

>There's still people that will call Watchmen the perfect adaptation despite Nite Owl being such an hunky and sleek mothercuker that could rival your average movie-Batman

One of the weirder changes the movie made. Why change it? I preferred the comic with Rorschach dying alone.


>hello darkness my old friend

It's cooler if the Justice League faces Lex Luthor and Batman mourns the death of The Question than whatever bullshit Moore made

The short explanation is that they wanted a more "cinematic" and thus dramatic scene

The long answer is that most people, including clearly the director, think of Rorschach as the awesome hero of the story and thus his death must be honoured properly

reading watchmen starting to notice how many panels are almost one for one in the movie its kinda neat.

Snyder managed to adapt scenes one for one and still miss the point of the comic entirely. It's almost impressive. Almost.

Because making Dan a complete shithead would alienate viewers

>the point of the comic

"ideological extremism is bad"

"Also look at all this incredible work
Gibbons did seriously just ignore that Moore guy he's crazy"

>"y-yeah fuck Snyder, a-am I cool guys? "

I thought he was pretty cool for taking such a bold, completely unprecedented stance on Sup Forums of all places. Sup Forums!

Watchmen really wasn't the comic about how cool dudes look in slow-mo while fighting baddies.

Give it to me straight. How badly did Hack Snyder miss the point?

He cut Hollis Mason's death scene from the theatrical version

Like I get that you have to save time but maybe abridge the Silk Spectre/Nite Owl sex scene instead of leaving Hollis Mason's death for the director's cut

>that scene at the end where Ozymandias is Matrix-fighting Nite Owl and Rorschach at the same time while delivering exposition about his evil plans

It's pretty amazing how Snyder is completely unable to understand the source material he's adapting. Anyone with even a passing familiarity should have looked at that scene and slapped the script out of Snyder's hands.

Snyder can't let a scene go by without something "epic" or "cool" going on. I can't wait to see how he adapts The Fountainhead once he actually reads it and finds out there's no cool explosions or karate in it.

>The Fountainhead
Why am I not surprised that Snyder is an objectivist?

Well, Snyder's version of the Fountainhead would probably be a lot better than the actual book. Maybe it'll be a three hour long music video where someone gets lobotomized at the end.

Shit basically goes Stranger in a Strange Land >>>>>>> Dianetics > The Fountainhead in terms of readability.

It was nothing to do with ideological extremism, the point was that utilitarian decision making has to be tempered with foresight, honesty, and humility, not mere brilliance. "Don't do things just because you can" and "don't fuck with shit". The joke was that for all of Veidt's impressive accomplishments and his boundless personal perfection, apparently he couldn't comprehend the fact that the status quo wouldn't be changed, just put on hold. His conceit was that he thought he could do anything, a "hero" to the end. I mean, he caught a fucking bullet, that wasn't simply in the comic just because it was a cool moment, it was a point-blank (heh) reference to this.

How else would the audience know how they were supposed to feel at that moment?

>It was nothing to do with ideological extremism

Then explain Rawshark and Veidt existing in the same book, user

They both represent ethical dead-ends

Still the third best capekino in existence.

SAD MUSIC, you silly goon.

Hell, Veidt's superhero name should be a dead fucking giveaway. Ozymandias's legacy in the poem was doomed to be swallowed by the desert sands until nothing was left.

Go away Sup Forums

>Veidt's superhero name should be a dead fucking giveaway

A dead giveaway that his empire of dirt would crumble into nothing.

Utilitarian decision-making is not very conducive to giant statues. In fact I would say it's hostile to them.

It makes BvS make a lot more sense once you know that. Superman's characterisation becomes understandable once you realise he's some kind of Randian god-creature deigning to help the huddled masses who can't appreciate his pure majesty and supremacy.

No wonder Snyder loves Injustice.

And the movie replaces that with Matthew Goode's sneering supervillain.

