Killing yourself over this

>killing yourself over this

have I been desensitized or am I right to think this not a shocking picture at all

Birds gotta eat family

Guy was a faggot anyway, who cares? Imagine what his ancestors would've thought, killing yourself over some random nig.

Wait he seriously killed himself? How worthless as a human being can you get?

Maybe being in the presence of the scene rather than looking at a photo of it is different. Whatever the case killing yourself over it is kinda dumb.

That bird's stare man

I'd look at that and my first and only thought would be "circle of life". Nothing you can do other than let nature take it's course, not only in this instance, but in the macro sense as well.

It's probably different seeing IRL, not that I care tho

I think it was because he could have helped and didnt because muh non interference

You never know. He could have been found like David Carradine, then the people around him changed the story to something more noble.

IRL the smell kills all pathos.

t. worked in africa

IIRC Kevin Carter offed himself over financial turmoil and child support, not the photo.

don't care. to the vulture the spoils

the problem with feeding Africa is this.

the problem is not lack of food. the problem is too many mouths.
the carrying capacity of the land is fixed and the population has risen above what the land can feed.
the only reason we sent them aid through the 70s 80s and 90swas to boost population for this current invasion.
we fed our conquerors ,

It's amazing how short sighted people are with helping by feeding or even "rationalists" with mosquito nets when it just multiplies the problem instead of the sane solution of mass sterilization. It's either that or recolonization since they clearly can't do civilization on their own. But we know the answer, they're only utility to civilization is to be exploited, so exploit them they do for their own political ends. I don't even have a problem with exploitation, rather it's the constant lying about it and punishing anyone who calls a spade a spade when they pretend to be so open about honest discussion.

>some african kid
>don't know him
>just a picture

Sorry, nothing happening

>>killing yourself over this

The photographer was battling depression and drugs long before he took that photo. He also had a bad breakup with his girlfriend.

The sudden fame and hate he got from his fellow photographers after winning the Pulitzer prize also was too much for him. A lot of people don't cope well with being in the spotlight, especially those who feel they didn't earn it.

He killed himself because he hated his life, hated Africa, and he was a penniless junkie who kept fucking up on the job. It was pure fluke he captured an award winning photo and he knew it.

As for op's photo he was never guilty about that since the child was never in actual danger. The kid was just off to the side of a group of people unloading a plane full of food. The birds were there because of the large garbage pit just off-camera. The girls mother was getting food and the little girl got up and walked away shortly afterwards.

It would be better, if it was Merkel instead of the child and a radical muslim with a knife in his hand as the eagle.

It is propaganda for bleeding heart liberals.
There is objectively no point caring about something you have no control over and not responsible for.
By the way we already feed nig and they just keep breeding instead of developping and the ironic part is it will probably cause the downfall of Europe when more and more of them will try to come here.
Just think about they were only 100 millions in 1950.

I don't even speak about the fact that the more we help them the less the planet will be able to sustain their economic development.
We are litterally creating a double problem because we refuse to see the big picture and obey to primitive empathy reflexes.

I literally am unable to see them as fellow humans.

He should have eaten that niglet.