holy shit, the shilling on this board is the worst i have ever seen. can we get a hillary hate thread?
Holy shit, the shilling on this board is the worst i have ever seen. can we get a hillary hate thread?
fuck Drumpf
I'd rather have a gondola thread. Kek decides.
nah mate.
I love Hillary
hol up
These guys are totally right!
Shill detected
Hillary owns fuck off
thanks senpai
>That image
>implying drumpf has support
He's a fucking racist asshole.
thanks for that record correction
Thank you SOOOOO much for Correcting the Record™
Rotfl what an original photo, how long did it take you to make? A few weeks lol it's a piece of shit
wow another fucking Trump shill, too obvious
how much do you get paid?
Get out drumpfaggot. You can't buy the election like you bought your bimbo wife
First post Best Post
> that fix
thank god.
I made it while fucking your mom. I paid her $0.05 per thrust. In total I gave her a quarter and a couple nickels. She thanked me graciously.
I support lgbt rights so why do you think a lesbian like you bugs me?
You underestimate how much culture and innovation people of color make to our society. This photo is offensive and inaccurate
Go back to plebbit with your niggletry
Wow real nice, unbiased source ya got there bigot.
>You underestimate how much culture and innovation people of color make to our society
That comic actually overestimates it. Black people didn't even invent peanut butter.
you're right it's inaccurate
peanut butter wasn't even invented by a black man, it was invented by Marcellus Gilmore Edson
Cherry picking situations that are in place due to colonialism.
>I have no argument against the truth so I'll make fun of the source
Klansmen knew what's up.
Not an argument.
You have an extremely bias source and expect to get taken seriously while using the kkk as a source? Even the kkk doesn't take the kkk seriously rotfl
Name one successful black society that doesn't piggy back off of white people.
Oh you support LGBT rights?!??! Then why did you call me a faggot here when I am gay! Isn't that homophobic!?!??!
Fuck off hillshill, now.
I actually didn't make it, but it's supposed to look like a hillary ad, so no wonder it looks shitty.
Nothing unlike you Correct The Record shills we actually like our candidate and do it for free.
Excellent post.
>due to colonialism
Every other colonized peoples are doing spectacularly at the moment.
>Hillshills use Clinton News Network Unironically
>Call all newssources that disagree with them bias
Not an argument.
We live in an interconnected world. Name one white society that was successful without any trade whatsover.
Buddhism is based.
>Name one white society that was successful without any trade whatsover
Nice goalpost shifting.
Oh give me a break it's well documented that the apartheid government didn't report black crimes since they didn't live among them.
None, but this has nothing to do with the person you replied to's point
>they do the jobs americans don't want
>like collecting food stamps and subsidized housing
Her gash is like moldy cheese slathered over rotten lunch meat.
>Bill Clinton
Can you name one white society that didn't require any outside help or trade? No, you can't because that's not how societies and civilizations flourish. Maybe a village but there are plenty of villages in Africa too that can survive on their own as well.
Why do niggers in Africa worship planes that fly overhead?
>south africa is better without white rule!!!
Again, goalpost shifting. If every ethnicity was isolated, whites would end up significantly more developed than anyone else. To suggest otherwise would be delusional.
Wow how much have you made off this?
Do you ever have nightmares from all of the BTFOing you get while working for CTR? I imagine it's pretty traumatic.
10 (you)'s
Hillary is employing foreign mercenaries....
Yes yes Europe was so much more civilized than egypt ,sumeria,china and the Indus valley back in the day
Ancient Egypt was white people. Ancient Greece was white people. Ancient Rome was white people. Medieval Europe was white people. Modern Europe is white people. Modern America is white people.
Literally nobody else even comes close to competing. We're responsible for the peak of civilization every single time.
You asked me the same question and I'm asking you. It has to do with environment, if Africans were in Europe a moderate and stable environment they'd do better than the Europeans in hostile and unstable environment of Africa. And Africa after colonialism is still rebounding, it devastated the continent and people. There are countless civilizations of Africa before colonialism that were successful like the kingdom of aksum or the kingdom of numidia or the Ghana empire. Or are you going to deny history just as you do with the holocaust which is one of the most documented events in history.
So do you still get paid for fucking up your shilling?
Requesting the orginal
>if Africans were in Europe a moderate and stable environment they'd do better than the Europeans in hostile and unstable environment of Africa
Then why do africans and sandniggers resort to their animalistic, barbaric ways when given opportunity in Europe, and why do white people turn Africa into paradise when they're given control? You're stupid my man.
It has to do with genetics.
>Ancient Egypt was white people
I wasn't talking about medieval Europe I was talking about the time when Indus valley,EGYPT,China and sumer
I don't know maybe because they had the British empire that stretched around the entire globe at their disposal and all of its wealth and resources to set up trading posts and towns to extract the wealth of the land?
But I thought those poor, misunderstood minorities would do better than us mean white people if we swapped environments.
>b-b-but that one time out of a dozen eras where you were second instead of first!!!
you're pathetic m8
>Muh genetics
Blacks are more athletic and have bigger dicks
>Omg what the fuck no they don't that's just a lie to help with their insecurities, whites definitely are the strongest just look at strong m-mans!! They're all w-white!!1!!! They aren't genetically superior at all even though science points towards it!! I cherry pick!!!1! WHite PoWEr!!!1!1!1!!!!!
>Ancient Egypt was white people.
don't be retarded
they had 1 european dynasty towards the end
>muh dick
You didn't refute what I said? If Africans were in a safer environment like Europe they would be more successful, especially if they had the resources like the British empire had. You're just stupid my man
Ramses was pretty white.
It's because Trump is fucking himself over with his retarded statements.
I did refute what you said. You're taking us in circles because you got BTFO.
>muh iq
Europe had lions and great beasts at one point in time. The Romans killed them all.
Like Harambe here.
Why are you still posting? It's pretty clear that you're not winning any arguments here.
Wew my ID is right. Stormfags ruined Sup Forums
>my man
Oh my god they hired a nigger to shill on a Nazi board and expected us not to notice
This is either magnificent bait or else why the fuck are you here?
Pic related; niggers.
>that picture
Never met a right winger or especially a Sup Forumstard who actually reads.
It's just bait finally someone gets it
>18 posts in this thread
Yeah nah.
>When australia tells you enough is enough