trying to unnecessarily label shit.

Thor: The Mighty Avenger
Thor MAX: Vikings
Fools Crown (Or was it Crown of Fools?)

It was a combination of both desu

But Wikipedia says...

Also related to Mighty Avenger, his free comicbook day teamup with Captain America that I only found out about last year

Thor: Ages of Thunder
Thor: Reign of Blood
Thor: Man of War

In that order. They're kinda of an origin story but metal as fuck.

Not Thor himself, but check out Beta Ray Bill: God Hunter, then check out Battleworld: Thors. Both are minis, and both are great reads

It's a 5-parter. There's also Trial of Thor and Rage of Thor.

I never knew that! More comics to read then, thanks.
