What the fuck went so wrong?
Epic Fail:
I don't care what anyone says. I liked it. Even the prolonged setup.
Too many god damn characters.
Bad character designs
Get it together marvel
Not enough Sun Girl.
I'm pretty sure the planet wide threat that the High Evolutionary was talking about was the thing everyone fought at the start of Civil War II.
bitch in the middle looks like grail
Didn't disengage the parking brake until too late.
It's a shame, because the team had a whole bunch of potential for great interactions and you could already see it starting, but the generic plot that took ages to resolve chased away the people neccessary for it to at least stand a chance at survival.
New warriors is a redundant brand. There are at least 3 more popular teams that fill the same niche, not including sub-species specific teams (mutants, inhumans).
I wouldn't be surprised if that why they were killed off in the first place.
Young Avengers, Runaways, and . . . Avengers Academy?
Another Civil War?
With Marvel heroes fighting each other so much, how have the villains not triumphed yet?
Nova didn't suffer enough.
I have just now gotten into Nova. Foo is a beast (who is not that bright) Scarlet Spider and humming bird are the shit. I can't wait to get into this book.
Can anyone tell me who the alien chick the middle is?
It took a while to really get rolling and when it did it was too late.
>What the fuck went so wrong?
1 - too much time getting the band together.
2 - misplaced focus: rather than spending some time in Salem ( which was interesting ) they went right into THIS WILL TOTALLY CHANGE THE MARBLE UNIVERSE FOR EVAH!!!one!!eleven!!!??!!
3 - After the generic-as-fuck doomsday device was thwarted ( High Evolutionary apparently being no Ozymandias ) they went traveling around on a literal MOUNTAIN. That traveled.
4 - The jarringly off model art shift where the evolved dog dude went from looking like a basset hound to being a jacked jack Rustle ...
5 - the forced "inhuman" bit was even more forced at the time than it would be now.
>alien chick the middle
Faira Sar Namora aka Water Snake; Atlantian ( backstory had to do with Namora who was in the NW team that blew up Stanford setting of Civil War I back in the day )
What the fuck went wrong? It's a New Warriors book. They don't sell, haven't in decades. What is the question here??? There's no mystery!
People will point to the plot taking forever to kick into gear, and they're not wrong.
But more importantly, Marvel did shit all to promote the book. Lots of old New Warriors fans had no idea it was even being published.
>Didn't disengage the parking brake until too late.
That tends to be a problem with Yost. I like what he does, but he has a way of idling for too long before the ball gets rolling. Whatever he's on tends to get axed just as it hits stride, or he gets moved off it.
It took far too long to get the team established and the major plot rolling, which bored people.
Why is Nova even considered a part of the team lineup? He was barely there.
Best two things to come out of this run are these covers.
Because Nova is founder so new version gotta have Nova? Team was crowded, though. And too focused on Yost's Inhuman OC, iirc.
Now would be a great time to have a reunion of the original team. Between Civil War 2 and Night Thrasher's return they could actually tell a decent story
They'll be too busy wanking Thrasher's I HAVE TO HELP POOR BLACK PEOPLE.
Original was in the original New Warriors
Marvel wants to try anything to make him more popular
That would require Nova coming back and Marvel will never allow that
>Rich returns
>"gee Sam!Nova, you're doing job better than I ever did, I'm glad you're around, keep rocking on!"
>never seen again
not enough blue barefeet
>Is still missing an arm
>"Man, I can't believe you joined the Avengers. I NEVER got to join them."
Ok, I wasn't sure on the last one.
Given what happened . . .
The haechi didn't get a chapter revolving around him until half way into the run.
Never ever.