Goode is an excellent actor but that is one of the worst miscasting jobs I've ever seen in a movie. It's just so wrong on every level, even worse then the plank-of-wood performance we got out of Laurie.

The only motherfuckers in that movie who had any Charisma were the guy who played Hollis, Dan, Mickey from Seinfeld and Jackie Earl Haley as Rorschach.

He tried to make it cool. That's the biggest problem that explains most dissonances with the comic. And that's all on Snyder, because if you try to adapt the comic panel-to-panel of course the changes are going to be much more jarring

Manhattan is supposed to be the only superhuman? The scene where Veidt manages to catch a bullet is supposed to be shocking?
Well, fuck you, comic, imma make a retired, almost senile Comedian break walls with his fists and survive a 5 minutes beating from Ozy, Rorschach can do backflips and retired Nite Owl can break people's bones with a fist and smiles about it (btw, you like the gore right? That burst of blood toward the audience was pretty cool, right? Rorschach stabbing that guy's skull was more cool than just burning down his house, right?)

Dan is supposed to look like a pathetic, fat fuck?
Well, fuck you, comic, imma give that fucker one of the coolest costumes in superhero cinema, and the perfect physique for it. He's so cool he can afford to wear the trunks. Batman was never allowed to wear trunks!

The space-squid and humanity's reaction to it is supposed to be irrational and absurd, partially because it's a commentary about Cold War and partially because Veidt plan is not supposed to be exactly sound and long-lasting? The entirety of the last act is supposed to be like the characters entering a comic world with comic logic where "peak humans" suddenly can catch bullets and mutant-cats are a thing?
Well, fuck you, comic, my shit is *realistic*, Manhattan is going to be the scapegoat because that's more logic and less cringey. I'll keep the cat tho, that looks cool

But something tells me you don't really care

>It makes BvS make a lot more sense once you know that. Superman's characterisation becomes understandable once you realise he's some kind of Randian god-creature deigning to help the huddled masses who can't appreciate his pure majesty and supremacy.

But Supes' arc in that trainwreck involves him choosing humanity over godhood.

The Randian hero (aka professional cunt) would have let Earth pick up its own mess, rather than dying for Earth's sins.

In fact Randian objectivism is so completely incompatible with the shitty Donner-Snyder Superchrist interpretation of Superman I don't know how you could possibly read objectivism into BVS.

>Mickey from Seinfeld
It was a small role though.

I enjoyed most of the performances, honestly. I know they aren't all accurate but for the most part they all do their jobs well.

Laurie and Adrian are big, glaring flaws though. Malin Ackerman is a pretty good comedic actress but fucking shit, she's so bad in that movie.

>I don't know how you could possibly read objectivism into BVS.

The entire first two acts are about Superman being judged by his lessers, being forced to answer for things by people both Snyder and by extension the audience do not respect. The government is shown to be filled with incompetents or corrupt buffoons. Even Lex blowing up the Senate hearing was a "cool" fuck-you moment in the filmmaking.

And the last act of that movie makes literally no sense from a narrative, character and thematic standpoint, so it's not that surprising that it doesn't fit in thematically with the rest of the movie.

I think Adrian's casting was based entirely on the fact that he was possibly homosexual (pending further investigation).

Beefy manly bara possible homosexuals like the book's Adrian are no longer fashionable, so we got a limp, lisping possible homosexual instead.

It's a shame because I love Matthew Goode, the guy is a great actor in literally everything else he's been in.

But the guy radiated pure malice. It's the exact reason why he was so good in Stoker, he has the perfect look for the sort of Sinister, smug European sociopath style that film was going for. But that's exactly why he was such bad casting for Ozy, anyone who's never read the comics could watch the movie and figure out he was the villain as soon as he walks on-screen.

This should have been he ending.




I guess they wanted to make NiteOwl less of a horny selfish dweeb.




And so, Dr. Manhattan and Rorschach warned the people of the globe of Adrian's misdeeds then went out to get some pizza.

