Never did any drugs in my entire life, outside of prescription drugs. Just landed in Denver, Colorado, and just smoked some pot for the first time ever. I can not for the life understand why on earth this is illegal in most states. Could some please explain to me how smoking a planet should be a crime? 50 years we are gonna look back at this like prohibition on alcohol.
Never did any drugs in my entire life, outside of prescription drugs. Just landed in Denver, Colorado...
Thank you for Correcting the Record™
because it makes you lazy and retarded.
This. Watched a lot of friends become losers because of this.
Because our lawmakers are in bed with the cartels who make over 60% of their profit from smuggling cannabis into the states. But instead they rail about morality and public safety.
Whereas alcohol, which can ruin lives, causes many car accidents and influences violent crimes, is perfectly acceptable to sweep under the rug as a societal issue. If you are going to be a moralfag at least have some consistency.
>Could some please explain to me how smoking a planet should be a crime?
>smoking a planet
That's why.
Beat me to it.
>Thank you for Correcting the Record™
Where does it say in the bible not to smoke weed? Check mate. God endorses weed.
Smoking a planet causes global warning and is indeed creaminal deed