Marilyn Monroe reborn
Marilyn Monroe reborn
Not really
elle fanning is better
more like the goddess Freya
>she will never be Barbara Gordon in a Refn director Batgirl movie
that's a big long neck
fuck i hope not
Weirdly proportioned calves.
More like Michael Jackson reborn.
Marilyn Monroe improved
To my knowledge Marilyn Monroe never had her pink hole pumped full of hot black cum until it started oozing out of her while she shivered and moaned in ecstasy, knowing that she had satisfied her BBC master unlike Elle has (multiple times I hope)
Did Marilyn have cankles too?
>ywn play connect the dots with her moles using thick ropes of ejaculate
Why are white girls so trashy bros? She's just begging to get BLACKED wearing that outfit in public.
kinda need to fuck this damned bitch
if Monroe had permanent resting bitch face, sure.
more like.. slutty neck reborn haha
>potato nose
no thanks
>He wants his waifu to get tag teamed by Kennedys
>still wearing gym clothes
>still wearing indoor shoes
>no towel
i fucking hate those disgusting people
dakota > elle
Why does she have so many damn moles. That's gross. She needs to get to a skin place that will fix he disgusting body.
haha shes so pale what if she was actually a vampire this entire time and we didnt even know it haha
based ASAP
>Marilyn Monroe, but fatter and uglier
gosh those gym clothes look like sweat catchers i just want to turn them inside out and lick all the slime!
what's wrong with her slutty neck.
Fucking gross.
Skinny thicc
U wot
Her face is not that pretty, user. Say what you will but Marilyn Monroe had an uncommonly gorgeous face.
>i want to ___!
fuck off
What the fuck is wrong with her face?
>tfw fell in love and out of love in the same thread
it's not covered in my semen!
Something about Elle and Dakota make me want to propagate my race while at the same time making me feel bad because in breeding with them I may pass on my brown eyes and my offspring won't truly be white like Elle and Dakota are.
My current GF has blue eyes too and I'm conflicted about having children because of it.
She looks like that "dying monkey" meme
acacia leaves on suicide watch
Don't worry bro, I have blue eyes and I'm as pale as Elle. I'm willing to breed with her for the good of us all.
maybe im out of line here.. and tell me if i am.. but i REALLY wanna suck on them tiddies
how can other actresses even compete?
So she'll overdose on drugs soon?
She is crazy beautiful, I feel like if I had the chance to fuck her, I'd have her pose for a marble statue first.
Se doesnt have 1% of Marilyn's personality. Shes just a hot piece of ass
Thanks bro, but your nipples have to be pale too.
One Italian great-great grandparent and now I'm fucked.
haha yeah that would be crazy i mean what would she even do to eat what if she preyed on lonely guys off the street that would be so weird haha
haha yea totally weird but like could you tell me which streets that would be haha/? you know just for pretend haha im not going there
nah this cunt is
how are her nipples?
pink or red
'le melting mushroom man' posting is underrated.
ITT: bullies
From the grave?
Pink and pale af
I'd feel bad if future generations didn't get to suck at nipples like her's
y-you too~
>shes pale
>marilyn was pale
>this must be it
op is a faggot
>ywn create future generations with elle
If you have brown eyes, you're not white. Hate to break it to you.
I enjoyed this exchange.
Meh...brown nipples are more aesthetic anyway
I know, but there's a 50% chance I'll have a white child (dad has blue eyes)
Seems like it's worth a shot though. Worked out really well for Elle's mom
It's more of a prestige thing.
Imagine having a nice big Elee brood
she was murdered by the kennedy family
>ho hairy blonde arms
>no fuzzy back and ass
my mom has brown eyes but i have blue eyes
am i white?
I'd just randomly show people my family pics if I made 4 QT daughters like that. Too bad I'll die alone instead.
Only the leftmost is passable
>am i white?
Yes, and you might be adopted.
Errr ahhh shut up you dumb whore.
The Cullens
>Too bad I'll die alone instead.
You may die along with some other millions should the promised calamity arrive.
Does she hava a father or something?
give me a quick rundown.
i'm not
she was murdered, faggot.
you so fedora.
sorry meant to reply to this:
>tfw no ghetto elle
too much sticc
Working together they could pump out close to 40 children before the clock runs out, and they could start the Fertile Fanning Cinematic Universe in the process
That Freudian slip, though
This is hell. Im so worried that i will be so cucked by my own daughters.
My god, is this shopped? She can't be THAT perfect, jesus christ.
i bet they kept trying because he wanted a boy and he kept getting more fire crotched daughters
honestly though if you were him how tempted would you be to molest all of them?
i hate these attention whores.
middle daughter looks like ginger carrie coon
Oh fuck
Raising all those girls and having them all get blacked would be worse than dying alone
Girls only grow up to get blacked if you are a terrible father.
Every person dies alone
is that counting twins and triplets?
No, but good thinking. Imagine how plump they would get.
how many did they kill?
i'd pay to see them waddle around barely able to move, cradling their swollen bellies
yes i've come to terms with the fact that i'm weird
>whiteknights women
>call other people fedora
Holy motherfucking stupidity
Who is more /breedable/, Elle or Saoirse?
i'd put some sweetness in that belly if you catch my drift
movie is cancelled, shes doing mary queen of scots in that time