I never read menace off his Adrian until the finale, when he was outright capering. He seemed very genuine.

Was it the slight accent? I find that many viewers regard blondes with an accent as INHERENTLY EVIL.

Honestly Adrian in the comics seems like a genuinely warm and friendly guy. Which made his reveal all the more shocking.


Isn't it funny how Johns actually ended up filling Rebirth with "watch" puns

zack snyder is a terrible director by just about any metric you want to use and one of the dumbest people working in hollywood right now

he was before people were memeing about it and i don't see him changing anytime soon

i cant work out why he changed the ending sure it was silly but the moment you think this is silly you should realize that was the point.

synder had weeks to think it over

He probably thought it was funny

Johns is such a goddamn goof, I bet his wife's eyes are tired from all the rolling they have to do at his inevitable breakfast table puns

Sorry I haven't listened to SMW in such a long time.

fuck it im sick of wasting my time trying to find a dvd of this im just going to take the hit to my bandwith see how horrible it is

It's not even his accent, just the way he carries himself. There's just something inherently menacing in a lot of his performances.

Though Snyder's direction and the screenplay didn't help any. The scene they added where Ozy blows those oil and energy executives the fuck out with the power of his superior intellect was such a terrible addition.

>We need to show how smart Ozymandias is, but you know, make it fucking BADASS

Are you kidding, my lizard brain loved that part.

>ha ha ha take that you rich bigwigs
>you and your oil opec monolopolizations and your tax job cuts

Cold colors, sarcastic looks, gaunt appearance. It screams villain.

Look at the comic's golden boy. He's fully fleshed, wrapped in warm colors and he jokes with his audience, not at them.

>Cold colors

How could you tell, everything in the movie was blue thanks to the filter

>tfw Batman already raped the Comedian for you

oh god he changed the opening the fuck was he thinking

The opening is literally the only good part though

So did mine, but it was still fucking stupid in-context.

Despite how much I bitch about the movie I still like it, if only because of how weird it was and the fact that it got made at all. The idea that WB produced a 3-hour R-rated adaptation of an unadaptable book directed by a lunatic and starring a bunch of B-tier character actors who mostly starred in depressing indie dramas up to that point is interesting to me, I can't believe anyone actually signed-off on making it.

It's the least-commercial blockbuster I can think of, and even though I think large sections of it don't work I still enjoy it and admire that it even exists.

I actually liked some changes in the movie and found them better than in the comics.

For example Dan who was supposed to be the rich guy who is doing heroism for the kicks which was way too obvious in the comics and make the character seem unnecessary, same with Lori by being the legacy character who only took the cape because her mother forced her to, eventhough she was just a selfish and naive cunt which was obvious as well. I didn't care at all about those characters in the comics from the very beginning and the message was obvious from the first time you see them.

Dan in the movie was somewhat the same, his friendship to Rorschach was a nice addition to the character, made him seem more like a genuine character instead of a parody of an character archetype, which is way I found Rorschachs death better in the movie, also how Dan attacked Ozzy after that.

Another scene I found better was the discussion between Lori and Dr. Manhattan on mars, in the comics Lori was talking and talking about herself like the egocnetric cunt she is and Dr. Manhattan is then like "yeah, you are really special", the scene in the movie was better only because it was shorter, also it was more convincing that Dr. Manhattan thought Lori was special and worth getting back to earth for.

I also didn't like how Ozzy got insecure at the end after Dr. Manhattan said nothing ever ends, of course it has more weight when someone who can see in the future says something like this but Ozzy is the smartest man in the world and should know peace doesn't last forever and even if Dr. Manhattan was implying a certain event will occur in a not so far future, Ozzy should've know what that means and nothing will change that.

I know people use "cringe" as a buzzword, but I actually cringed during that scene.
It felt like taking what is supposed to be a serious scene and making it super-cheesy and not even in a fun way. It was so embarrassing to watch.

