Why are normies so obsessed with this stuff?

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theyve always wanted to do actualy drugs, but too pussy to

so this is the closest they come

Because it helps people socialize and has been around for ages.

We dance and drink and screw... Because there's nothing else to do. La la la la la

Drinking is normal.

To have a fun.

They can't handle the truth

The Irishman and the Russian come in to assur everyone that destroying their livers on Guiness and Vodka is perfectly normal for humans.

Because it feels great

Because they have nothing else to look forward to

Kino reference m9

its a fun thing to do socially.. you know, people that actually have mates. some people dont know their limits though

because the liquor company jews have advertised their product successfully and have convinced them all that in order to have a good time you must also drink.

>why do normal people enjoy a socially stimulating activity
gee who knows

>Soc meme
No one likes puke

t. Achmed

Only alcoholics who can't function ruin their lives with alcohol, kid.

There are functioning alcoholics. There are also people who are moderate drinkers and people who drink socially.

If you're an uptight autist getting mad at people for enjoying a drink every now and then, maybe you are the one with the problem.

please paddy.

don't bite the American bait burger.

I've never wanted to do drugs in my life, I drink when I'm out with friends because it's fun, legal and creates nice social interactions.

It helps normies be more relaxed so they can get over their shyness and meet new people in a social setting and occcasionally interact with the opposite sex with the purpose of having sex or finding a partner.

Wierd geeks that never drink will never get their dose of social life that other people do, and thus slink further into wierddom

because it makes feelings do away
which includes bad feelings

i doubt half the people here are even old enough to drink

i enjoy having enough alcohol in my body to relax what muscles got fucked up that day without losing a lot of control over my mental abilities

i like sharing a flask with my old man coming back from clam digging because it warms the extremities & also makes for some good male bonding

one of my best friends owns a cider company & lets me know a month in advance before extremely limited runs of specialty blends go on sale to make sure i get some

idk, i guess normies want to drown something, or associate it with being accepted?

I'd be shocked if Sup Forums wasn't more into alcohol than the norm knowing what I know about demographics.

Anyways I'm not into it because I get really bad hangovers from not much drinking. Just use it socially.

>puking on alcohol

Underage should be b& here

>not running your own still to evade taxes


real drugs are way more fun than this shit that alcohol is

>does not drink alchohol
:----D reps

Most people aren't 300 pounds and immune to alcohol, it makes a person of healthy weight and functioning immune system puke.

you say that like you have to be a hamgalaxy to drink without puking

It makes me feel less alone

its called pacing you fucking vegetable

Used to drink a lot until I blacked out once. It was terrifying forgetting what I did. I was abusing people verbally, not physically (luckily).

Not touched a drop since I converted to Methodism. Feels like a new life.

>1 post by this ID
You retards need to stop falling for slide threads.

Sage your posts.