Based Khizr

They say you can't stump the Trump but this guy totally rekt that orange idiot. Trump will never recover from this. Can we all agree that Khizr Khan is truly a based man?

Other urls found in this thread:

Website deleted

Because he was exposed

Doesn't want any more media attention, guilty as hell...

Khizr thinks that Sharia law comes first, US Constitution comes second. He Stumped Himself.

He's based as fuck

Thanks for correcting the record.

The guys walking over the corpse of his dead son to advance his political agenda. I also feel bad for the wife who couldn't talk on behalf of her son.

poo in loo

Fuck off Trump shills. Your candidate is pretty much done. There's no good reason to support him anymore. He was and always will be a meme candidate

>Khizr thinks that Sharia law comes first, US Constitution comes second.
What's wrong with that? It's a free country.


She wasn't comfortable in speaking, you cuck.

That's why he took his website down right?

Another Harvard grad that underestimated how much time the average person has on their hands

>Your candidate is pretty much done.

Says the sweating user for the millionth time

go collect your check from Hillary

>She wasn't comfortable in speaking, you cuck.

Sure, let's go with that narrative.

>Obama drones muzzies by the hundreds, including a wedding party and an american citizen eating at a restaurant
>Trump gets completely btfo by the first muslim he attacks

Why are you guys supporting this blowhard again?

Just look at the news. The entire campaign is falling apart


haha you're right! trump stumped!


Says the sweating user for another millionth time

The same exact thing happened before the Republican debates. Jackshit is going to happen m8y

he's an idiot like you

ps muslim religion in incompatible with western governance and culture

You've now been added to the list.

There's less than 100 days left.

Better start packing!

wonder how many of you Hillary Cucks are getting a check from Hillary to spam this crap on POL

He did it, anons. He spoke clearly from a position of moral virtue and refused to be intimidated by prejudiced drivel from an underqualified and overhyped man. Khan deserves our respects.


I actually served and got injured while overseas and this shitskin standing on his sons grave to push a narrative that's unamerican in every way is ridiculous, why doesn't anyone point out the fact that this is such fucking cherry picking and playing on the heart strings of America, 14 muslim American soldiers have died in the war on terror, 15 American soldiers have died to Muslim American soldiers when they were attacked by them.

6,455 American soldiers have died in the war on terror. Ask what any one of their families think about radical Islam and vetting Muslims?
We can play hypotheticals too, since democrats love mental Olympics. "If Donald Trump were president my son wouldn't even be here." Actually military service naturalizes your citizenship in the U.S. and Donald Trump never implicated he'd appeal that. Now, if Donald Trump were president, your son probably would be here and alive since he disapproved of the Iraq war unlike Hillary.

Let's get even more hypothetical though, if Cpt. Khan were one of the soldiers who died in Benghazi because of Clintons gross incompetence, would Khizr Khan be allowed a platform by the Democrats or would he have been supportive of Democrats? If he weren't would this grieving father have been called a liar and tarnished like the other families of fallen soldiers in Benghazi?

Think about it while the Democrats burn flags and desecrate fallen soldiers graves. Refusing to have a flag at their convention or risk mentioning god. Fucking garbage this is.

You still have a bit of Hillary's semen on your chin.

Just like every other Trumpcuck, you totally ignore facts.

You know that these shills are doing a shit job fucking bad when an Australian points it out

Because Trump kept going with the issue instead of dumping it when it was clear he wasn't making any further ground. Trump's strategy was all wrong. He was too aggressive. and didn't give sufficient praise. Compare this with how Bush dealt with the same situation. You can't win by getting aggressive with the families of military heroes. Now Trump has gone and lost himself a good portion of the military vote. Just look at how much his own party of turning on him to discipline him on this issue. He needs to run a tighter campaign that's less covered with blunders.

You sound like you're in denial almost as much as Trump.

you ignore facts, you should have been niced, hugging the truck, telling it to please slow down, religion of peace, fuck you.

sharia law is not compatible with western governance.

trump for president

Then I guess that means that she's using her dead son to advance their political agenda. Alright, you got me I was wrong. Both of them are pieces of shit.

First of, how am I an idiot.

Second, that is irrelevant

Trump is considering dropping out

If anything, he stumped himself:

He is educating voters on what Sharia law is, and how it's adherents place it above the Constitution.

So, Mr. Shill, which do you prefer? Sharia or the Constitution?

>What if

>Hurr durr my son died it's all a New York business man's fault even though the saggy witch voted for the war he fought in. Allahu Akbar!


Kys faggot your shitty polisci career has you in debt so now you #ShillForHill

hes a muslim retard.

>Going to become President
>Looks like it's time to drop out for no apparent reason!

Come up with an actual point instead of name calling

>what's wrong with putting the supreme ruling law document of this land second lol

you're an idiot because you are pushing anti trump narrative to attempt to swing opinion to a lizard. That's why you're an idiot.

The options are change or stay the same. Staying the same is the same downward spiral charted out over the past 5 decades.

An arrow going down.

Refer to home ownership rates.

Only an idiot doesn't vote for change. Hillary is not change. Not even close, idiot.

There's no fucking denial about it, it's cold fucking statistical facts and logic. His sacrifice is cherry picked, he is 1 out of 14 that actually died in the U.S. service and was muslim, muslim soldiers themselves killed more non-muslim soldiers than said number. Trump unlike Hillary didn't support the war. What I'm in denial about?
What I can't seem to grasp is how fucking retarded anyone who would get swayed by such an obvious emotional pandering must actually be.

Literally using his sons sacrifice to push an unamerican agenda and then saying Trump rides off of others accomplishments, was it somehow an accomplishment for Khans son to have died for himself? I don't believe so.