Ok yeah I will admit I was to hasty to judge it having seen it now

Great soundtrack so far

I liked the end in the movie way better, where Ozzy lamented all the deaths and let himself get beat up by Dan. Also Snyder did exaggerate somewhat whit the action but I didn't think it made much difference, the watchmen still survived an era as heroes in a somewhat realistic world, Dan and Lori actually did defeat several criminals at once without taking much damage, Ozzy actually did catch the bullet, Snyder only oversylized those events like he always tends to.

The only change I didn't like from the movie is that they made Dr. Manhattan the villian because I'm damn sure everyone would blame America, eventhough Dr. Manhattans function is still the same as the squid, which means a constant threat to the world and a common enemy.

Did love the soundtrack.
Last thread people bitched about that too.

>Ozymandias is Matrix-fighting Nite Owl and Rorschach at the same time while delivering exposition about his evil plans

That's pretty much how it goes in the comic.
Veidt keeps spouting exposition while calmly dominating Dan and Rorschach.

It's supposed to show how ridiculous the gap between them is.

I always imagined that dollar bills cape got stuck in the bottom of the door

>I'm not a republic serial villain
>spends the entire five minutes beforehand acting like a republic serial villain

In the comic the fight lasts for about 30 seconds and then they all just talk to each other. Ozy barely has to get out of his chair to take them both down.

He's not Matrixing them both while monolouging and twirling his moustache for five minutes straight. The comic presents the idea far stronger then the movie does, it can barely even be qualified as a fight because of how hard and fast Adrian stomps them both and then it transitions into a conversation.

as one of the few who liked the movie in a way, the ending for Rorshach was pretty well done, and 9/10 costumes all around.

Wait what what caused the explosion in the store to be so big

Transition explosion. It wasn't that important.

>the music video was the only good part of the music video directors movie

It's supposed to be satire. if you think playing the characters straight was a good thing, you missed the point of the book.

I agree with everything except for the ozzy part. Manhattan's final words to him as Ozzy is lamenting his actions, wondering if what he did was right was probably my favourite part of the book.

But yeah, I think as far as comic book adaptations go it's a really good attempt, I really really hated the glorifying fight scenes (especially the slow mo prison scene what the hell). Aside from that though.

>his friendship to Rorschach was a nice addition to the character
That's in the comic.

>the scene in the movie was better only because it was shorter
It's pretty brief in the comic too. Mostly set up... that has been building up through the entire story.

>I also didn't like how Ozzy got insecure at the end after Dr. Manhattan said nothing ever ends

Ozymandias is a self centered fuck who's so wrapped up in his vision of salvation that he refuses to believe it could fail. This kind of determination makes him succeed.
It's not that Doc can see into the future that bothers him. It's the simple philosophical statement. Ozymandias succeeded and he claims that he made himself feel every one of those deaths. But when it's all said and done that starts weighing heavily on him.
He made the password obvious so he'd have an audience. He needed someone to validate his work. And Doc's statement just puts his greatest fear in words. The end justifies the means... but his goal was for humanity not to end.
So his holocaust was not justified. Regardless of his achievements, he ended thousands of lives. And nothing is going to erase that.

It's far more meaningful for Dan and Laurie to accept part of Adrian's load, because now that the plan is a done deal, trying to go against it will only make the entire sacrifice pointless.
Rorschach is the only one who's unable to see that fact because of his limited mentality.
And EVEN THEN! he asks to be executed as Kovacs, because even Rorschach knew that trying to reveal the truth was a bad thing. Rorschach couldn't quit, but Kovacs could.

You know I never really noticed in the comic the changing patterns on the mask.

I always just assumed the material was special for a difrent reason

It's a pretty humorous moment, yes.

Yes, of course the comic does it better. But among all the things the movie fucks up, the point of that scene is still kept.

