Buddy comedy when?

Buddy comedy when?

>a month later he put the nurse in the wheelchair
does this mean Mel's father beat the shit out of a nurse

I wish I was Dan The Man

More like Dan the Son

That's what I got too.

That muther fucker fucked that nurse so hard she needed a wheel chair.

Why are Americans so triggered by stem cell research anyway? Same goes for them being triggered by euthanasia. Is it only because of religion?

That guy on the right has god tier facial genetics, makes me sad :(

took stemcells and raped a pack of niggers
they are that good

America is full of vocal dumbasses. I feel like people several overestimate and underestimate us at the same time lol

>cure autism
armenian science

he's actually fairly ugly
implying you're not trolling

I think you took too much Brain Force.

>god tier facial genetics

Aren't Mel and his dad Catholic? Why are they supporting stem cell research?

Why would his father beat up his nurse?

>I WANT TO BOUNCE ON HOT MANS DICK CLICK THE heart and speech bubble
What did she mean by this?

>What did she mean by this?
"bleep bloop I am a robot"

Christians are against embryonic stem cells. I'm not sure if they're against all other types. Since it's science and it could be helpful, I assume they're against it. They probably say something about "playing god."

The heart and speech bubble are buttons to like a post or comment on a post in instagram you dolt

What does that have to do with bouncing on hot man dick?

Christians moved in second on it.
The original anti-stems were typical holistic hippy types. The vaccines cause autism kinds.

So this is the power of a good beard.


Jesus fucking Christ shut up already.

GREAT post.

God give diseases, he doesn't cure them.

His dad living almost 100 years makes me believe Mel will still directing movies until that age too, we need more mel-kino, too few movies.


because we still don't have a clearly defined concept at what stage something is considered alive

>Dan the manlet Bilzerian
isnt this the nigger armenian that lied about being a SEAL and paid a mill to be in Lone Survior for like 2 minites? kek
thank god for daddy!

its the stupid fucking christians, like always.

why does that matter for stem cells though

do americans not know that stem cells can be found in other places than embryos?

What? That's not how that works. That is not how it works at all.

why would that matter? People do research in the US on dead people all the time, whether or not a fetus is a person shouldnt matter

you're acting as if religious people are capable of logic.

Someone photo shop me up a pic of a nurse in a wheelchair somehow pushing a 99 year old man into a hospital real quick.


>its the stupid fucking christians, like always.

beards are literally beta, just wear a bandana over your face if you want to hide it so much

The Battle of The Bitch Tits. Starring Mel "the sandnigger lover balding degenerate failure" Gibson and Dan "the faggot manlet roided babbydicked no-jaw piece of shit manlet" Bilzerian

This. I would consider myself as someone who's not intelligent and I've noticed that a lot of people here are either dumb like me or really smart. There's not really that many people in the middle I think.

But you're half retarded Thomas

Pottery at its finest. Also why is even Mel's father undergoing stem cell therapy? Wasn't he a staunch catholic that moved to Australia solely because he threw a hissy fit over the Vatican II ecumenical council of the 60s changing the language in which Mass was delivered from Latin to the language of the practitioners?

>It can cure autism
y tho


he probably threw the hissy fit when he healthy and didnt have access to that mel gibson money.


Didn't work for super man.

>It can cure Autism


Add to that the fact that he relocated his family to Oz to dodge the draft of his eldest son during the Vietnam War.

There's not enough dead babies to cure the massive amount of autism from posters here.

different nose

Dan is so insecure.

He has a massive tell, that I've seen in the photos like this and when he's played poker. When he's anxious, he touches and grabs at the end of his beard.

There are two types of stem cells. The kind that anyone can donate and it does you no harm to lose- these work perfectly fine. And the kind that you have to destroy a living baby to harvest. Those don't work any better than the first kind.

Americans generally only care about the second kind being used. If it were the ONLY way to get stem cells, sure. But it's like killing babies to harvest fingernails.

Not only here. You'd need the corpse of every unborn child of the next 200 years to cure the Autism of the MLP, Sonic, FNAF, Undertale and god knows what else fanbases.

Is that the guy who bought his way into a movie role and had all his lines cut?

Yes, in Lone Survivor.

you know a dead person is dead. you dont know if a fetus is conscious on any level or not.

the same libs who push the fact that a hood black man resisting arrest could've been a future doctor or whatever don't give a shit about a fetus.

theres been advances and he was a quadropalegic, not a nonagenerian undergoing the jimmy carter/george h w bush treatments.


Dan is the one true Alpha.

How could 1 girls mouth be close enough to your asshoke to lick it and at the same time you are fucking her and her sister? Also does he have 2 dicks, or does he think having his balls in one girl and dick in the other counts? Still impossible with one licking your asshole. What a shit talking manlet faggot

Megan needs to calm the fuck down

embryonic stem cells are not the same thing as adult stem cells. Even induced pluripotent stem cells aren't the same as embryonic ones.

What the fuck didn't know Gibson was the same height as me

>mel barely taller than dan


Is that my boy Latza?

what did he mean by this?