So mature

He BTFO Trump so hard he accidentally his own website.

>Trump kept going with the issue

Because Trump's policy and character was misrepresented in the speech

>Not answering back is good strategy?

At the 15:03 mark

I haven't been paying attention, what did trump do that attracted so many shills?


Of course not, she probably gets beaten by her sharia-pushing husband when she gets out of line.

Muslim households are shockingly violent. They even beat their wives in a way where bruises can't be seen when they live in non-Muslim nations. Disgusting people.

Being unstumpable

He BTFO Trump so hard he told the AP he wanted to end the feud with trump and return to obscurity.

Thank you for Correcting the Record™

$0.15 has been deposited in your account

>orange idiot
Literally using the same fucking insults. Get your shit together CTR, this is some transparent shilling

I do it for free.
Madame President

> Breitbart

CTR fucking fight me, you faggots

>Trump unlike Hillary didn't support the war.
yes, he did. It's in an interview with Howard Stern. He didn't vote for it directly because he wasn't a politician then.
Do you have a serious answer to this? It's on the record and undeniable.

Did you read how Captain Khan died?
"In 2004, Captain Khan was deployed from Germany to Iraq for Operation Iraqi Freedom, despite the fact that his four years of required service had technically been completed. Then on June 8th, four months into his tour of duty, Khan was inspecting soldiers on guard duty when a suspicious vehicle approached the gate of his compound at high speed. Khan ordered his fellow soldiers to stay back, as he took 10 steps toward the car with his arm outstretched. The car then exploded, killing Khan, but its improvised explosive device detonated before it could reach the gates and the nearby mess hall where hundreds of Khan's fellow soldiers were eating breakfast."
He saved the lives of dozens of American soldiers through his own courage. This is what all Americans have to praise.

You don't have to be so mad. Trump fucked up on this issue. Hopefully he won't fuck up so often in the near future.

> "hurr durr he doesnt support trump. he HAS to be CTR"

You're a bright one, aren't ya?

>le wrong side of history
>le current year

Why does every leftie revert to these two fallacies every time?

Get this muslim outta here
tired of his shitty accent.


What do you expect from practitioners of death cult from Sandnigger Arabia?

Would you have preferred a source from Clinton News Network?

Meant for

Her faith had nothing to do with her not speaking

Thanks for this image it's really funny I'm going to enjoy spamming it during his concession speech.
Glorious day

do both OP and CTR fit into the pro hillary bucket?

if yes stick dick in blender , press on and press 5


You don't know that. You don't know what kind of abuse her thug husband unleashes on her in private.

The Khan's have a traditional Islamic household. In such households, the wife isn't allowed to speak without permission.

Are you denying this simple fact?

It's not hard to tell someone what to say.

kek I can't even tell if the shilling is ironic or not


How exactly did he stump trump?


>abusing your own property

No. I'm not a liberal news lover at all but I know that Breitbart is just as biased as the Huffington Post

hillary shill gtfo

he works for muslim brotherhood
has a degree from SA in sharia law

"Gold Star Family"

Funny, he doesn't look Jewish

---------------Who paid for his Harvard Law Degree when he came from Pakistan?........was this another "foreign student grant" like Obama got? Fuck him

no more
le anything
adapt or go back

Which is why we are still dicussing him

Youre on a primarily pro trump board calling us shills? You ctrfags really will try anything. Gonna be that much more satisfying when he wins

Muslims are never based. They are a vermin to this earth.

huh, didn't know that their religion advocated lying. Guess they really are roaches

Allow me to correct the Record
>Waves Constitution around but is on record as saying Sharia law trumps the Constitution
>Did not allow wife to speak until Trump liberated her.
>Deleted his website about green cards to Muslims for money.
Fuck Khan.

Where in the Quran does it say that women can't speak without a husband's permission?

its called Taqiyya, lying is justified in Islam if it helps the agenda to spread islam

That's mostly Shia though, although I think the Sunni have something like that by a different name

Wow good job controlling the racecar, guess I'm a #shillforhill now.

really makes u think huh..................

They are Sunni Muslims. Taqiyya is something mostly practiced by Shias, you idiot.

yeah kitman

i know that , sunnis have kitman, shias have taqqia.


thanks you based khizr

Except Trump didn't support the Iraq war initially and that was an off topic question shot at him in an on air radio interview, he answered it dismissively like it wasn't relevant or he didn't care but continuously voiced disdain for the Iraq war before and following.

Even in the imaginary hypothetical liberal world, Capt. Khan would've been an American citizen under a Trump presidency because naturalization through service only requires completion of basic training/ait. Trump has never proposed an appeal of that.
I'm not saying Khan didn't make a sacrifice, he did, I'm saying statistically his story is being cherry picked and used as a means to play on the heartstrings of Americans and it's obvious as fuck. He'd have most likely been alive in said hypothetical world, it's such a strawman argument.

He didn't fuck up on the issue because if he'd not responded he would've been derided for wanting to vet muslim immigrants, he got spun and twisted to fucking hell for a shitty narrative. Nobody was decrying the president or Hillary when they criticized police officers immediately following the five deaths in Dallas, many of which were veterans who'd served as well.

Nobody is bringing up the fact that the RNC was being accused of playing on the emotions of Americans when they gave the floor to parents of the soldiers from Benghazi, whom Hillarys gross incompetence killed and she had the nerve to call the families liars. Nobody applies the same hypothetical strawman to that situation because not a single was fucking muslim and it doesn't fit the "attack Trump" narrative.
This is an obvious pander and the opposing party is guilty of far worse in regards to veterans, if the media had any sort of decency somebody would call it out. There's so many ways this could be dismantled it's absurd.

Busted by a frog niggas!