>You know I never really noticed in the comic the changing patterns on the mask.
>I always just assumed the material was special for a difrent reason

... even though it's explicitly stated when Rorschach tells Dr. Long about the "origin" of Rorschach?
You might need to read Watchmen again.

sometimes when I re-read the comics, I switch to the movie at certain scenes, like Mason's death, dr. Manhattans transformation and Rorschach's death. Also the pirate comics sequence.

I think I might

Thinking well...

Didi it work Sup Forums?

Because Night Owl deserved to be with his friend when he died.


Mason's death is probably one of the examples of badass when it doesn't really call for it that people mention is wrong with the movie. I appreciated seeing and old timer relive little moments of his glorious past and going out with a fight but in the comic it was incredibly sudden and very disheartening. I had to put the story down and soak it in when it happened. One of those 'it's not fucking fair,' reality is harsh kind of moments that the comic does well to present.

Goode should have been Luthor

Go ask your genders study professor
You missed the entire point of the book

Realistically, Mason would still have his fighting skills. The guys attacking him were punks, so he could beat them up.

He wasn't Rorschach's friend, he was his keeper, and he had given up the job long ago.

The thing was that he was surprised and overwhelmed, and people no matter how skilled don't do well in those situations

>and people no matter how skilled don't do well in those situations

except people train exactly for those situations, that is the whole point of self-defense and Mason trained beyond that.

People aren't complete machines. They get caught off guard and sometimes they can't get back on their feet and recover no matter how much training and experience they have. He was an old man opening the door to treat what he thought was a group of kids costuming in Halloween when he got rushed by a group of thugs. Fighting back is a realistic response, but so is being immediately and completely overwhelmed.

Someone explain to me why the doc hesitated to kill rorschack.

Tachyon field made Doc's vision of the future unclear thanks to Ozy M. Daddy Dias. Doc acts according to what is and will be and he was unsure if killing Rorscharch was an inevitable event so he fought himself over whether to do it or not.

Is that why?
Huh, I always thought it was because he still had some human in him left, Ed did say how disconnected the doc was from humans and humanity and I actually thought that scene was a small subtle way of showing Ed maybe he was wrong after all after being right about a lot of other things.

I'd like to think that his sentiment also got in the way of doing it as well. If I were a god like being who said I'd help Ozy's plan stay successful I wouldn't hesitate to murder a man about to ruin everything. If I murder Rorschach then time must have surely wanted to happen and I wouldn't have a second thought about it. But he hesitated.

It really isn't gay to like futa.

One thing I really like about Watchmen is how everyone interprets it in such a diffrent way.
I watched it with my dad recently and he saw some scenes like Dr. Manhatten intervening in Vietnam as a way of showing what if we used a nuke to win in Vietnam to stop the spread of communism.

Also when the scene came up how Dr. Mahhatten would give cancer to people he came near he thought was some kind of way of showing that the progression we make through science where we have a lot of radiation from our everyday machines will be what causes outbreaks of cancer and Dr. Manhatten was the perfect embodiment of radioactive energy.

Really interesting talk I had with my dad.

It sounds nice to talk to an older person more familiar with the time period about their thoughts on the story. That's pretty cool.

I can never tell which of the two is supposed to be right, but I'd trust Manhattan.

>didn't get that Watchmen was an obvious genre deconstruction and barely any of these elements were in the movie in any meaningful way


Rorschach had too much of a black and white view on sexuality. Just because you like masturbating to the sight of a woman with a cock fucking another woman (who also has a cock), doesn't necessarily mean you enjoy watching men fuck.

In case you didn't notice, Mason was an elderly man. The guys attacking him were punks, but in their prime.
No matter how much skill you got, it ain't gonna prepare you for being rushed by a bunch of guys in much better shape.

Manhattan is far too much a slave of nature to really have a moral compass. He only develops a sense of personal judgement and opinion when you throw some Tachyons his way. And that opinion is that futa aint gay.

Bit still is right and Rorschach is too narrow minded to really be trustworthy.

And that's kind of the point. Every one of them has something about them that makes their perspective look very bias or flawed. Except Manhattan since futa is completely straight.